Entries by bronwynr


In the running for the Olympics

Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing is offering every primary school in Australia a FREE copy of the 48 page Mathematics workbook "In the Running for the Olympics" as a resource in 2008 in the lead up to the Beijing Olympics. Teachers interested in receiving this FREE resource should send an email to chemas@chemas.com with details of their […]


Mavericks at Work

Why the Most Original Minds in Business Win by William C. Taylor (Author), Polly G. Labarre (Author) From the Reviews   This is a business book thankfully written by people in the business of writing. The writers' lexicon and grammatical use well exceeds that ordinarily used by the "big names" in corporate America who too […]

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Add Oomph to Your Stories by Bringing the Characters Alive

June 10 with Jon Schwartz, a.k.a. Vinny Verelli You tell stories in your presentations about your stern father, wise grandmother, bawdy aunt or clueless ex-boss. But what if you illustrated the character of their personality through your voice tone, accent, facial expression and/or body language? It would make your presentation much more powerful and the […]


personal best

The roots of true achievement lie in the will to become the best that you can become. Harold Taylor………………………………………………………………………Resource for the Week Heal your relationship with MONEY with this 90 day support program. Discover and resolve your behaviours, emotions and limiting beliefs around money. Shift your money consciousness, your self worth and your net worth.

“Aspects of Love” Stories from Germany’s The Brothers Grimm to Australia’s Tim Winton

Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW) Inc proudly presents "Aspects of Love" Stories from Germany’s The Brothers Grimm to Australia's Tim Winton Featuring the Inspirational Storyteller, Jonathan Drew with Members of the Sydney Storytellers  Venue:      The Hughenden Boutique Hotel 14 Queen St,Paddington, Date:        Sunday 15th June 08 Time:        2 pm- 4 p.m. Cost:         $12 (includes delicious Devonshire […]

Looking for a good topic?

Try this list ....  It also includes tips on public speaking "Free speech topics lists with more than 5,250 persuasive, informative and other speech ideas, speech writing tips, how to guides, tutorials and information on outlining your speech topic for public speaking. With just one goal: to help you to develop the best topic for a […]