Entries by bronwynr

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"The struggle of the mind to keep itself free from every sort of bondage -- to remain curious, open, unsatiated in all its relations with nature -- is tenfold more difficult than the cultivation of a stable, satisfying point of view, but a thousandfold more precious."-- Gardner Murphy

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We Belong Together

Todd Parr ABC Books pbk $14.95 9780733323119   This is another in the series by US author Todd Parr that focuses on issues that can be huge in the minds of our littlest people.  Unlike many authors who explore these issues using toys, teddies or animals as characters, Parr uses children as the key characters […]

In the Line of Fire

: How to Handle Tough Questions...When It Counts by Jerry Weissman From the reviews Whether you're a classroom teacher or the President, this book will help you be an effective communicator. This book is so insightful, reading it feels like cheating. When asked a crucial question in a public forum, a novice may panic and […]


Big List Your Goals

Grab a piece of paper and a pen sit down and write down a list of everything you want out of life.Do you want a particular kind of car?You want a particular type of house?Where do you want to live?Write down everything.Only when you get everything out on paper can you see what you really […]

If Online Marketing Is the Future, Why Are Some CMOs Stuck in the Past?

Americans spend an average of 14 hours a week online and 14 hours watching TV. But marketers spend 22% of their advertising dollars on TV and only 6% online, according to data compiled and analyzed by Google. Why are some chief marketing officers and major advertisers reluctant to add digital technology to the marketing mix, […]


Presentation Nerves Part I

There seems to be hundreds of theories and opinions about nerves in relation to making a presentation. Possibly one of the more famous sayings is that it is okay to have butterflies, as long as they are flying in the same formation. Other people say presentation nerves are built-in anti-complacency buttons, ensuring that we are […]