Entries by bronwynr


We’re in an Epidemic and it’s called PowerPoint!

Everyone uses it, but is it the best way to present your information? Most people who use PowerPoint of give Presentations have not had much, if any, public speaking or presentation skills training. However, we tend to copy what others are doing. I would like to suggest stop doing what everyone else is doing and […]


Clean living has its down side

When your immune system has it too cushy it may not be prepared to protect you in tough times. Clean living may actually make us sick. New studies comparing sanitized rats to sewer rats reported in the Scandinavian Journal of Immunology found that wild rats had as much as four times higher levels of immunoglobulins […]

Powerpoint backgrounds

To create effective backgrounds in PowerPoint is one of the most challenging tasks for a presenter, as balancing visual impact, layout balance, properly matching colors while keeping great legibility is nothing that I would consider easy. Article continues


Your voice is your most essential tool in presentations

When making presentations it is often easy to overlook the importance of your voice. But without a dynamic and strong voice you may as well not be presenting. A friend of mine realised this last week. He makes presentations every day, but he managed to get some kind of throat infection which left him speechless […]


Networking Tip: The Elevator Pitch

Successful individuals are first, last, and always salespeople. They are constantly selling themselves and their ideas to investors, management, co-workers, vendors, and even their families.An opportunity to sell yourself and/or your ideas can come up on the subway, in the checkout line at the grocery store, after your yoga class - just about anywhere. To […]

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Powerpoint backgrounds

To create effective backgrounds in PowerPoint is one of the most challenging tasks for a presenter, as balancing visual impact, layout balance, properly matching colors while keeping great legibility is nothing that I would consider easy. Article continues



Gestures can make or break a presentation. Normally, they flow naturally as a person expresses their thoughts, but if they are wooden or distracting, then they spoil whatever point the speaker is trying to make. My latest free set of tips is about gestures - how to overcome the problems of being distracting or wooden, […]