Entries by bronwynr

think your office is a zoo? Companies go pet friendly

Millions of Americans believe pets on the job lower absenteeism and encourage workers to get along, according to the survey by the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association.Pets at Tellme, an Internet telecommunications company, help workers become friends, said Grant Shirk, whose dog Penny is learning Chinese commands from a colleague. Read on ... pets, self […]

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CUErgo presents information from research studies and class work by students and faculty in the Cornell Human Factors and Ergonomics Research Group (CHFERG), directed by Professor Alan Hedge, in the Department of Design and Environmental Analysis at Cornell University. CHFERG focuses on ways to enhance usability by improving the ergonomic design of hardware, software, and […]

Short term memory test

The average person's short-term memory can hold about 7 pieces of information. This test will help determine your limit. Once you have determined the capacity of your short-term memory, try to improve it by using our memory exercises. You can keep taking the test to see how well you are improving. memory, self improvement

Handling the audience in public speaking Audiences Are Your Friend For the rank amateur to the ignorant professional, audiences create the same effect no matter how small they are to a speaker. Fear and anxiety. From a single person to a crowd as big as the fans in the Super Bowl, speaking in front of […]

Public Speaking Success Tip - Avoid fillers Unless your speech if absolutely fascinating, any "pause fillers" you add repetitiously, like um, or y'know, or OK will start to stand out. They will capture the audience above your speech. Start by listening to others - sports commentators, interviewees on television, anyone speaking publicly. Listen for their […]

Test your happiness

Are you as happy as these people? Psychologists say it is possible to measure your happiness. This test designed by psychologist Professor Ed Diener from the University of Illinois, takes just a minute to complete. To find out how happy you are just look at the five statements below and decide whether you agree or […]

How to give your presentation a great title

How to give your presentation a great title People don’t usually give much thought to the title of their presentations. Yet they should. Giving your presentation an interesting title means that interested people are likely to turn up to hear you speak. If you ever speak at seminars you realise that you are sometimes competing […]

Design thinking and innovation

Not so long ago, Tim Brown recounts, designers belonged to a “priesthood.” Given an assignment, a designer would disappear into a back room, “bring the result out under a black sheet and present it to the client.” Brown and his colleagues at IDEO, the company that brought us the first Apple Macintosh mouse, couldn’t have […]

Creating the WOW factor in your Speech or Presentation – Consider your Audience Why are you giving this speech? What do you hope to achieve with your presentation?What sort of impact do you want to create? What will that “WOW” be? In creating that “WOW”, that impact, one of the most important steps will be […]