Entries by bronwynr

How To Add Sound To Your Presentation Using Microsoft PowerPoint XP/2003 If you are looking for ways to add sound to your PowerPoint Presentation, you have landed on the right page.There are indeed several ways to include narration, music or other sounds in your PowerPoint presentations without needing to buy extra software and to enroll […]

Public Speaking Tips: Pauses A true NO ZZZZZs presenter doesn't feel that he or she must jabber away constantly to keep the audience awake. Skilled presenters use silence to add to the effectiveness and polish of a program. Theatrical folks have identified a whole bunch of neat pauses which I'm sure they have a ball […]

To Overcome Fear of Public Speaking, You need to Understand the Underlying Causes.Once you can identify the causes that are underlying your public speaking nerves and fear, you can choose the strategies you need to build your confidence, use the fear and present successfully. Most people suffer from some fear of public speaking. The survey […]

Dealing with breast cancer

This website is aimed at all those who are dealing with breast cancer - either themselves or in their family or friendship circle. We hope that some of what you'll find here will ease your path or lessen your worries about breast cancer treatment. The views expressed here are our own. We are from medical […]

Grow your organisation. If you are looking for ideas on how to grow your organisation - managmement, leadership, publicity, and much more, visit my blog called Grow your Organisation management


Pageflakes is a personalized startpage that lets you read news and blogs, start Web searches, maintain an address book, manage To-Do-Lists and much more, all from one page. Visit pageflakes web 2.0, self improvement, success, > being organised,

Public Speaking Tip: Screen Size Approximation Chart SCREEN SIZE APPROXIMATION CHART Use this guide when someone asks you how large of ascreen you need. 3-5 people 21 inches diagonal (53.34 cm) 5-9 people 29 inches diagonal (73.66 cm) 10-15 people 37 inches diagonal (93.98 cm) 16-35 people 60 inches diagonal (152.4 cm) 36-50 people 72 […]

“More than just ato-do list manager”

Manage tasks quickly and easily. Get reminded, anywhere. Receive reminders via email, SMS, and instant messenger (AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Google Talk, ICQ, Jabber, MSN and Yahoo! are all supported). Plan your time. See what's due today and tomorrow, and the things you've missed. Prioritize, estimate your time, and postpone with ease. Set tasks to repeat every […]