Entries by bronwynr

The Word Count Diet

Many writers get crushed when their 120,000-word novel is rejected. What happens when you enter a contest that says 500 words or less and you end up with 894 words? You might spend years writing your story or hours writing an article, but that doesn't mean you're done. It means you've completed the first draft. […]

The Master Key to Landing a Man on the Moon

  A boulder field. Fuel running out. Neil Armstrong's heart rate hit 160 beats per minute. He was sweating. But he didn't sound worried or anxious. He sounded cool. Calm. In control. Because he was. He had overridden the computer controls and was manually flying the craft to find a flat area to set the […]

Expert Tips for YouTube Video Marketing

YouTube is a powerful tool to grow your business and gain a bigger reach of clients. It is a cost-effective way and using YouTube should be a part of your content marketing strategy. No doubt, YouTube has always been a source of entertaining content, but now it's also being used as an essential tool for […]

How Students Benefit from Quality Sleep

  If you’re a hard-working student, you know how tricky it is to prioritize sleep over all the other things on your to-do list. School can consume every part of the day, and it’s difficult to get even the minimum recommended hours of sleep you need to function. While it may seem easy to put sleep on […]