Blitzing the paper mess? 3 vital steps to take to ensure success
Is it time you took control of your paper?
Are you losing things?
Drowning in a sea of teetering stacks?
Dreading tax time?
Missing appointments?
Then don't put it off any longer. Start now with these 3 steps that will ensure success.
1. Visualise the rewards
Imagine for yourself
- the time you will save
- the feeling of wellbeing when we look at the tidy desk, shelves and cupboards
- No more lost documents
- The reassurance that accounts will be paid on time
- Always being in the right place for appointments and meetings
2. Choose a time. Avoid office hours if you can. It is an all-too-noticeable distraction from your work and you want neither an audience nor anyone else distracting you from your task.
3. You can choose to do the whole job at once or divide it into motivationally small tasks, but stay on track. Take the phone off the hook, do one thing at a time and say no to distractions no matter how urgent it may seem to water the garden, feed the dog or top up the pen supply. Remember that the more clutter there is, the faster the job will be. Visualise the rewards.
OK now you have the basics in place, you can create your success!