with W Mitchell, CSP, CPAE

with W Mitchell, CSP, CPAE
Effective Public Speaking: Audience Contact
Although speaking in public is really a monologue of sorts, this monologue is addressed to a ready, able and receptive audience who wants to learn from you as much as you want to learn from them.
Speaking in public would be more effective if it is listened to. The following are effective tips to maintain that necessary contact with the audience.
It’s 9:30 in the morning and you’ve made it to the third presentation of today’s marketing meeting. The presenter is pretty much reading word for word from a deck of 40 slides, which are mostly densely worded, bulleted items with an occasional chart or graph thrown in.
You have no interest in the topic, and to keep from falling asleep during the next 30 minutes, you are taking this opportunity to proofread some documents for a pressing deadline.