Bird by bird : some instructions on writing and life

by Anne Lamott

Anne makes it clear that writing must be pursued for something other than mere publication. It won’t solve the mechanical aspects of writing, or structural excellence, but it will spark creativity. It is incredibly informative, with startling revelations. The practical and real life advice will stay with you as you struggle to become the writer you already are. It is fabulously funny with unpredictable humor and absolutely generous warm compassion. =>

80 Memorable Presentation Lessons from the Masters

by Jerry Weissman

Weissman shows you how to

Content: Master the art of telling your story.

Graphics: Design PowerPoint slides that work brilliantly.

Delivery: Make actions speak louder than words.

Q&A: Listen more effectively, and handle even the toughest questions.

Integration: Put it all together in one seamless, winning presentation! =>

How to Read Body Language [Kindle Edition]

Nick Morgan

Every communication is two conversations, content and body language. And body language is often more revealing and truthful than content, especially in divulging what other people are really thinking. But how do you follow that second conversation? If you try to monitor it consciously, you rapidly become overwhelmed with ambiguous information. Did that twitch of the eye mean something significant, or was it just a twitch? In this brief eBook, author Nick Morgan shows you how to keep track of both conversations.

The Motivated Mind: A Complete Guide to Personal Change
by Jason M. Gracia

A complete motivation program in one place. The Motivated Mind will guide you, step by step, through each stage of controlling your motivation and changing your life - automatically. When you know the secrets to motivating yourself to take action, nothing is out of reach. Digital Download, 19 Chapters, 352 Pages, Exercises and Illustrations.


Every day we face the challenge of persuading others to do what we want. But what makes people say yes to our requests? Persuasion is not only an art, it is also a science, and researchers who study it have uncovered a series of hidden rules for moving people in your direction. Based on more than sixty years of research into the psychology of persuasion, Yes! reveals fifty simple but remarkably effective strategies that will make you much more persuasive at work and in your personal life, too. =>

With the right preparation even the most nervous speaker can deliver a winning presentation. Public Speaking & Presentations For Dummies shows you how, from drafting your content to honing your tone for a perfect delivery. More confident speakers can find expert advice on getting visual aids right, impromptu speaking, dazzling in roundtables, and much more.

The Power Presenter: Technique, Style, and Strategy from America's Top Speaking Coach

Jerry Weissman

Learn the successful presentation techniques used in over 500 IPO road shows and featured in The Wall Street Journal and Fast Company.

Filled with illustrative case studies of Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, John F. Kennedy, and many others, The Power Presenter will bring out the best in anyone who has to stand and deliver.
Readers of The Power Presenter will have access to video clips referenced in the book. =>

Stephanie Coontz

Marriage has changed more in the last thirty years than in the previous five thousand, and few of the old "rules" for marriage still apply. In the courts, the op-ed pieces, and at the dinner table, battles rage over what marriage means, why people do it, and who can do it. Marriage, a History is the one book you need to understand not only the vicissitudes of modern marriage but also gay marriage, "living together" and divorce. Stephanie Coontz shatters dozens of myths about the past and future of married life and shows us why marriage, though more fragile today, can be more rewarding than ever before. =>

The 7 Principles of Public Speaking

Richard Zeoli

With The 7 Principles of Public Speaking, Richard Zeoli makes the common sense, gimmick-free program he’s offered to business leaders and political candidates available to everyone. =>