by Marilynne Robinson
 Set in the same time and place of Robinson's 2005 Pulitzer Prize-winner Gilead, this companion piece examines the parallel story of the dying Reverend Boughton, his dutiful daughter Glory, and prodigal son Jack.
It is a beautiful novel, an elegant variation on the parable of the prodigal son's return.  In giving an ancient drama of grace and perdition such a strong domestic setup, Robinson stakes a fierce claim to a divine recognition behind the rituals of home.


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Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases to Use to Communicate Your Strategy and Vision When the Stakes Are High ( Perfect Phrases)


by Alan M Perlman



 There is a wide variety of phrases, many of them already familiar.  So if you need somewhere to start, this is a good place.  If you are new to speaking, lack confidence, or are a non-native speaker of English, the material will be a great basis for your presentation.  It presents exact phrases, even entire speeches, for a variety of situations (including formal events).  The are also useful for any international businessperson who is new to making presentations to Americans and is not 100% confident speaking in English.

So use the book as a starting point for your speech and use the examples I you are having difficulty finding words. Then make the speech you own by adding your own enthusiasms and unique ideas.

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by Cathleen Fillmore

This book is not for beginners. It’s not filled with tips on how to be an effective speaker. It has nothing to do with how to project your voice, how to organize a speech, or how to overcome shyness. This book is for the public speaker ready to take it to the next level, the speaker who is ready to go out and speak professionally to organizations and make large sums of money, starting at $2,500. If you’re that person, read this book. If you’re shy, read another book first. If you’re still learning to be a public speaker, but you’re passionate about it, read this book so you can take your career to the next level. This is the book every public speaker should use as a roadmap toward career success.

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Strategies and Techniques Every Teacher Can Use to Challenge and Motivate Struggling Students

Susan Winebrenner, Pamela Espeland


A gold mine of practical, easy-to-use teaching methods, strategies, and tips, it helps teachers differentiate the curriculum in all subject areas to meet the needs of all learners-including those labelled "slow," "remedial," or "LD," students of poverty, English language learners, and others who struggle to learn. Full of proven ways to significantly improve learning outcomes for students who score below proficiency levels, this is an essential resource for every educator.  
Another win: Garner.


Acclaimed Melbourne author, screen writer and journalist Helen Garner has taken out the top prize at this year's Queensland Premier's Literary Awards.

Garner won $25,000 for her novel The Spare Room at a ceremony in Brisbane last night.   (more...)

The New Talkpower: The Mind Body Way to Speak Without Fear
(Capital Ideas for Business & Personal Development)

by Natalie H. Rogers

" . . .the ultimate workbook . . .perfect for public speaking novices or for speakers with a tough case of stage fright." -- Continental Magazine, November 28, 2000
"Natalie Rogers. . . she shows you. . . how to write, how to talk, how to be. . . so you can perform like a pro. It's magic. . ." -- Henry J. Fishman, M.D., creator and host of "TVMD," PBS national network



by Garry Poole

This book provides groups with 1,001 engaging and thought-provoking icebreaker questions to start and sustain meaningful conversations.


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Children's author seduced for Britain in undercover mission

A ribald portrait of Dahl’s second world war years as an undercover agent attached to the British embassy in Washington emerges from the pages of a new biography that credits the writer with a very special talent for the Anglo-American special relationship.  (... more)

... Incidentally 13th September is Roald Dahl Day.

Did you know ...

His favourite colour was yellow and he adored spiders!

His total UK sales to date exceed 50 million paperbacks.

He loved oxtail soup and his favourite chocolates were Twix, Kit Kats, Rolos, Smarties, Flakes and Maltesers.


by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, David Maxfield, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler

The power to influence others is probably the most important skill in management and leadership. Unfortunately, its development is nowhere near as advanced as it should be. In this interesting, easy-to-read guide to building one's ability to influence others and to thereby create constructive change, the authors provide an essential toolbox for all of us. Building upon the work of Albert Bandura, Stanley Milgram, and other psychologists who specialized in social learning theory, the authors of Influencer: The Power to Change Anything went hunting for people, all over the world, who were able to accomplish major tasks by influencing people to change their behavior. The authors then analyzed what these expert influencers did, so as to give the reader ideas on how to exert influence in more effective ways. The authors also included several examples of major efforts to bring about change that failed dramatically, and gave their view of what was missing in those change campaigns.

Learn how some of the world’s most powerful influence masters have risen to the top by employing a relatively simple set of practices and attitudes. Eric Conger takes us easily from Bangladesh to San Francisco and South Africa, deftly placing us in the presence of some of the finest change agents of our time. His charming and authoritative voicing amplifies the intrinsic power of this work.

So, what did the authors find? Most persistent problems that seem immune to change efforts, have one, or both, of two factors in common: the people involved do not feel capable of making the change; the people involved do not feel that the proposed change would be an improvement. In other words, the factors are ability and motivation. The authors also looked at three different levels, for each problem: the individual, the social group, the environment of the situation. Thus, if you want to influence people to make a change, there are six basic loci for change input: individual ability (i.e., skill training), individual motivation (e.g., incentives), group ability (e.g., increase networking), group motivation (e.g., modeling and healthy competition), environmental assets (e.g., make the necessary components more readily available), and environmental feedback (e.g., improve the consequence system for success and for failure).

In order to explain how these six different modes of, or targets for influence, can be affected, the authors use a handful of examples to illustrate what they mean. They keep returning to these examples, and the reader gets to know them well. The two best ones are probably the Delancey Center in California, where oft-convicted drug-abusing felons are helped to step out of that way of living and, with a high success rate (according to this book) become employed, law-abiding, drug-free citizens; and the Carter Center's efforts to eradicate a horrible parasitic infection that was once widespread in Africa and Asia, called the guinea worm. By repeatedly returning to these examples, the reader not only understood the complexity of the approach needed, but also how it was done, without tremendous cost, using all six of the influence factors.

The book is written in a friendly, almost familiar, conversational tone. While that might not fit every non-fiction book, it worked well here, as another example of how to present information in a listener-friendly manner. It was also quite clear that the authors believe in what they say, passionately.

“Far and away one of the best business books of the year.”

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