Change is part of nature; it occurs every second of the day, within your body and in the world that you live in. Change is a necessary part of life, but, as people, we tend to fight it because we fear what these changes might bring. When you think back on your life, the most difficult times were usually those that taught you lessons you might never have learned, and as fire molds steel, you usually come out stronger and molded with a purpose you might not have had before.
Stop Fighting the Inevitable
When we fight change, we fight our inherent nature and this is when we become stagnant, unhappy and without a purpose. Accepting change might not always prevent the difficult times that are presented to us through these changes, but it will make it easier for you to accept these challenges and learn from them. Fighting change is much like fighting a storm; while you waste all of your energy trying to prevent the inevitable, the storm will simply continue on its course, uninhibited by your frugal attempts. You might be able to prevent change for a few moments, weeks or even years, but one day it will arrive on your doorstep, and the only way to prevent it from tearing the house down is to greet it as you would a long lost friend and let it in.
Can you Accept Change in your Life: Welcoming Small Changes
Can you accept change in your life? Some of us are more used to change than others; travelers flit through cities, barely remembering where they last lay their heads, while there are some that refuse to leave the home they purchased twenty years before, even if it is crumbling beneath their feet. Change is something that you can learn, however, if you start accepting it in small pieces. Try something new every day, no matter how small or big the task, and you will soon find that change is opportunity in disguise. Even the challenges that it brings are rough stones that we can use to fine tune our abilities, and ourselves, so that we can face life with braver hearts, ready to rise above the tides that roll our way.
Life is an Adventure and Change is our Steed
As children, we tend to be more open to change. We tend to be more excited about visiting new places, trying new foods and activities, and meeting new people. This zest for life need not be lost along the way. Change is not a burden that you need to carry to call yourself human; it is the steed that carries us on our adventure through life; one that we should welcome with open arms whenever it rears its head. The next time you are asked, "can you accept change in your life?" the answer you should give should be an excited and determined "yes!"
Andy Pitt
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Most people think brainstorming sessions are all about ideas -- much in the same way Wall Street bankers think life is all about money.
While ideas are certainly a big part of brainstorming, they are only a part.
People who rush into a brainstorming session starving for new ideas will miss the boat (and the train, car, and unicycle) completely unless they tune into the some other important dynamics that are also at play: =>
Lately, I've become intrigued by the idea or process of "alchemy." Funk & Wagnall tells me alchemy is a transformation, "a change in nature, form or quality." So how to take charge of your own personal alchemy? For me, it's about changes and transformations of mind, body and spirit. Therefore, in this article I've outlined three of my favorite ways to approach personal alchemy on the path to wholeness and health.
Step One: Dissect A Past Transformation:
It's easy to feel overwhelmed when thinking about the process of making a personal overhaul. Therefore, it's important to break this idea down to its least common denominator. To begin, recall if you can a positive transformation you've made in your life. It could be as simple as beginning and staying with an exercise program. In your mind locate and focus on one specific personal transformation.
Next, break down your transformation into its components: mind, body and spirit. I tend to look at everything in this tri-fold sense. I believe it is important to see the way a particular event contributes to the growth of each component. Right now, take a moment to observe the ways each of these components have contributed to your transformation:
Mind: Was your mind committed to making this positive change?
Body: What daily actions did it take to make this personal transformation effective and permanent?
Spirit: Was there a spiritual component at hand guiding you toward your positive goal?
Related article Change by Choice
Step Two: Begin The Uncovering Process:
Now that you've dissected a previous transformation, the uncovering process is simple. This process asks you to take some time with your journal and uncover a new personal transformation you would like to experience. With pen in hand, take time to make notes to yourself. Start small. What transformations would you like to make this year? Do some dreaming.
When you've finished, scan your list for one worthwhile goal that is achievable. If you are unable to commit to one on your list, try these ideas to complete your uncovering:
According to Louise Hay in her book "You Can Heal Your Life" these components will help you live a holistic, healthy life. Perhaps one may inspire you toward a worthwhile goal.
Nurture The Body: Practice sound nutrition. Aim to make the best choices for your body and choose food and beverages that make you feel well. When appropriate supplement with herbs, vitamins and homeopathy.
Practice a sound exercise program. Find a form of exercise that is appealing to you and is one that you will do. Choose from: aerobic exercise, resistance training, tai chi, yoga or Pilates. When appropriate use body work such as massage or reiki.
Nurture The Mind: Add to your daily practice, visualization, guided imagery, affirmations or dream work. Spiritual meditation is also a great way to quiet the mind and allow time to tune in to the divine.
Nurture The Spirit: Find time to practice prayer work, meditation, forgiveness and unconditional love.
Related Article: The Potential of change
Step Three: Find Answers In The Silence: Then Take Your Goals One By One
We can't possibly do everything. For as someone once told me "you have only, all the time there is." With this in mind, I am brought back to my earliest ideas about personal alchemy. This involves one of the most difficult, yet necessary practices: finding time for silence. Finding time is the challenge I most often face when looking at my own personal growth and aiming to find ways to simplify and speed up the process.
Silence. Why does it work? From a physics or scientific standpoint, the electrons within the molecules of the body actually speed up when the body slows down. It seems difficult to understand at first, but the key is its reciprocal process. When the body slows down, the energy surrounding the body and passing through the body speeds up, literally directing the body: instructing it.
Grace, balance and growth are often natural extensions of this process. When you take some time to be still and offer your goal up to the universe, you can then become aware of the divine direction. To do this, try to first become aware of your surroundings. Then aim to find time each day to move toward your worthwhile goal. Keep it close to your heart. Know that there are many distractions in life, but if you take time to rest and stop for one moment, it could be the moment you will receive your greatest inspiration.
Author unknown.
When in doubt, there's always help! For a creative boost and further direction in your discovery process, please explore these sources:
The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity By Julia Cameron.
Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential by Caroline Myss.
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