In this message, Harold W. Becker shares that in this present now moment there is a simple question each of us can quietly ask ourselves and by embracing its affirmative answer, we open a whole new reality of potential before us. For more please go to

He continues this is most likely not a question you may have ever considered for yourself or one that you have heard discussed by others. It is perhaps even one that you may wish to ignore at this stage of your journey. Yet, this beautiful and amazing transformative power and potential remains ever present until such time you feel the strength and courage to ask and accept its reality in your heart.

Why ask ourselves this question? Long ago we drifted away from our innate loving wisdom and allowed our consciousness to embrace the notion that our outer reality of form was our source of life. We became mesmerized and subsequently reliant upon our creations and forgot the power within our own being. Over time, this separation led to a sense of self doubt and with it, the corresponding manifestation we call fear. Unaware of the ultimate effect of our ongoing outer focus, we handed down our beliefs, notions, perspectives and ideals from generation to generation, century after century, often without stopping once to go within and ask a single question as to whether what we believe or do is actually coming from our own personal truth.

We stand at the threshold of opportunity to reconnect with our heart and allow the fullness of our wisdom to once again guide us. In an instant, we reverse the ignorance of ages by a clear and genuine acknowledgement of ourselves. By our own choice, we release the boundless freedom and joy and accept the potential that heals not only ourselves, also each other and our wondrous planet we call home. Can such a simple question really make this profound a difference? Answer it honestly, willingly, with an open heart and without hesitation, and you may be surprised by your own undeniable conclusion.

Do I love myself unconditionally?

What could there possibly be not to love? Our size, shape, color, age, gender? Our supposed status and achievements in life or the lack thereof? Our choices, mistakes and behaviors from the past? Our lost hopes, dreams or physical connections with others? These outer conditions and garments are only the forms we use to experience and evolve through life - they are not who we really are. Long after the forms dissolve and the expressions disappear, there is one thing that will always remain - Love.

The unconditional acceptance you have for yourself right now is the unconditional love you naturally will have for all others and Life itself. Allow yourself to embrace the knowing of love held within your heart and you share it with the world.

The Super Bowl is right around the corner, and the New Orleans Saints used Dan Green's book Finish Strong for their season's theme!

You can watch the movie of the book here

Susan David writes:

Do you spend hours worrying that you aren't good enough to succeed? That you're just not capable or that you aren't smart enough? You're not alone.

she continues ...

The imposter syndrome is common — and it can be hard to overcome. Quieting your inner critic takes a series of specific steps.

She goes on to explain just how this can be done...

NEW YORK - Whether it's a bad performance review or an unexpected scolding from the boss, negative feedback hits workers squarely in the ego.

It's never easy to hear that something is wrong with your work, your behavior or both. And maybe the criticism is unwarranted or unfair. But becoming angry or argumentative, which many people do, will only make matters worse.

Career consultants say there are ways to deal calmly with negative comments from the boss, and to turn painful feedback into a positive for your job and your career.

What an excellent post from Jodi Glickman Brown

But learning how to ask for help — and how to do it right — is critical to doing your job well and setting yourself up for success.

You may be afraid of looking dumb, but to be afraid to ask for and get the help you need is inexcusable, especially when the stakes are high. Asking for help in the workplace is a good thing. In fact, asking for help the right way can show how smart you are: it demonstrates that you've got good judgment and shows that you know what you know and what you don't know. Moreover, getting help up front saves endless time, energy and resources on the back end; in the Madoff case, it could have saved billions of dollars and immeasurable heartache.

Read more here

Do you struggle to make decisions? Do you sometimes find yourself dithering for ages, weighing up multiple options, or trying to second-guess what other people might want you to do? If so, you’re definitely not alone. Many people have trouble being decisive – but it’s an important trait to have, both in life and in business.

Is it possible to become more decisive? Well, maybe, er, possibly, it could be ... 😉 Actually, yes, yes it definitely is. Here’s how:

One of the key ingredients to a successful life is belief in one’s self. Without self confidence how can you hope to meet the challenges that you are bound to face in life?

You must believe that you are worthy of the things you desire. Do not let past setbacks or failures stand in your way. You are living in the present and this is where your actions will count. Remember the errors of yesterday only to learn from them. Use this knowledge to avoid the same pitfalls in the future.

You can also try some of the following simple tips to build self confidence and self improvement:

Phobias are intense, persistent fears.

They hold us back from truly experiencing life – and keep us trapped in a sense of fear and worry.

You may fear darkness. Crowds. Car travel. Flying. Public speaking. Sexual performance. Exams. Terrorist attacks. Violence. Cancer. Dentists. Being alone. Spiders. Snakes. Rats.

You may even suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Whatever phobias you have, they’re stopping you from moving forward.

They’re keeping you trapped in fear – and ensuring you NEVER enjoy the true potential of your life.

Does that sound like you? Are there things that make YOUR heart flutter – from speaking in front of your work colleagues, to nasty big black spiders in your bed, to shocking memories from the past?

Would YOU like to become fearless – and suddenly be totally happy and accepting of those things, no longer worrying and panicking when those situations came up?

Would YOU feel happier if you didn’t “lose control” every time your issue occurred – and instead GAINED control, and handled the situation perfectly?

Would YOU like to release your fears and phobias – within just minutes?

Read on – to learn more about why phobias exist, and how to cure them.

By Nickolove Lovemore

Some people spend most of their lives within their comfort zone and so limit the success they achieve. For whatever reason they're afraid to go beyond their personal edge.

A friend recently admitted that although they didn't like their job, they stuck at it because "it paid the bills". Now while paying the bills is important, it's also important that we lead fulfilled lives.

When you don't live life out full you are not only depriving yourself of a happier and more abundant life, you are also depriving the world of a person who is imparting their unique gift to the world. We all have a special contribution to make to the world and it's something that you can't delegate. If you don't fulfil your role then no one else can do it for you.

But when I asked this person what they really wanted to do they said that they didn't know. The thing is this person is not alone in this regard. Many people say that they don't know what they truly want to do with their lives and so they just drift along feeling unfulfilled and disempowered to make the impact that they could be making.

The reality is though that these individuals do know what they want even when they think they don't. The answer lies within and this is one reason why it's important to get to know you. Self-knowledge or self-discovery is empowering.

"How can I know what I want when I don't know who I am? The inner knowledge must be there to support the outer action."

It's funny how so many people are literally afraid to search within themselves for answers to questions that could literally transform their lives. You would think that your inner self is one of the safest places within which to search. Instead, people tend to search outside, knowing their search will be futile.

And the reason why so many people do this is because if they do identify what it is they really want then they would feel obligated to take action to achieve what they've identified. And they're fearful that if they do this that they might not succeed.

The irony is that their inaction automatically means that they fail. It's like with certain sporting competitions when it's your turn and the clock starts ticking you've a limited amount of time to make your move or else you're disqualified. Plus, by not taking action they don't give themselves the opportunity to succeed. However, Wealth and Lifestyle Strategist, Christopher Howard believes:

"The quicker you can make the decision about what you want your life to be about the more success you're going to have."

And that makes perfect sense when you think about it. People shy away from going after their dreams because they think it will be too hard, too difficult. Yet, you are never more alive than when you are living on the edge. And by this I'm not referring to adrenaline-type sports, although for some this is applicable, I mean living at the edge of your comfort zone - your personal edge.

Your willingness to reside at the boundary of your personal edge is in direct proportion to the rate and extent of your personal growth. You have to learn how to step beyond your personal edge in order to create change in your life and you have to be prepared to do so time and time again. And, when you do so, you will grow, you will achieve greater success and you will start to live a most extraordinary life.

For a FREE Success Book and weekly tips on achieving success send an email toSuccess Achievers Club.

If you are not one hundred percent satisfied with the current status of your life as it is right now in terms of anything including relationships, finances, career, parenting, etc. there is only one thing that you need to assess and that's your decision making process.
You see, our lives are shaped by our experiences and all experiences are the result of a decision.
If you decide to touch a burning stove, the result will be that you get burned. If you decide to jump in a pool of water, the result will be that you get wet.
Sometimes however, the result that we experience from a decision isn't so clearly visible prior to making that decision.
In other words, we think that by making a certain decision, we will achieve a certain result but somehow that result turns into something else. And that's when things get tricky.
And this is why if areas of your life aren't moving along as planned, you must assess your decision making process.
Decisions are driven by two things; the confidence in one's ability to achieve a certain result and more importantly, emotions.
The reason why I say "more importantly" is because emotions ultimately guide every decision and will always override one's confidence.
For example, if you decide that it's time to lose weight or quit smoking, you can have all the confidence in the world in your ability to achieve those goals but if your emotions point you in the opposite direction, you will ultimately never achieve those goals.
Therefore, to truly enhance any areas of your life, you must work
on both your confidence and your emotions.
Steve G. Jones is a clinical hypnotherapist who has been practicing hypnotherapy for over 20 years and has worked with the likes of just about anyone ranging from regular everyday folks to high profile celebrities.
In fact, pretty soon he will have his own television show called  "The Celebrity Hypnotist."
Steve also has the largest collection of hypnosis recordings on the planet and is well respected in his field. Some time ago, Steve realized that while he was helping improve various areas of people's lives using the power of hypnosis on a subconscious level, that working on someone's confidence was a must no matter what.
It's almost like a prerequisite for true transformation. The only problem was that people would have to fly to his Savannah office for the hypnosis session and pay a pretty penny to do so.
Steve decided to create a program that would equip any person with the ability to build confidence using hypnosis right in the privacy of their own homes, which would make it much more convenient and affordable.
And so he did just that. The only problem; it was missing something.
While Steve's program was in fact ultra effective at building confidence, it didn't focus on emotions on any level.
Knowing that the only true way to deal with one's emotions is through Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT for short, Steve knew he had to incorporate the principles of EFT into his program.
But Steve is an expert in hypnosis, not EFT.
So what did he do? He decided to enlist the the help of a man who is arguably the world's foremost EFT expert......Brad Yates.
While it certainly was no easy task (it took nearly a year), Steve finally did track Brad down and got him to join forces with him to create what is perhaps the most powerful formula for building confidence known to man.
Introducing Confidence Beyond Belief by Steve G. Jones, M.Ed. and Brad Yates.