You probably already know that the most successful people have incredible levels of self-confidence. They have accomplished great levels of success and happiness in their lives and seem to be unstoppable in everything that they do.The fact is, that when you develop unshakable self-confidence your whole world will change for the better.Unfortunately, through years of life experience, our beacon which is located inside all of us, begins to loose strength. For some reason or another we forget how truly powerful we are.
We lack the Self-Confidence to put our ambitions and desires into action!
Do not live one more day with these limiting thoughts and beliefs. You have the power to take control of your life. You have complete artistic creativity. Whatever you can imagine, you can bring into your reality.
Brian Tracy's The Science of Self- Confidence Training Kit contains the proven secrets possessed by every successful person in the world.
"Build Rock Solid Self-Confidence and Achieve All of Your Goals"
You will receive:

The Science of Self-Confidence
(6 CD Program)
By using the ideas in The Science of Self-Confidence, everything becomes possible. Your belief in your ability to succeed in all areas of life becomes unshakable. Your life will never be the same, once you learn to practice The Science of Self-Confidence.

The Science of Positive Focus
(2 Hour DVD Program)
Would you like to know how you can stay positive, energized, and powerful? In my 2 hour DVD I teach you how to defeat negativity. I teach you how positive focus can create the life that you want!

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life (60-minute CD)
Change the way you think about yourself and your potential. Open new doors to unlimited possibilities and put yourself on the road to a better, more fulfilling professional and personal life. This 60 minute CD will show you how to take charge of your life, become wealthy, and achieve every goal you set for yourself! |
The Science of Self-Confidence Training Kit |
An excerpt from Brian Tracy's Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life:
The Great Truth:
"You can learn anything you need to learn, to accomplish any goal you can set for yourself." This principle offers a way for you to take complete control over your future. When I was young and struggling, failing and frustrated, this principle came along to change my life.
Generally speaking, no one is smarter than you, and no one is better than you. Just because someone is doing better than you doesn't mean that he is better than you. It usually means that he has just learned how to succeed in his particular field before you have. And whatever someone else has done, you can probably do as well.
This is not an easy rule, but it is definitely simple. You, too, can learn anything you need to learn to accomplish any goal you can set for yourself.
Once I learned this idea, I was unafraid to change jobs, and even industries. I learned how to sell advertising, investments, automobiles, and office supplies. I worked in real estate sales and leasing, and then real estate development. Then I engaged in importation and distribution, then banking, printing, consulting, and eventually speaking, writing, recording, and corporate training.
Resolve today to make 2008 your highest achieving year - get Rock-Solid confidence