Staying well with Guided Imagery. How to Harness the Power of Your Imagination for Health and healing

by Belleruth Naparstek

Well-known guided imagery authority and psychotherapist, Naparstek provides a clear guide for using one’s imagination for self-healing and health maintenance.
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More on Mind matters, and health

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) late this year released its new Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, calling for adults between the ages of 18 and 64 to exercise moderately (such as brisk walking or water aerobics) for at least two hours and 30 minutes or vigorously (running, swimming, or cycling 10 mph or faster) for at least an hour and 15 minutes weekly.

The longer, harder and more often you exercise, the greater the health benefits, including reducing the risk of diseases such as cancer and diabetes, according to the recommendations, which were based on a decade of scientific research.

Let's face it, it's hard work to stay healthy. Sure, you might prolong your life by a few years if you eventually quit the death sticks, ease up on the binge-drinking and tackle your fast food habit ... but hey, life's for living, right?

Over 130 Photos and 40 Videos;
Over 120 Exercise Routines;
Journal Articles; Interviews...
There's way too much to list.

You won't want to miss this...

Be among the first to get access to top fitness experts, quality health information, injury prevention routines and a wealth of high-caliber resources for stretching, flexibility and sports injury management.

Join the exclusive new Private Members Area offered by Brad Walker and The Stretching Institute, already known for outstanding sports and fitness resources. It just opened this week, and you can be part of this special group too.

I’ve personally had exclusive access to the area for the last 2 weeks, and IT IS GOOD. That's why I’m sharing this special offer with you; it's just too good to pass up.

Panel of ExpertsThe Private Members Area offers direct contact with a panel of experts so you can get professional answers to your questions and full access to fantastic resources such as 120 exercise routines to download and print, over 40 videos, and even advertising space for your business right on the site.

And that's just the beginning.

Stretching VideosJoin now and get your key to access the exclusive Private Members Area and tap into valuable resources including videos, photos, routines, health information, journal articles and expert opinions. You can read, download, share, use in your business and even create your own products to sell online or offline.

This is your chance to be amongst the first to have full access to top experts and high-quality information. Get educated on the best ways to treat and prevent sports injuries. Improve your business with the right techniques. Perform better in your activities.

Check out The Stretching Institute's new Private Members Area and this exciting opportunity yourself. Membership is limited, so...

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Over 130 Photos and 40 Videos;
Over 120 Exercise Routines;
Journal Articles; Interviews...
There's way too much to list.
You won't want to miss this...
Be among the first to get access to top fitness experts, quality health information, injury prevention routines and a wealth of high-caliber resources for stretching, flexibility and sports injury management.
Join the exclusive new Private Members Area offered by Brad Walker and The Stretching Institute, already known for outstanding sports and fitness resources. It just opened this week, and you can be part of this special group too.
I’ve personally had exclusive access to the area for the last 2 weeks, and IT IS GOOD. That's why I’m sharing this special offer with you; it's just too good to pass up.
Panel of ExpertsThe Private Members Area offers direct contact with a panel of experts so you can get professional answers to your questions and full access to fantastic resources such as 120 exercise routines to download and print, over 40 videos, and even advertising space for your business right on the site.
And that's just the beginning.
Stretching VideosJoin now and get your key to access the exclusive Private Members Area and tap into valuable resources including videos, photos, routines, health information, journal articles and expert opinions. You can read, download, share, use in your business and even create your own products to sell online or offline.
This is your chance to be amongst the first to have full access to top experts and high-quality information. Get educated on the best ways to treat and prevent sports injuries. Improve your business with the right techniques. Perform better in your activities.
Check out The Stretching Institute's new Private Members Area and this exciting opportunity yourself. Membership is limited, so...

"Don't worry about impressing others, impress yourself. Who are you trying to please, anyway?"

-- Mark McKeon

Resource for the Week:

Exercise is a lot like spinach -- everybody knows it's good for you; yet many people still avoid it, forgoing its potential health benefits.

But researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign who study the effects of exercise on aging point to new findings that may inspire people to get up, get out and get moving on a regular basis.

The research team, led by kinesiology professor Edward McAuley, found that previously sedentary seniors who incorporated exercise into their lifestyles not only improved physical function, but experienced psychological benefits as well.

Read the whole article Exercise adds years to life and improves quality, researchers say

As we head into the cold season, friends, family, and co-workers will likely offer their tried-and-true remedies for warding off an impending cold. But how many of these home-grown remedies actually work?
Read on ...