What if you were willing to know how truly potent you are? What if you were willing to know how amazingly brilliant you are? What if you were willing to know how kind, how generous, and how gentle you are? What if you were willing to know how that will change everything in the world ... and give you more than what you’ve been asking for? What if you were willing to know how how easy it can actually be? And is today the day to know that you know ALL THAT? Just asking... ~ Dr Dain Heer

On a shelf I’ve got a fragment of thin, carefully painted 2,000-year-old pottery I picked up years ago in Petra – but I don’t look at it much.
That blue Michigan license plate from the Chrysler Something I bought way up by the Canadian border, drove to Mississippi and then bounced up and down San Francisco’s hills is on top of a bookcase. In the attic.
Somewhere tucked away is the bag of Dhofari frankincense Mabkhot Al Amiry pressed into my hand. The olive-stone necklace Umm Asad made on her porch by the Dead Sea tomato fields is chucked in with tutus and tiaras at the bottom of a play box. I kept the chunky watch that a Russian soldier insisted I take after we shared a train compartment to Warsaw, less than six months after the Berlin Wall came down – but I’m not sure where it is. The point-toed leather slippers from Marrakech weren’t a pair when I got them, and they still aren’t now. I bring out the bespoke Cairo robe, perfect for a summer evening, and my wife rolls her eyes.
Stuff we collect. A minute of life-affirming richness. Then years of dead weight, pinning us to the past, wreathing everything we do – or try to – in the stale breath of the way things were.
On a twilit Pyrenean border road it had taken us all day to hitchhike from Montpellier. I was on my knees, begging cars to stop. One did. C was in the passenger seat. Twenty years on, he’s a bit like a brother.
In Amman, T was on one end of the group of friends who’d adopted me; I was on the other, newly single and hurting. It was a reckless time. I barely remember her. Twelve years later she tweeted hello. Now she laughs while pushing my kids in the park swings.
Then there was chopping vegetables with A in her kitchen in rural Massachusetts, more than a decade after those Tel Aviv deckchairs. The sweaty hotel room in Delhi with A. The long detour next week, to see M in Paris.
Never mind stuff. Collect people.

"Music is the wine which inspires one to new generative processes, and I am Bacchus who presses out this glorious wine for mankind and makes them spiritually drunken"
Ludwig van Beethoven 

"Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not; it is the first lesson that ought to be learned; and however early a man's training begins, it is probably the last lesson that he learns thoroughly."
Thomas H. Huxley

Bird by bird : some instructions on writing and life

by Anne Lamott

Anne makes it clear that writing must be pursued for something other than mere publication. It won’t solve the mechanical aspects of writing, or structural excellence, but it will spark creativity. It is incredibly informative, with startling revelations. The practical and real life advice will stay with you as you struggle to become the writer you already are. It is fabulously funny with unpredictable humor and absolutely generous warm compassion. => http://bit.ly/Lumxf5

"...conflict is the primary engine of creativity and innovation. People don't learn by staring into a mirror; people learn by encountering difference."

-- Ronald Heifetz

... just discovered this - wonderful advice!!

The Motivated Mind: A Complete Guide to Personal Change
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A complete motivation program in one place. The Motivated Mind will guide you, step by step, through each stage of controlling your motivation and changing your life - automatically. When you know the secrets to motivating yourself to take action, nothing is out of reach. Digital Download, 19 Chapters, 352 Pages, Exercises and Illustrations.

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Definition of wealth

"Every man is rich or poor according to the proportion between his desires and his enjoyments."

Samuel Johnson