How about this: Produce the Time You Need to Have and Do All You Want 

 Time for Love, Time for Money: The Complete Time Production System. Workbook Included.  

"You can tell more about a person by what he says about others than you can by what others say about him."

Leo Aikman

So many of us are afraid of meeting ourselves, alone, without distraction.  We have been taught to fashion an image of who we think we are supposed to be and show that to the world.  Through fear of knowing who we really are we sidestep our own destiny, which leaves us hungry in a famine of our own making.  Each of us is here to give something that only we can offer, and when we avoid knowing ourselves, we end up living numb, passionless lives, disconnected from our soul's true purpose. 
But when you have the courage to shape your life from the essence of who you are, you ignite, becoming truly alive.  This requires letting go of everything that is inauthentic.  But how can you even know your truth unless you slow down, in your own quiet company?  When the inner walls to your soul are graffitied with advertisements, commercials, and the opinions of everyone who has ever known and labeled you, turning inward requires nothing less than a major clean-up.

Traveling from the known to the unknown requires crossing an abyss of emptiness.  We first experience disorientation and confusion.  Then, if we are willing to cross the abyss in curious and playful wonder, we enter an expansive and untamed country that has its own rhythm.  Time melts and thoughts become stories, music, poems, images, ideas.  This is the intelligence of the heart, but by that I don't mean just the seat of our emotions.  I mean a vast range of receptive and connective abilities, intuition, innovation, wisdom, creativity, sensitivity, the aesthetic, qualitative and meaning making.  It is here that we uncover our purpose and passion.

The future exists only in our imaginations.  It is a collective story waiting for our voices to express.  That can only happen when you and I are willing to enter the emptiness, listening in the silence until we can understand how to create a future we can befriend.

I am wondering now, dear reader, about you.  What are the courageous conversations you need to have with yourself, and how do you need to have them?

May we allow ourselves stillness so we can open our minds to ourselves, and spaciousness so we can allow a moment of rest when all thoughts fly above us like kites in a strong wind.

By Dawna Markova
"We must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind us to the fact that each moment of life is a miracle and mystery."
-- H. G. Wells

I recently received an email that prompted me to answer a poll about what I feared most. I didn't reply to the email because my biggest fear at that moment was the fear of receiving more unsolicited email. However, I did start thinking about the subject of fear. What are we afraid of? What is fear? What can we do about it?
A Powerful Emotion
Fear is an emotion and the symptoms of this emotion manifest in each of us in various ways. Some of the symptoms of fear are shallow breathing, sweaty palms, upset stomach, nervousness, headache, inability to speak, inability to think clearly, depression, uncontrollable shaking, inability to moved, and anger. People literally lose their lives and have been known to take someone else's life out of fear. All of the "isms" are the children of fear -- racism, chauvinism, classism, sexism. Wars and crime thrive on fear.
Fear takes away our creativity, imagination, freedom and peace. Fear stops us from pursuing our dreams. Fear destroys relationships and can make us physically ill.
These four letters, F E A R, represent the most powerful negative emotion that exists.
And just think, we have all this unhappiness and suffering over something that does not even exist except for the meaning or perception that we give to a person, place, thing or event. Our fears only live because each of us gives our own fears life. The fears we have exist because we nurture them, feed them, and acknowledge them.
Our Past Stories and Imaginations 
In other words, our fears are based on our individual perceptions, and our perceptions are based on our individual stories or histories and our imaginations.
How else can we explain the fact that each of us has different fears and fears to different degrees? For instance, there are many people who love dogs. However, there are also people who fear dogs. Some love snakes and have them as pets. Yet, many others are extremely afraid of snakes and become traumatized at the mere sight of them.
Most of the time, we are not even aware of the stories that our fears are based on. Some of us have anxiety attacks and are fearful over a comment that another child made to us when we were small. In other words, we let a child from our past control our life and health today.
Release the Fear 
In order to release the fear, we must change our perceptions about a person, event or object. Choose to see it for what it is -- a person, an event or an object. Many of us fear things that have not happened and may never happen. We cannot enjoy our lives today because we are fearful of what the future may hold. We can choose to release ourselves from the hold that our past stories and our imaginations have on us.
If you are totally immobilized by fear of something, you can always seek assistance from techniques such as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), or hypnotherapy. I encourage you to explore the options each of these techniques provide. Each of them, using their own methods, de-traumatizes past traumas and identify and integrate conflicting belief systems that keep us from doing things we want to do.
In my experience, these types of procedures can bring about relief from fears quickly. Instead of treating the symptoms, as medications do, these techniques and other similar procedures address the cause of the fear.
A Signal for Change 
The positive aspect of fear is that it is a signal for change. If someone were to point a gun at us, in the midst of fear, we would hope that something would change for the better. Hopefully, we would think of some way to change the situation without being harmed. When faced with the fear of the possibility of a child being harmed, parents have found physical strength and mental courage that they did not know was possible.
And so it is with our everyday fears. Let fear be a signal to change or move in a new direction. Move beyond your comfort zone. Perhaps we need more knowledge about the person, place, or thing that is causing us to feel fearful. Most importantly, move toward love. Love yourself. Love everyone and everything. Love is the most powerful emotion. Where there is real love, fear will perish.
We Are More Powerful than Fear 
In my opinion, failure to remember who we are in relation to God and this great Universe is the number one cause of fear. Where there is no faith, there is fear. The absence of belief in ourselves and what we are capable of creates doubt and fear.
Yes, there will be tragedies. No, things will not always go as you planned. Yes, there will be people who want to say negative things about you. These people would rather comment on what appear to be your flaws rather than deal with their own. Do not give them your power.
None of us are ordinary human beings. All of us are extraordinary divine beings. Everyone has the power that will not fail, should it be acknowledged and embraced. Sometimes, I have to remind myself of this. I say, "Fear, be gone. You have no power here." Just by saying these words, it is as if I turn on a light and I see fear for what it really is -- nothing. 

Author:  Wambui Bahati has enjoyed entertaining and empowering others for more than 40 years as an actress, author, speaker and 'holistic mental health' and 'empowerment over domestic violence' advocate. She is a life coach who incorporates EFT.  visit: Wambui Bahati - Inspirational and Motivational Speaker and Author
 "If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember this whole thing was started by a mouse." 
 -- Walt Disney
"What is opportunity, and when does it knock? It never knocks. You can wait a whole lifetime, listening, hoping, and you will hear no knocking. None at all. You are opportunity, and you must knock on the door leading to your destiny. You prepare yourself to recognize opportunity, to pursue and seize opportunity as you develop the strength of your personality, and build a self-image with which you are able to live -- with your self-respect alive and growing."
-- Maxwell Maltz

 You're good, but you're going to be great.
You're the best, but you're going to get better.
Sometimes the paths we take are long and hard, but remember: those are always the ones that lead to the most beautiful views.
Challenges come along inevitably: how you respond to them determines who you are - deep down inside - and everything you're going to be.
Increase the chances of reaching your goals by working at them gradually. The very best you can do is all that is asked of you.
Realize that you are capable of working miracles of your own making. Remember that opportunities have a reason for knocking on your door, and the right ones are there for the taking.
You don't always have to win, but you do need to know what it takes to be a winner.
It's up to you to find the key that unlocks the door to a more fulfilling life.
Understand that increased difficulty brings you nearer to the truth of how to survive it - and get beyond it.
Cross your bridges.
Meet your challenges.
Reach out for your dreams, and bring them closer and closer to your heart.
Get rid of the "if only's" and get on with whatever you need to do to get things right.
Go after what you want in life, with all the blessings of all the people who care about you. And find out what making your wishes come true really feels like.
~ Collin McCarty ~

 "The period of greatest gain in knowledge and experience is the most difficult period in one’s life."

-- Dalai Lama

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe"

Anatole France