"If you believe in unlimited quality and act in all your business dealings with total integrity, the rest will take care of itself."

Frank Perdue


Take your life back - Take control

Feeling scattered, stuck, procrastinating? Do you want more time and a sense of direction and accomplishment? Peace of mind and order? Take your life back! Get and stay focused, organized and on track with the following 3 online workbooks. Each workbook includes 30 days of email support. Take each program at your convenience. SAVE by buying the package of 3. PLUS receive one full year of weekly email support to keep your goals on track. PLUS receive your LIFE MAP and 75 Intuitive Resource Lists for free.

Take Control Package

"We all have the extraordinary coded within us...waiting to be released."

Jean Houston

To reach a goal you have never before attained, you must do things you have never before done.

Richard G. Scott

End procrastination Now!

Because there is no bigger roadblock to success than the habit of needlessly putting off important tasks till another day or time.

In End Procrastination Now!, you will be conditioned to know that you have eliminated the thoughts, beliefs and attitudes that create fear of success and failure. You will learn that it's OK to go ahead on a task even though you may not do it perfectly. With these new mental patterns, you will start falling in love with committing to successful outcomes and enjoy them like never before.

Infuse yourself with the most laser-focused do-it-now mental patterns, and you, too, will become a super starter and finisher in every area of your life - every hour of every day.End Procrastination Now

'To love oneself is to struggle to rediscover and maintain your uniqueness. It is understanding and appreciating the idea that you will be the ONLY YOU to ever live upon this earth, that when you die, so will all of your fantastic possibilities. It is the realization that even you are not totally aware of the wonders which lie dormant within yourself.'

- Leo Buscaglia

Don't blame others for your failure to be fully accountable for your own life. If others are to blame then you have given them control.

Bob Perks


The Instrument is an interactive, self-directed, multi-sensory, multimedia tool that will help you build and create whatever you desire. It is specifically designed to help you focus your awareness, clarity your thoughts, and provoke you toward deliberate, explicit, and 'awareful' creation.
Check out the sample videos.

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

- William Shakespeare

"All things are possible until they are proved impossible - and even the impossible may only be so, as of now."

Pearl S. Buck

"Your work should be a challenge, not a chore; a blessing, not a bore."
-- Hal Stewins


Resource for the Week

Changing Your Emotions,
Changing Your Life:
How to Escape the Prison of Your Feelings
Are you sick and tired of not being happy?

Do you constantly wrestle with feeling sad, overwhelmed, or frustrated?

How often do you go through your day with a dull sense of being bored, hopeless and just plain "tired"? This amazing new resource written by Dr. T.D. Wright will show you how to use simple, easy-to-use methods that can immediately transform the vibrational energy attracted by negative emotions and help you to rediscover that vibrant sense of joy and vitality you've been dreaming about! Change your life now!

Tim was disappointed that his father didn't attend the last soccer game of the season, but he wasn't surprised. Tim was a mature 10-year old and he understood that lots of clients depended on his dad, a lawyer, who had to work most nights and weekends. Still, it made him sad, especially since this year he won the league's most valuable player award.

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