"I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition."

Martha Washington

Creating lasting change

In times of uncertainty, people look to leaders for guidance. Imagine having the ability to positively and profoundly affect any individual, group or situation. What if you could influence and drive a team to produce exceptional results and empower them to go beyond supporting an organization to inspiring a mission-driven movement? What if you could help a loved one or co-worker identify what is stopping them from getting what they want in life and give them the tools to break through?

Creating Lasting Change: The 7 Steps to Maximum Impact guides you down the path to becoming a more effective inspirational leader. In this 10-day program, you will examine leadership from a unique perspective—the ability to influence the thoughts, feelings and actions of others.

Conquer Today's Challenges. Take Control Now.

A 20-year study at Stanford University examined the career paths of thousands of executives to determine the qualities they had developed that enabled them to move ahead rapidly. Researchers concluded that there were two primary skills that were indispensable for men and women who were promoted to positions of great responsibility.

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 Every person is born with the power to influence those around them. However, just as each person has a unique background and personality, everyone has a different leadership style. This personality quiz will tell you what your leadership style is according to something called the Leadership Compass.

click here


The most successful business leaders today are like great coaches who manage by inspiration, instead of intimidation. The command and control, management style is obsolete. In this fast forward global marketplace, there is no such distinction as superior and subordinate. The key to getting and staying on top is to provide a resilient, positive working environment. This requires that you "check your ego at the door" and that you seek alliances with others who may have different talents or strengths than you do. This is what synergy is all about.

David Ogilvy, founder of giant advertising agency, Ogilvy and Mather, used to give each new manager a Russian doll, which contained five progressively smaller dolls inside. A message inside the smallest one read: "If each of us hires people we consider smaller than ourselves, we shall become a company of dwarves. But if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are, we will become a company of giants."

To become a giant in the eyes of others, and to succeed in the 21st century, look up to those beneath you! Consider these action ideas as you lead your team:

1. Listen often and openly to what others say, and try to do so without prejudgment.

2. Don't put anyone off or be too busy to listen to and answer questions.

3. Use praise frequently and sincerely.

4. If you feel that criticism is warranted, do it in private, and make sure you say something encouraging after the reprimand.

5. Be firm and be fair. Don't meet with people in person or on the phone when you are angry. Exercise or take a walk first, then communicate when you are relaxed.

6. Don't be afraid or hesitant to share your concerns with others. Far better to discuss a molehill, than to wait until it festers into Mt. Everest.

7. Don't make rash promises and be consistent.

8. Whenever you are in a leadership role, focus your supervision on teaching effective habits and skills, not in pointing out mistakes.



Encourage everyone in both your personal and professional life to speak up and express their own ideas, even if you disagree with them.
Denis Waitley

Reproduced with permission from the Denis Waitley Weekly Ezine. To subscribe to Denis Waitley's Weekly Ezine, go to www.deniswaitley.com or send an email with Join in the subject to subscribe@deniswaitley.com Copyright Denis Waitley International. All rights reserved worldwide.


"Throw your heart over the fence and the rest will follow!"

-- Norman Vincent Peale

Resource for the Week:
How to Lead: Discover the Leader Within You
The "How to Lead: Discover the Leader Within You" leadership system teaches the 48 essential skills needed to be an effective, respected leader.

It starts by helping you to evaluate your own leadership style, and learn to use your strengths and manage weaknesses. It then teaches the key skill-sets needed to lead effectively: Creation of a robust vision of the future; Motivation; Execution and Team member development. This course will give you the skills to be an effective, successful leader, and promises to transform our life.
"How to Lead" is an incredibly high quality program, developed by true world experts.