If you are feeling like you have gotten a little "off track" with your intentions this year, not to worry. Be gentle with yourself. Take a few minutes to read today's post, and just remember to "Keep On Dancing".

What I have noticed lately, is that things don't always seem to happen for the reasons we think, and that can be perfect for us. I started several projects in the last few weeks, that did not work out the way I thought they would, or the way I wanted them to, thank God.

Because they did not work out, space was created for something much better to come into my life. And so, I was able to better understand, that it is not always about the end result of a choice or a project, but how taking that step to go for it in the first place, makes you feel.

What is important, is that you take some inspired action, because your vibration while you are doing something that excites you, and you are passionate about, is what will bring you the essence of what you wanted in the first place. It just may not come from where you thought it would.

What is so freeing about all of this, is that it removes a lot of the fear around moving forward, fear that you may fail, be disappointed again, or even embarrassed. It gives you the courage to just step up to the plate and go for it, no matter what the outcome.

If you are feeling stuck, and afraid to take the next step, or any step for that matter, you will never achieve the life of your dreams. Life is not always about being comfortable. It is about moving forward, out of your comfort zone.

And the interesting thing about it is, that the more steps you take, the stronger and more confident you feel inside, where it really matters, and pretty soon you begin to realize that there truly is nothing that you cannot do, that anything is possible, just as long as you keep on dancing.

Veronica Hay

Veronica Hay is the author of In a Dream, You Can Do Anything.An extraordinary collection of writings that will uplift you, motivate you, inspire you, and gently guide you along the inner path of your life.Go to: http://www.insightsandinspirations.com or feel free to email your comments about today's message to: veronicahay@telus.net 

Rejection takes many forms. You didn't make the team. The college you want to attend turns you down. The woman you asked out said no. You didn't get the job. You were passed over for a promotion. Your husband left you.

Whatever form it takes, being rejected hurts. It is a blow to your ego and challenges your ability to cope. It makes you question yourself. It makes you angry. In its most extreme and painful forms, it generates self-destructive thoughts and behaviors - ranging from rage to drinking binges to suicide.

The tricky thing about rejection, though, is not to avoid it but to choose a positive way of reacting to it. After all, everybody suffers rejection. That is not meant to minimize anyone's pain at being let go or turned down; it is simply to say that you aren't alone. Others have lived through similar - or worse - things. The only way to avoid the risk of rejection is to fail to live, dream, or dare! And that is a far worse thing than being courageous enough to apply for the position, to accept a leadership challenge, or to invest your heart and getting turned down.

In a recent interview reported in the Wall Street Journal, Warren Buffett spoke of his rejection by Harvard Business School at 19. "The truth is, everything that has happened in my life . . . that I thought was a crushing event at the time, has turned out for the better," he said. With the exception of health problems, he continued, life's setbacks teach "lessons that carry you along. You learn that a temporary defeat is not a permanent one. In the end it can be an opportunity."

In Buffett's case, a second-choice application to Columbia put him under the tutelage of two professor-mentors who taught him the essentials he has used in a successful investment career. More important still, the disappointment he thought his father would feel over his failure turned into a positive expression of "unconditional love" and "unconditional belief in me."

Rejection is the challenge to find a new way, a better path. Rather than curse the job you didn't get or the person who didn't hire you, rethink your skills and find another venue for their use. Instead of hiding from life because a relationship has ended and your heart is broken, learn something about yourself from what has happened and know there is someone who needs what you have to give. Temporary setbacks become permanent defeats only if you allow it.

It isn't rejection that determines the outcome. It is your reaction to it.

Rubel Shelly

Rubel Shelly is a Preacher and Professor of Religion and Philosophy located in Rochester Hills, Michigan. In addition to church and academic responsibilities, he has worked actively with such community projects as Habitat for Humanity, American Red Cross, From Nashville With Love, Metro (Nashville) Public Schools, Faith Family Medical Clinic, and Operation Andrew Ministries. To learn more about Rubel please go to: www.RubelShelly.com 


5000 years ago, a set of books known as "The Pentateuch" called it "zeal." 2000 years ago, another set of books known as "The Bible" called it "faith." 70 years ago, clergyman Norman Vincent Peale called it "positive thinking." 20 years ago, psychologist Dr. Martin Seligman called it "learned optimism." Two years ago, professor Shawn Achor called it the "happiness advantage."

But when you do a Google search on these terms, most people seem to lump them together and simply refer to them as "attitude," "positive attitude," or "positive thinking." There seems to be a general feeling ... that whatever you call it ... these terms have a lot to do with success in life and success at work. And they're absolutely right. As Achor writes, "Recent discoveries in the field of positive psychology have shown that ... when we are positive, our brains become more engaged, creative, motivated, energetic, resilient, and productive at work." The fact is ...

If you're not a positive thinker, if you don't have a positive attitude, you're in trouble. 

Without this quality or passion, life and work become quite drab. Most everything becomes a "have to" instead of a "get to." For example, the person who doesn't have a positive attitude says such things as: "I have to go to work today ... I have to call on another customer ... I have to clean the house ... or ... I have to pay my taxes."

By contrast, a person of passion says, "I get to go to work today," because he knows that work is so much better than not having any work. A person of passion says, "I get to help another customer," because she knows without her customers she wouldn't have a business. A person of passion says, "I get to clean my house," because he is thankful to have a place to live. And a person of passion says, "I get to pay my taxes," because she is grateful that she makes enough money to even qualify as a tax-paying citizen.

The truth is, if you're not a positive thinker, if you don't have a positive attitude, NOTHING can make up for it.

Education can't. According to historians, some of America's worst presidents were supposedly the smartest and best educated. And some of the greatest Presidents, such as Abraham Lincoln, had very little formal education. A resume may get you through the door, but that's as far as it will get you.
Talent can't. The world is filled with talented people who never achieve personal or professional success. Watch a season or two of "American Idol" or "America's Got Talent" and you'll know what I mean. Talent that isn't fueled by the proper attitude tends to fizzle out before the race is over.
Opportunity can't. An opportunity may open a door for you, but without positive thinking you won't make the most of your opportunity. In fact, it may never come to life. As professor Howard Hendricks said, "You don't put live eggs under dead chickens." But that's exactly what negative thinkers do.
Other people can't. It is very difficult to be successful without the help of other people ... or at least be surrounded by the right kind of people. But even that won't guarantee your success. A team with no heart ... no attitude ... and no passion ... will not go very far.
There simply is no substitute for a positive attitude. It keeps you going when others quit. It releases an abundance of energy ... an energy you don't even know you have ... and gets you through the toughest times. As novelist Karen Traviss puts it, "Faith keeps you going when there's no logical reason to. In its way, it keeps life going."

Bottom line? A positive attitude is the difference maker. So how can you get this difference maker in your life and in your work? Here are a few tips I recommend...

1. Keep your attitude stimulated. 

You may know some people who say they've lost their interest in life. Not much if anything turns them on anymore. It's just another day and another dollar. Chances are they're doing very little to stimulate their attitude.

Other people think they've grown past the enthusiasms of their youth. They're too old to maintain a positive attitude. Or they just don't feel all that well. But chances are, once again, they're doing very little to stimulate their attitude.

In reality, a positive attitude has no connection to age. At the age of 76, General Douglas MacArthur said, "You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your confidence, as old as your fear; as young as your hope, as old as your despair. In the central place of every heart, there is a recording chamber; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer and courage; so long as you are young. When the wires are all down and your heart is covered with snows of pessimism and the ice of cynicism, then and only then are you grown old."

Your attitude acts very much like a muscle. If you don't stimulate or exercise a muscle, it atrophies. It weakens and eventually dies. And the same goes for your attitude. If you don't stimulate it, it dries up.

If, on the other hand, you keep an active interest in life, you will maintain a powerful, effective, happiness-inducing positive attitude. I found that to be true with my Grandma Grace. Whenever I went to visit her, I would always ask if she'd like to get out, take a ride, go somewhere, see something, or do something ... because I knew she was confined to her apartment, due to her age and physical limitations. Invariably, her response would be "No, I'm not feeling that well ... or ... No, I don't really want to go anywhere."

However, with a bit of persuasion, I always got her in the car, and her attitude changed almost instantly. She wanted to see as much as possible and didn't want to miss a thing. I even persuaded her to accompany me on a trip to Norway at age 88, despite the fact she used a walker to get around. Her passion for life began to soar, and with her renewed interest in life and her positive thinking on the rise, she spent the entire trip walking without her walker.

To keep your attitude positive, keep your attitude stimulated. Keep on learning about the world, the people, and things outside of yourself. Get in the habit of looking forward to each day, wondering what new adventure will come your way.

And then...

2. Let your attitude play make believe. 

I know; it sounds childish. But the most successful people use this technique and swear by this technique.

Muhammad Ali, the world champion boxer, says, "To be a great champion you must believe you are the best. It you're not, pretend you are."

And Donald Trump, the world champion real estate developer, tells people, "Even if you haven't encountered great success yet, there is no reason you can't bluff a little and act like you have. Confidence is a magnet in the best sense of the word. It will draw people to you and make your daily life, and theirs, a lot more pleasant."

So I advise you, picture yourself as being competent, effective, and successful. Hold that image firmly in your mind and do not let any self-doubt erase it. Soon, your mental picture will become your new reality.
You can do that if you...

3. Tie your attitude to a long-term value rather than a short-term emotion.

When I'm speaking to salespeople, I often tell them to "act" their way through a tough situation. If they're in the midst of a sales presentation on a late Friday afternoon, for example, and don't feel enthusiastic, they still need to "act" enthusiastic. They need to "act" like this is the most important sale of the week.

Of course, someone in the audience will always say, "Are you asking us to fake it? You just told us to be honest, sincere, and genuine in all our dealings with our customers. And now you're telling us to 'act' enthusiastic whether or not we feel that way. I don't get it. There's seems to some kind of contradiction going on here."

No there isn't. There's no contradiction whatsoever ... if you tie your attitude to a deeply-held commitment rather than a passing emotion.

It's what one clergyman had to learn. He wrestled with how he could stand in front of his congregation and speak about peace, joy, love, hope, and faith when he didn't feel very enthusiastic at the moment he was speaking about those things. He didn't feel authentic. And yet he realized, if he yielded to his immediate feelings, if he let his sagging emotions influence his professional conduct, he could not inspire or motivate the people he was called to serve.

The clergyman resolved his supposed "contradiction" by making an authentic choice. He chose to adhere to his calling rather than his personal emotions. He tied his attitude to something bigger and more important than his momentary feelings.

You need to do the same thing ... whatever line of work you may be in. To get and keep a positive attitude, tie your attitude to a long-term value. If you're in sales, tie your positive attitude to the quality of your product and the way it helps your customers. If you're in leadership, tie your positive attitude to your belief in growing people. Tie your attitude to doing what is right and good, no matter what job you have. That way you can "act" genuinely enthusiastic and "be" thoroughly positive ... no matter what you're feeling.


3. Cancel any negative thoughts that interfere with your attitude.

Getting and keeping a positive attitude is a not a once-and-for all proposition. It takes daily practice ... but fortunately less and less practice as you master these skills.

Nonetheless, you still need to deal with the negative thoughts that come into your mind. Cancel them out. As Dr. Norman Vincent Peale taught, "Whenever a negative thought about yourself and your abilities comes to mind, immediately cancel it out as unworthy, untrue, and unrealistic. The more vigorously you cancel it out, the weaker it becomes, until it disappears altogether."

Don't give your negative thoughts too much attention. And don't put yourself down as being too small or too weak. As Bette Reese notes, "If you think you're too small to be effective, you've never been in bed with a mosquito."

Willie Nelson is right. Replace your negative thoughts with positive ones and you'll start getting positive results.


Select two long-term values that are deeply held by you and tie your attitude to them.

As a best-selling author and Hall of Fame professional speaker, Dr. Alan Zimmerman has taught more than one million people in 48 states and 22 countries how to keep a positive attitude on and off the job. In his book, PIVOT: HowOne Turn In Attitude Can Lead To Success, Dr. Zimmerman outlines the exact steps you must take to get the results you want in any situation. Go to Alan's site for a Free Sneak Preview.

It's a wise custom to end an old year and begin a new one with serious self-reflection. 

What did you learn this year that could improve your life and make you a wiser and better person?


If you want to have a successful and fulfilling New year, start by examining the way you think and feel about your job, your relationships, and yourself. After all, the single most important factor in personal happiness and your impact on others is your attitude.

In the geometry of life, the axiom is "positive attitudes produce positive results." They make success more likely, failures less harmful, pleasures more frequent, and pain more bearable. Some people tend to bring warm sunshine wherever they go; others bring cold chills. What do you bring?

To find out where you can improve, take an inventory of your predispositions, the attitude you're most likely to start with:

Are you generally optimistic or pessimistic?

Do you tend to assume the best or expect the worst of people?

Is your first instinct to be empathetic or judgmental?

Is your first instinct to be supportive or critical?

Do you send the message that you enjoy life or that you're barely enduring it?

Do you come across as the captain of your own ship or simply a passenger?

Wherever you are on the positive-attitude spectrum, think how much better things could be if you were more consistently and self-consciously optimistic, empathetic, supportive, grateful, enthusiastic, hopeful, and cheerful.

So why not resolve to think, act, and speak more positively about yourself, your family, your coworkers, and everyone else in your life?

This is Michael Josephson reminding you that character counts.

Michael Josephson

Pivotal resilience - road


As you may have heard in that old but great movie Forest Gump, life can be like a box of chocolates. There are different flavours. You may not like all the chocolates in the box but you don't throw the box away, you decide what you would like to have.

There are a number of words to describe what happens when the result you want doesn't turn out the way you expect. Although the words "failure" and "obstacle" are often used, is that really what it is or could you look at it differently and use it as an experience to learn from?

There are bumps in the road of life for everyone. Nothing is absolutely perfect so it's important to your own well being to discover ways to handle any kind of setback if it happens. If there are no plans in place, fears creep in, overwhelm pops up it's head and stress takes over.

If everything was always smooth sailing you would not be very well equipped to deal with anything in life, especially when the outcome doesn't turn out the way you expected. The first rough patch and you would probably be carried off in a strait jacket.

Have you ever seen the hands of a construction worker? The palms are often thick areas of skin from working with equipment. Those calluses form so that next time his hands will be better prepared for the work.

If you are not seeing the remainder of this article, that is because it is material for members only. So if you are a member, you need to log in (top right of the page), if not, join now, it's free. Just click here ...


I have a confession to make. I am an adult woman and I love superheroes. I think there is a lot to be said about people who put their personal safety aside for the sake of another or others. The nobility of standing up for truth and justice has suffered severe degradation over the years. Every now and then, Hollywood reminds us of the characters we once loved, and for a short time we become kids again. We remember running around with friends pretending to be our favorite characters. Then we snap out the memory to the thought that superheroes are mere childhood fantasies. These characters represent an unrealistic dream of living a dual life - one of a regular person with a normal job and the other a daring superhero who saves the world. The real world popped the fantasy of us flying around in capes and tights long ago.

Having said all of that, I still love superheroes. I remember wanting a pair of Wonder Woman "Underoos," and my mom not being able to buy me any. That's OK, because I just found some online, and yes - I will be making that purchase tomorrow. I'm not kidding!

The reason for this article is to share what I believe we all want to hear. It's a thought that I've had since I first started watching Wonder Woman. I was born to be super! I can think about my life up to now and can tell you different super powers that I displayed throughout. A great example is when I was in college and took a course called Entrepreneurship for Engineers. Who knew that I was made to be an entrepreneur? It's one of my super powers! The bottom line is this: I believe that each of us has at least one inner super power. There is something we were MADE to do that makes us super in our own ways.

Here are some tips to help you discover your inner super power.

Think about the thing(s) you are naturally great at doing. (People actually go to college for four-year degrees to learn what you've been doing naturally for your entire life.)

Think about the kid you buried under all of the adult-sized responsibilities: what was your first answer when an adult would ask you, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" (Most children have natural knowledge about what they want to do in the future, but parents and adults typically talk them out of it.)

Think about the hobby that you can do for hours on end, without taking a break. (Most hobbies can be converted into successful businesses. Many people have done it, and I believe that if one person can do it, so can you!)

Take some time and think about these things and stop depriving the world of the super hero inside of you!


By Madeline Berry
Do you know someone who is an everyday hero? You can read about some amazing everyday heroes at I'm Possible's Everyday Hero Blog.
Learn more about Madeline, the Super hero on her website IamPMadBerry.com.


Each of us is born with a unique set of talents and gifts.

Whether you paint, write, sculpt, dance, compose, sing or play music... whether you're an entrepreneur or an aspiring leader in your field... or looking to be more fulfilled in your chosen profession...

When you get your creative juices flowing you feel more alive. When you express yourself in some creative fashion, you feel more joyous, fulfilled and free. We are all born to create and be creative.

With that said, here are some wonderful ways to help you get those juices flowing...

Connect to the place of wonder and awe within - Play with crayons and let your inner child out. Watch the sunset. Find the awesomeness and wonderfulness in life. Creative inspiration will follow.

Let go of any "conscious" agendas - Getting out of your own way can spark the creative impulse. Be guided by your intuition or "Higher Self" and allow the creative spirit to move through you.

De-Clutter - While "creative types" may have a knack for messiness, clutter can block the flow of your creative juices. Do a spring cleaning regardless of the month of the year!

Get out in nature - Nothing like majestic mountains, towering evergreens or an expansive ocean to stir the heart and inspire a creative burst. Take a walk, a hike, a jog, a bike ride or a drive through nature and your creativity will blossom.

Listen to great music - Music adds colour and dimension to life. Play one of the great classical pieces or any other music that inspires you and unleash your creative genius!

Follow your bliss - Passion is the essence of creativity. It's what gets you up in the morning and keeps you going all day long. Focus on what you're passionate about and ignite your creative fires.

Dance as if no one's watching - Dancing is a great way to move energy. If you're feeling stuck or in a rut, get your groove on! Pretend no one's watching... even that part inside you that may think the whole idea is just plain stupid. Rekindle the fun.

Watch an inspirational movie - Inspirational movies connect you with your heart wherein creativity is given birth. Make some popcorn and rent a good movie this weekend!

Break for beauty - Find beauty in your surroundings... in the opening of a flower, the setting of the sun or a star-filled sky. Take beauty breaks throughout the day and reconnect with what inspires you.


Unplug - Turn off the cell phone and television. Leave your inbox alone. Decompress from the constant bombardment of our hi-tech world. Find your creative centre and live from that place.

Bonus Idea - Meditate. Take some time each day to meditate. You can sit in mindful silence... focus on a "mantra" or phrase... or even do a walking meditation. However you choose, meditation can help you stay connected to the inner source of your creativity and vitality.

Bonus Idea - Gratitude. Overwhelm and stress are creativity-killers. Sometimes just thinking about all the things you are grateful for in life can lift the fog and weight of your concerns. You'll feel more free to be the creative, magnificent person you are meant to be..

Life can be a creative adventure... even when the path is rocky or the road ahead is unclear. Use these suggestions to help unlock and ignite your creative genius. As a wise person once said, the journey is the destination.
Here's to making it a creative journey!

Lawrence Neal Katzman is an artist, writer and visionary spirit, whose art is inspired by love, beauty and the cosmos. He paints and writes about lost civilizations, ancient wisdom and the quest for love. You can view his art at http://www.theartmystic.com.
Lawrence's beautiful soulmates art is featured in his eBook, "101 Soulmates Quotes", which you can download for free by visiting: http://www.101soulmatesquotes.com/.

"Daddy, why is he all alone?"


Leave it to a six-year-old to bring out your inner moron right in the middle of Daniel Larusso's karate training montage (The Karate Kid, 1984). The question caught me completely by surprise. He's training, I wanted to say. But he didn't ask what Daniel was doing; he asked why he was alone. And that caused some serious and surprising reflection.

pivotal stories - Kung fu

"A fool may live all his life in the company of a master and still miss the way." So says Buddha, and he's right. Even expert instruction from the world's most gifted mentor will never give us their skill. Kung fu's great secret is in the words themselves: it is literally "masterful ability that comes through the work of one, lone person." That person is you or I.

True, most of us begin by hoping for some dusting of the master's transformative magic, that sheer association with him or her will short-cut the process and atone for our own wavering commitment and lack of resolve. And while there is some merit in finding such a teacher, Nature does not so easily dole out her gifts to the half-hearted seeker. Everything has its price. True mastery requires action - lots of it.

Maybe that is why my undergraduate BFA advisor didn't give me technical advice when I asked how to paint with pen and ink. He just looked at me with that mischievous grin and commanded, "Well, go get some paper and ink and get started then." He wasn't interested in bogging me down with tips and tricks and tidbits of information when I didn't even have the materials handy. I was busy fretting about my firstpainting while he was wisely (albeit annoyingly) trying to get me to do my 300th. He knew that none of his answers would really help me until I gained my own concrete experience.

The same goes for every worthwhile endeavor. Step by sometimes-agonizing-sometimes-exciting step, a master tells you where to dig for your own mastery. The fool contents himself with knowing where it is. The seeker digs for it. And digging is what yields the reward: opportunities, experiences, and understanding that have always been there, but just beneath that first (or 400th) shovelful of soil. The sweat, the aches, the tears, the blisters, the sweltering heat, and, yes, even the need to keep digging when everyone else has gone home to bed or to parties - all of these are part of the price of mastery. Without them, all you can afford is a cheap imitation.

Of course, all of this rumination happened in the space of a few seconds with The Karate Kid theme music playing in the background. After which, I turned to my inquisitive son and told him, "If you really want to get good at something, to truly master it, you will have to practice on your own a lot. That's just how it works."

Not because solitude is required all the time, but because others simply cannot stick around for everything you still have left to do. And they certainly can't do it for you.

Robert Gardner stands ready to help individuals and businesses breakthrough their own limitations by giving them the gift of personal mastery. 25 years of diligent study in the martial arts, personal development, and inspired leadership have brought him to this point. Are you and your colleagues ready to begin? For more information or to experience a class with him at Chinese Shaolin Kung Fu, go to http://phoenixshaolin.com.



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I want to be happy for no reason this year except that I am here and alive and I claim this moment as my own. It's mine. Its got my name on it!

This year, I want to spend more time in nature, not on the path near my home, with its iPods, and cell phones and incessant chatter, but deep in a forest, where the earth recognizes my step, and the ground kisses my feet as I walk.

This year, I want to say no, more often, and not feel guilty, and say yes, more often, and not feel embarrassed.

I want to take the time to grieve fully this year, for those people that I have lost and mourn those things that I shall never have or be again.

I want to hear the sounds of creation and I can't tell you what those sounds are, because I have never really heard them before. I 've been too busy for that. But their music beckons to me in the stillness when I have finally given up my need to control.

I want to see, really see the sights of the universe and I can't tell you what those sights are, because I have never really seen them before. I've had my eyes closed. But their vision haunts me in my dreams and gently calls forth to me in my waking hours.

I want to take the child in me out to play more this year and step in mud puddles, get my feet wet, eat cotton candy, build a snowman, talk to strangers, kiss furry dogs and chase mangy cats.

This year I want to eat my spaghetti with a fork and forget about the spoon and get my face really dirty.

I want to get to know my teddy bear more this year. After all, he is really the only one who has always been there for me, in my darkest hour, comforting me and whispering sweet messages into my heart, that were more accurate than any psychic ever could be.

I want to see the world with new eyes this year, as if I have never seen it before, like an alien on an unfamiliar planet, and not take anything for granted.

This year, I want to talk less and say more. I want to taste more and eat less.

I want to write more about those things that really matter to me, with passion, the things that I know in my gut, the things that stir up my soul, and not give a damn about keywords or tags or where I rank in Google.

I want to sit with a flower this year and watch it bloom, and know what it feels like to finally surrender to life, to succumb to a purpose bigger than my own.

I want to talk to the moon and bask in the sun and gaze at the stars for hours and hours.
I want to be much more silly this year, and care much less about what people think of me. I have forgotten just how much fun being silly can be.

I want to laugh, harder than I have ever laughed before. And cry less for all of the pain and suffering that I think I can't fix, because I know that I can. Every time that I make the choice to be free, there is less suffering in the world, not a world with less pain, but less pain in the world.

I want to love more this year, not the sappy, greeting card kind of love they sell on Valentine's day cards, but a love that surpasses all distance, time, space and differences.

This year, I want to make friends with those parts of me that I am afraid of and attempt to do those things that still scare me to death. Well, at least some of them.

I want to appreciate more and complain less, accept more and judge less, forgive more and blame less. I want to ultimately do nothing and allow everything.

This year I want to break open the windows of my life and knock down the doors, remove the shackles and stare down the illusion until it sets me free.

So you won't find goals here or projects or timelines or objectives or plans or directions or bucket lists or targets.You'll only find me.

Veronica Hay
Veronica Hay is the author of In a Dream, You Can Do Anything. An extraordinary collection of writings that will uplift you, motivate you, inspire you, and gently guide you along the inner path of your life.Go to: http://www.insightsandinspirations.com