Free Self-Acceptance Training Program now available at The Ascension Training Centre

In these three lessons, you will be taken on a journey into your Self.

If you are to move forward and make the best of all your gifts and talents, then you need to be able to fully accept your self. This program will show you the parameters necessary for successful Self-Acceptance.

Life’s journey is always about Self-Acceptance. What you see in others and judge as unacceptable is a mirror to something about you that you don’t want to see or accept.

Self-Acceptance is a process of recognizing these self-deficiencies and bringing them home to roost, that is, make them a part of your personal inventory and learn to accept each and every one of them for what they are, a little piece of you – like it or not.

To learn more, and to do it for free, go to this page and click on the free course on the right side of the page.


Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but by how we react to what happens, not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results.

Guest post by Anna Filipkowski.

What are you avoiding right now? What dream have you put on hold because you think you're too old, too young, too broke, too busy or too out of shape? What opportunities have you missed because you were too afraid of failing, embarrassment, abandonment or rejection? Why is it that most of us are more comfortable believing we can't than we can?

Everyone has a highly critical and negative little voice inside his or her head. Unfortunately, it keeps you in defensive or survival mode. Evolution calls this "Fight or Flight." It's a throwback to our more primitive selves. Since your critical voice only perceives in black and white, any obstacle is deemed a dead end rather than a challenge requiring a solution to move forward. Therefore, the critical voice usually stops us in our tracks and sabotages the concept of options.

Clearly, your critical voice is not your friend. And that voice does not define you. The real you strives for freedom and self-actualization. Your critical voice is nothing more than a schoolyard bully. You need to challenge it or ignore it. Like most bullies, it will eventually subside or back down.

Yes, you absolutely can quiet your negative inner dialogue by consciously changing your thoughts. The next time the bully inside you starts its whining diatribe, confront it head on. Calmly state, "What if I can?"

"You'll never get that job. You're too young, inexperienced and naive!"
What if I can?

"You're completely out of shape. And besides, there's no way you can run a half marathon at your age!"
What if I can?

"Start a business in this economy? You don't have enough money and that's just plain crazy! Besides nobody ever makes money doing that!"
What if I can?

"You'll never survive reality without booze or drugs!"
What if I can?

"You're too old and out of date to go back to school. You'll never keep up!"
What if I can?

"Just stay in the relationship and suck it up. Nobody else will want you and you can't make it on your own!"
What if I can?

"There are millions of out-of-work actors. You're not talented or attractive enough to break into that kind of business!"
What if I can?

"Do you know how many people actually succeed at that? It's just too hard and too competitive. You'll never make it to the Olympics."
What if I can?

"Your silly dream can wait another year. With all your other responsibilities, you're too busy to take on one more thing right now."
What if I can?

Be honest with yourself. If you were absolutely certain that you would succeed in your dream endeavor, would you do it? Or would you be afraid that your critical voice was telling the truth? Either way, you're right. That's how extraordinarily powerful your thoughts are. Remember, it takes just as much energy to succeed or fail. Focus your mind and heart and you can accomplish anything. Start now. That's how extraordinarily powerful your thoughts are. Remember, it takes just as much energy to succeed or fail. Focus your mind and heart and you can accomplish anything. Start now.

Anna Malandra Filipkowski, a downsized corporate executive is following her dreams and invites fellow latecomer entrepreneurs to journey down the path of freedom and prosperity in a global world.

"Our prayers are answered not when we are given what we ask, but when we are challenged to be what we can be."

-- Morris Adler

In this message, Harold W. Becker shares that in this present now moment there is a simple question each of us can quietly ask ourselves and by embracing its affirmative answer, we open a whole new reality of potential before us. For more please go to

He continues this is most likely not a question you may have ever considered for yourself or one that you have heard discussed by others. It is perhaps even one that you may wish to ignore at this stage of your journey. Yet, this beautiful and amazing transformative power and potential remains ever present until such time you feel the strength and courage to ask and accept its reality in your heart.

Why ask ourselves this question? Long ago we drifted away from our innate loving wisdom and allowed our consciousness to embrace the notion that our outer reality of form was our source of life. We became mesmerized and subsequently reliant upon our creations and forgot the power within our own being. Over time, this separation led to a sense of self doubt and with it, the corresponding manifestation we call fear. Unaware of the ultimate effect of our ongoing outer focus, we handed down our beliefs, notions, perspectives and ideals from generation to generation, century after century, often without stopping once to go within and ask a single question as to whether what we believe or do is actually coming from our own personal truth.

We stand at the threshold of opportunity to reconnect with our heart and allow the fullness of our wisdom to once again guide us. In an instant, we reverse the ignorance of ages by a clear and genuine acknowledgement of ourselves. By our own choice, we release the boundless freedom and joy and accept the potential that heals not only ourselves, also each other and our wondrous planet we call home. Can such a simple question really make this profound a difference? Answer it honestly, willingly, with an open heart and without hesitation, and you may be surprised by your own undeniable conclusion.

Do I love myself unconditionally?

What could there possibly be not to love? Our size, shape, color, age, gender? Our supposed status and achievements in life or the lack thereof? Our choices, mistakes and behaviors from the past? Our lost hopes, dreams or physical connections with others? These outer conditions and garments are only the forms we use to experience and evolve through life - they are not who we really are. Long after the forms dissolve and the expressions disappear, there is one thing that will always remain - Love.

The unconditional acceptance you have for yourself right now is the unconditional love you naturally will have for all others and Life itself. Allow yourself to embrace the knowing of love held within your heart and you share it with the world.

The Super Bowl is right around the corner, and the New Orleans Saints used Dan Green's book Finish Strong for their season's theme!

You can watch the movie of the book here

Susan David writes:

Do you spend hours worrying that you aren't good enough to succeed? That you're just not capable or that you aren't smart enough? You're not alone.

she continues ...

The imposter syndrome is common — and it can be hard to overcome. Quieting your inner critic takes a series of specific steps.

She goes on to explain just how this can be done...

"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows."

Helen Keller