If you have a web presence, surely you've at least thought about launching a product or program if you haven’t already done so.

Have you achieved the maximum results you desire?

Ali Brown hasn't only attempted it--she's perfected it into an art form. In fact, she recently sold over 600k worth of a product in just ONE WEEK and she is now ready to show you how she did it.

The best part of it all is that Ali focuses on making the process as simple as possible.

If you want in on this simple, step by step process to make YOUR product and program launch easy and lucrative, then you'll want to sign up for her upcoming call.

On Wednesday, March 31 at 8pm Eastern time, Ali will present:
"Secrets to Enjoying Six-Figure Online Product and Program Launches." Do your business justice by participating, and learn how to access the specifics you’ll need to execute an amazing launch! Please reserve now:

Here's what you’ll take away from this 75-minute complimentary call:

*The five simple steps it takes to plan an extremely profitable online launch for your products and programs.

*How to pull off a six-figure launch with little to no team or staff.

*Ways to keep your launch simple yet successful – using tools you're likely already using or are even FREE -- NO complex webinars or videos required. It's all about maximizing what you already have!

*Secrets to using social media for your launches – Twitter and Facebook can work wonders even for those of you with small or nonexistent email lists.

*Exciting details on the debut of her BRAND NEW "Product Launch System," which will lay out for you, step-by-step, how to do your own profitable launch with ease.

Again, learn more and register for this complimentary call taking place on Wednesday, March 31 by visiting:

Consider yourself cordially invited to this one-time event. It's been engineered especially for entrepreneurs who would like to generate greater response and more money when launching a product, program, or event online.

See you on the call!

Ideas are always a creative response to a problem without a present-day solution. People dream them up as the wonder what they might do to solve their problems, and they draw on inspirations from their environments around them to do so. What people forget is that neither their problems, nor the inspirations from which they draw solutions, are exclusively theirs. Everyone else is likely to face almost the same challenges. And they'll certainly come up with similar solutions.

This, more than any other reason, is why you often see the same idea surfacing in two or more places at once, even when the creative people proposing the solution don't know each other at all.

It seems logical to conclude, given this, that if you want to increase the success of your innovation efforts, getting more ideas will probably not have the result you're looking for.

Many people argue that what is actually needed is a systematic process which allows creative people to generate a track record of big product hits. This follows from the fact that it isn't ideas which are important to the innovation process, but the execution which follows them. Clearly, there are limited resources available in any organisation, so focussing on big ideas must be a good idea.

This, of course, is the strategy that's been followed by Apple, and other companies of its ilk. First, it released iPod, a massive hit that redefined the way that music is sold. Then it sold iPhone, which makes the name of the game in telephony about Apps, rather than features. And recently, it's released iPad, which it hopes will redefine the way customer acquire and use the products of the liberal arts.

None of these products are especially innovative, and they certainly aren't category unique. It is hard to say they are, by themselves, innovative. But they are designed beautifully, and each has built its success on the last.

This, in the end, is the real sign that a company has a successful innovation effort under way.

Would you like to create a track record of hit products? The easiest way to do it is create an innovation program with laser-sharp focus on what works. James Gardner's free online innovation book will help you start.

with Warren Evans, CSP and Kit Grant, CSP

You’re most likely leaving money on the table in most of your engagements. By building in non-standard services, you can increase each client’s bill significantly, while adding tremendous value. Discover additional revenue sources from each engagement and expand your possibilities with tools and tips that positively impact your relationship with the client. Differentiate yourself in the marketplace by altering your perceptions of that relationship and taking action on steps that others may not be aware of.
You will learn:
• how successful speakers add value and revenue from the first conversation
• some common missteps that are costing you money
• keys to dramatically increasing repeat and referral business
• how to use your on-stage performance as a key marketing tool

Click here for all the details ...

Special Limited-Time Offer:
If you want more information on other ways to expand your business, we’re suggesting the MP3 recordings of several earlier programs to complement this program:
• “Establish Client MasterMind Groups for Ongoing, Significant Income and Results” with Steve Miller
• “Subscription Products: Getting Customers to Pay You Again and Again (and Again)” with Ron Rosenberg
With your order of this teleseminar, CD or MP3, at checkout you will be offered these recordings.

How is this done?  How can you create you own high-end audio products quickly and easily?

With a BRAND NEW site called MonthlyProducts:

The best part is, each month You'll be given more and more interview materials that you can use to
create more products.


You keep any money You make selling the products.

And when I say it's point and click, it...really is.

Watch This Free Video RIGHT NOW!

You'll be amazed at how simple it is to custom create
Your own audio products!!!


P.S There is a full video explaining how the interview software works:


with Rebecca Morgan, CSP, CMC

Rebecca MorganUsing your blog postings is the best way to produce your next book. Creating audio product from those entries is an easy way to create CDs and MP3s for sale. Why use this route? There are so many advantages that writing a book or creating an audio album the old way no longer makes much sense. In fact, you may have so much content that you are able to launch a series of books and CD albums — Rebecca has released 15 books (100–230 pages each) from her blog postings in the first four months of this year.

What are the advantages? Are there disadvantages? How do you maximize your writing to position your book/recording for strong sales when it’s produced? How can you use excerpts of your blog to drive book/CD/MP3 sales and create a boatload of raving fans in the process?

You will learn:

  • How writing a book via your blog differs from writing the old-fashioned way
  • The many advantages of writing your book (or your recording script) through your blog
  • How to leverage your blog’s exposure to promote your book and CDs/MP3s
  • What you have to do to turn your postings into book format and into recordings
  • Getting your blog’s fans to be peer reviewers, editors and to market for you


  • Date: Thursday, July 9
  • Time: 7:00 pm Eastern, 6 pm Central, 5 pm Mountain, 4 pm Pacific
  • Length: 60 minutes
  • Cost: $25

Register or pre-order the CD or MP3 recording. Note: Everyone who registers for the teleseminar will get the MP3 recording of the session for free.

Teleseminar - listen on July 8 (or wait for the download)

with Elaine Floyd
Elaine FloydThe old publishing model is nearly dead for most authors. Finding an agent, then a publisher, then waiting 18-24 months for the book to be produced is way too long for entrepreneurs who can sell their book to their clients, in the back of the room and on the Internet.

But for your book to sell well and be positively received, you don’t just format it in Word and duplicate it at Kinko’s. You need to understand the nuances of creating a book that looks like it’s from a big publisher, even if you’re on a tight budget.

Elaine Floyd has produced top-selling books herself; she also has two titles published with major publishers. She’s learned that self-publishing is the best way for speakers, trainers and consultants to get their message to their market, as well as make more money. Lots more money. People began flocking to her to ask her advice as she seemed to have unlocked the magic formula for producing high-quality books and selling thousands of them. She began to consult with others who wanted to duplicate her success. She now helps clients create books that drive business.

You will learn:

  • how to create a system for selling not just one book, but a series
  • why your book must exceed the standards of major publishers
  • the three critical components to making your book a success and what most self-publishers skip — to their book’s detriment
  • key components of a jump-off-the-shelf cover
  • internal layout tips that separate “home-made” from professional
  • how to decide between soft- and hard-cover

Register or order the CD or MP3 recording

Date: Tuesday, July 8
Time: 7:00 pm Eastern, 6 pm Central, 5 pm Mountain, 4 pm Pacific
Length: 60 minutes
Cost: $25

Special Limited-Time Offer:

If you want more information on using books as a cornerstone of your business, we’re offering a special discount — only $10 each (while quantities last) — on the audiotapes (note: not CDs or MP3s) of two earlier programs to complement Elaine’s program:

  • “Unearthing Hidden Markets for Gigantic Book Sales” with Jerrold Jenkins
  • “Make Big Bucks from Niche Books” with Dave Richardson, CSP

With your order of Elaine’s teleseminar, CD or MP3, at checkout you will be offered these tapes and transcripts at a special discounted price of $10/each. This offer expires July 31.

Wednesday, April 30
with Steve Spangler, CSP

Steve SpanglerYou need products that fizz, bubble and erupt into a new revenue stream and enhanced media coverage. Steve will teach you how to create products that will have your audiences buzzing with excitement — and producers scrambling to book you. Every speaker has product ideas, but even the best ideas don’t jump off the cocktail napkin and sell themselves. Steve will show you his secrets for creating products that produce multiple income streams.
Steve’s innovative products have earned him a regular slot on the TV talk show “Ellen.” He’ll share some of the lessons he’s learned on how to parlay your creative products and information into repeat media exposure. In fact, your unusual products will garner you even more exposure. So even if you sell soft-skill programs, you can use some of Steve’s ideas to augment information products.Take home a few of these secrets...

  • How to turn simple ideas into great products without spending a fortune
  • Uncover the secrets to non-traditional product development, cost-effective packaging and viral marketing ideas that are guaranteed to improve your bottom line
  • Learn proven techniques for turning creative ideas into products that sell from start to finish in less than 30 days
  • Explore the science of product packaging on a shoestring budget
  • Learn how to create a product that teaches your audience how to do something amazing... and help you sell more product!
  • Unleash your creativity to create products that beyond the typical selection of books and DVDs
  • How to source trustworthy, cost-effective manufacturers
  • Hear a few of Steve’s best selling product ideas that will get your creative juices flowing
  • Media etiquette to encourage repeat appearances.

Steve Spangler understands something about creating products that fizz, bubble and erupt into huge sales. His now famous Mentos and Diet Coke geyser experiment became an overnight Internet sensation and landed him an entire line of mass-market products. His Denver-based catalog and online business specializes in the sales and development of educational toys and teaching tools. His print catalog contains more than 650 products and is mailed to over a half a million teachers and parents each year, and his online store draws nearly 4,000 unique visitors every day. When he’s not on the platform, you’ll find Steve in his product lab in Denver creating products for retailers such as Toys ’R’ Us, the Discovery Channel Store and Target. What drives his growing retail business? Speaking!
Register or order the CD or MP3 recording

Special Limited-Time Offer:If you want more information on uncommon ways to get bookings, we’re offering a special discount — only $10 each (while quantities last) — on the audiotapes (note: not CDs or MP3s) of two earlier programs to complement Steve’s program:

  • “Itch Your Niche to Make More Money” with Susan Friedmann, CSP
  • “How to Get a Million Dollars Worth of Free Television Coverage” with Dian Thomas

With your order of Steve’s teleseminar, CD or MP3, at checkout you will be offered these tapes and transcripts at a special discounted price of $10/each. This offer expires May 15.