A good introduction to the delivery of your presentation is extremely important. The first minute or so sets the stage for the rest of your talk.

You should start with an upbeat, positive mood. The first impression you make lasts. You want to quickly gain the attention, interest, and respect of your audience. Your first words should be lively, interesting, clear, and simple.

read more => http://bit.ly/hYUrJe

From the Pivotal Public Speaking email package ... a book ...

The Naked Presenter: Delivering Powerful Presentations with or without Slides
by Garr Reynolds

When we learn to present naked, we reach our audiences by communicating the essence of the message, stripping away all that is unnecessary and embracing the ideas of simplicity, clarity, honesty, integrity, and passion. If "slideware" is used, the slides never steal the show or rise above serving a strong but simple supportive role. The ideas in the presentation may or may not be radical, earth shattering, or new, but there is freshness to the approach and content that makes a lasting impression.

Read more ... http://bit.ly/ewrrwk

Name the three best speakers you know.

Are *you* on your list? If not, are those other speakers better than you?

If you ask your clients to name the three best speakers they’ve had at their meetings, are you on *their* list?
Top speakers are continually looking for ways to be even better, to have more impact, and they have learned to look to show business performers for clues and techniques.

How do the skills of master performers translate to speakers? What do Jay Leno, Ellen DeGeneres, and Jerry Seinfeld do in their performances that you can apply to your presentations?

Bill Stainton has won numerous Emmy awards. He knows what comedy and TV stars do to stay on top, and he’s going to share that knowledge with us.

Virtually all of the speakers who are making serious money in the speaking business have one thing in common: they are amazing on the platform! Everything else springs from that: referrals, spin-offs, product sales — everything. If you want to make it — really make it — as a speaker, you have to be as good as, or better than, the best. Bill will share the secrets he’s learned from the people who have really made it in comedy and television, and translate those secrets directly to the world of speaking.

You will learn:

• How to structure your presentation for maximum engagement
• How to utilize predictable unpredictability to keep your audiences awake and interested
• A simple rule to help you plan your openings and closings
• How to use the secrets of comedy writers to make your speeches and stories come alive
• How to rehearse properly (most speakers don’t!) to set you apart from the competition

more information here ... http://bit.ly/i9AeFR

PowerPoint problems run rampant in presentations, from busy, overdone slides that are impossible to read to poor usage where the speaker talks to the slide or blocks the screen. While there are lots of ways to improve slide quality and enhance PowerPoint usage, there is one little known, but powerful, strategy that can improve any PowerPoint presentation and put the focus more on the speaker, where it belongs.

This wonderful strategy is... the black slide. to the slide or blocks the screen.

While there are lots of ways to improve slide quality and enhance PowerPoint usage, there is one little known, but powerful, strategy that can improve any PowerPoint presentation and put the focus more on the speaker, where it belongs.

Keep in mind, the objective of visuals is to complement what you're saying, to help the audience understand or remember a point. So it stands to reason that if your visuals are purposeful, then you won't have a visual up all the time. In fact, you don't need a visual up to relate an anecdote or have interaction with your audience. Neither is a visual necessary to set the stage or to wrap up or to signal the start of Q&A.

Enter, the black slide. A black slide makes the screen go dark. Wherever you insert one into your PowerPoint presentation, there will be nothing on the screen. This enables you to tell that story or give that example or make that transition without the distraction of purposeless visual. And you now have the focus on you (which is ideally where it should be!).

Don't know how to create a black slide? Not surprising, since PowerPoint has no vested interest in helping you NOT use a slide! Here are some basic instructions (this is for PowerPoint 2007 -- every version is a little different; the key is to find the "Format Background" function):

-Create a new slide and right-click on it

-From the options that come up, click on: "Format Background"

-In the box that comes up, select:

  1. Solid Fill
  2. Hide Background Graphics
  3. Color: Click on the down arrow and select black

-Click Apply (NOT Apply All!)

Your slide will now be black and when projected in a room, will simply look like there's nothing on the screen. A great opportunity for the speaker to capture the focus!



There is another trick that will create a dark screen. If, while you're in "Slide Show" mode, you hit the "B" key on your keyboard, your screen will go dark. When you hit it (or the mouse or the arrow or enter key) again, the visual you had darkened will come back up. (Please note that this feature works only in "Slide Show" mode.) Now, before you get all excited and think, "Great! I'll just use the 'B' key to go to blank in between some of my slides," let me offer a word of caution.

First of all, the thing about the "B" key is that when you hit it the second time to get out of the black slide, it doesn't advance to your next slide. The visual you had up before the black slide will reappear. So it's going to be awkward to have to bring up your previous slide before you can go to your next one. Secondly, what do you think the likelihood is that you're going to remember to hit the "B" key after certain visuals? It's risky to rely on your memory. It's much simpler to just insert a black slide when you don't want anything on the screen.

Final suggestion, always end on a black slide. This is a nice way to end your presentation-nothing on the screen to distract from you during your close or the Q&A session. I recommend you create one instead of relying on PowerPoint's version...  You may have noticed it has the tiny type on it that says, "End of slide show. Click to exit." Not a big deal, but I have seen speakers who, moving in front of the projector with this slide up, had that white type run across their shirt or their face. It can be a little distracting. Leave your black slide there and don't exit the "Slide Show" mode until you are completely done with your presentation. If you exit Slide Show before you're done, the audience has to look at the "Slide Sorter View" of your program, which is busy and distracting.

The black slide is the single most powerful slide you can use in PowerPoint. Use it often!


Barbara Busey, president of the training firm Presentation Dynamics, has been a professional speaker, trainer and author since 1990. She does training and speaking on the "dynamics" of how people "present" themselves, is the author of the book, "Stand Out When You Stand Up," and is the creator of The Compelling Speaker, a unique presentation skills training program that combines advance audio CD instruction with a hands-on, ultra participative workshop. She now offers the Compelling Speaker Certification, a turnkey system -- complete with training content & technique, business strategies, and marketing guidelines -- that positions communicators to make a living training other business professionals to become more compelling speakers. Go to Compelling Speaker Certification to see her video, listen to her audio, and learn when the next Certification training is.

Photo by Pim Chu on Unsplash

Last week I posted about defining the wow - the impact you want your presentation to make. And part of that definition has to be what you want your audience to remember of you. What image do you want them to take with them?

Everything the audience sees needs to reinforce that image – clothes, facial expression, stance and gesture. At its most basic this means projecting confidence and sincerity. Unless you decide otherwise, the audience needs to know that you are comfortable with your message and believe in it.

If you are also using this presentation to present yourself as the face of your business, or as a candidate for a position, then take that into account as well. You need to be seen as trustworthy, competent, at ease with your material.

Actors want to direct. Directors want to produce. And consultants want to be kick ass speakers. And why not? The pay is good. It doesn't take much time. And it's a lot less heavy lifting than most consulting gigs.

Easier said that done, however. Delivering a kick ass kick ass is not as easy as it looks. If you want to get into the game, begin by reviewing the following guidelines to see if you have what it takes.


Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences

by Nancy Duarte

Reveals the underlying story form of all great presentations that will not only create impact, but will move people to action

Presentations are meant to inform, inspire, and persuade audiences. So why then do so many audiences leave feeling like they've wasted their time? All too often, presentations don't resonate with the audience and move them to transformative action.

Just as the author's first book helped presenters become visual communicators, Resonate helps you make a strong connection with your audience and lead them to purposeful action. The author's approach is simple: building a presentation today is a bit like writing a documentary. Using this approach, you'll convey your content with passion, persuasion, and impact.

  • Author has a proven track record, including having created the slides in Al Gore's Oscar-winning An Inconvenient Truth
  • Focuses on content development methodologies that are not only fundamental but will move people to action
  • Upends the usual paradigm by making the audience the hero and the presenter the mentor
  • Shows how to use story techniques of conflict and resolution

Presentations don't have to be boring ordeals. You can make them fun, exciting, and full of meaning. Leave your audiences energized and ready to take action with Resonate.

Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences

by Nancy Duarte

Reveals the underlying story form of all great presentations that will not only create impact, but will move people to action

Presentations are meant to inform, inspire, and persuade audiences. So why then do so many audiences leave feeling like they've wasted their time? All too often, presentations don't resonate with the audience and move them to transformative action.

Just as the author's first book helped presenters become visual communicators, Resonate helps you make a strong connection with your audience and lead them to purposeful action. The author's approach is simple: building a presentation today is a bit like writing a documentary. Using this approach, you'll convey your content with passion, persuasion, and impact.

  • Author has a proven track record, including having created the slides in Al Gore's Oscar-winning An Inconvenient Truth
  • Focuses on content development methodologies that are not only fundamental but will move people to action
  • Upends the usual paradigm by making the audience the hero and the presenter the mentor
  • Shows how to use story techniques of conflict and resolution

Presentations don't have to be boring ordeals. You can make them fun, exciting, and full of meaning. Leave your audiences energized and ready to take action with Resonate.

When you first begin to prepare your presentation, you defined an image that you wanted to present. “What do I want them to remember of me?”

Who are you? How will you be remembered after this presentation?

Everything the audience sees needs to reinforce that image – clothes, facial expression, stance and gesture.

At its most basic this means projecting confidence and sincerity. Unless you decide otherwise, the audience needs to know that you are comfortable with your message and that you believe in it.

If you are also using this presentation to present yourself as the face of your business, or as a candidate for a position, then take that into account as well. You need to be seen as trustworthy, competent, at ease with your material.

Volumes have been written about the skills needed for successful sales presentations. Advice abounds about how to present benefits, not features; how to conduct product demos; how to use influencing techniques; how to establish rapport; how to close; and more.
Top sales performers embrace not only these sales skills but, most importantly, this fundamental of effective presenting: focus on the audience. They are clear that a sales presentation should be a dialogue between salesperson and audience. Most sales presentations typically involve small enough numbers of people to facilitate this.

more => http://bit.ly/g8lwH7