with Glenna Salsbury, CSP, CPAE

Your platform effectiveness is powerfully enhanced by your clarity of unique message. Are you holding audiences in the palm of your hand? Are you experiencing repeat and referral business time after time?
One of the most practical ways to tap into your authentic message is to begin to dig out of your memory bank the most significant events, most significant people and most life-changing insights that have impacted you.
Life-changing, transformational speakers are those who are captivatingly authentic. Our challenge is to become courageously transparent, to share our own unique truth, with a thoroughly humble heart.
You will learn:
- methods for clarifying your unique message
- tips for telling spellbinding stories
- how to utilize powerful rhythm in your speech
- why it’s important to deliver elevating laughter
- practical tools with which to leave your legacy in the lives of your listeners
Register or order the CD or MP3 recording. Note: people who register for the teleseminar will get the MP3 recording of the session for free.
Date: Tuesday, November 24
Time: 7:00 pm Eastern, 6 pm Central, 5 pm Mountain, 4 pm Pacific
Length: 60 minutes
Cost: $25
Special Limited-Time Offer:
If you want more information on how to mine your life for presentation content, we suggest the recordings of several earlier programs to complement Glenna’s program:
- “Digging for the Treasures in Your Stories” with Emory Austin, CSP, CPAE
- “The Anatomy of a Remarkable, Convention-Maker Keynote” with Joe Calloway, CSP, CPAE
- “Creating Emotional Triggers to Make Your Stories Memorable” with Doug Stevenson
With your order of Glenna’s teleseminar, CD or MP3, at checkout you will be offered these recordings.