10 Simple Steps to Confident Speaking
Here is a very PPPerceptive and PPPractical set of tips. It will motivate an give you usful inforamtion
10 Simple Steps to Confident Speaking
Here is a very PPPerceptive and PPPractical set of tips. It will motivate an give you usful inforamtion
Excellent article http://www.consultpivotal.com/make_money_ps.htm
From Smart business
“There’s a wonderful feature of PowerPoint, you hit the B key and it blacks the screen in show mode, most people don’t know that,” says Hamburger, the president and CEO of DeVry Inc.
When DeVry, the higher education holding company for DeVry University, Ross University, Chamberlain College of Nursing and Becker Professional Review, hit a rough patch, Hamburger got to know that B button pretty well.
Maximize Your Presentation Skills: How to Speak, Look and Act on Your Way to the Top (Paperback)
by Ellen Kaye
"If you want to become a better speaker and communicator, this book will be an excellent guide. It is down to earth, easy to read, and very informative." — Ken Blanchard, coauthor, The One Minute Manager"
Ellen Kaye educates, cultivates, and motivates so that her clients are far more capable, entertaining, and charismatic. I've seen it happen. I encourage you to read her book and benefit from her coaching." — Nancy Lauterbach, owner, FIVE STAR Speakers & Trainers, and president, International Association of Speakers Bureaus
Book Description
Master the Perfect Presentation with Ease
The difference between a mediocre and magnificent career usually hinges on one simple thing: how you present yourself to management, clients, coworkers, and the public. In Maximize Your Presentation Skills, professional speech and image coach Ellen A. Kaye reveals how you can take your career to the next level by communicating like a seasoned business leader.Presented in an easy-to-use Q&A format, this indispensable guide answers more than 100 specific questions about public speaking, business etiquette, and leadership image, while dozens of valuable exercises help you hone your new career skills. This powerful and insightful book will help you master these crucial career skills and stand out from the crowd, whether you're just starting out in the business world or have been running a company for years. If you don't want to walk up the career ladder, but rather sprint, let the invaluable advice in Maximize Your Presentation Skills be your guide.
"No task is so humble that it does not offer an outlet for individuality."
-William Feather
And there is no doubt that that applies just so well to public speaking. it is our chance to put our own individual stamp on the presentation - whether it be a short toast or a keynote to a roomfull of people. I see public speaking as a fantastic creative outlet. And, of course, a chance to build your image. Thanks, William Feather
You already have everything you need to be an effective, charismatic speaker. You do. You don’t need to adopt certain tricks or mannerisms. Nor do you need to speak with an artificially amped-up enthusiasm or energized voice. You do not need to move in this way or that. Or use props or PowerPoint. All of these suggestions, though well-meaning, keep us struck in the illusion that we need to be other than who we are right now, in this moment, in order to speak well in public.
Being able to communicate effectively through words has been a much-coveted secret for centuries. Take the blarney stone in Ireland, for example. The blarney stone is part of the Blarney castle in Ireland and it is tradition that those who kiss this stone are given the gift of the gab. If you want to have the gift of the gab but kissing the blarney stone is out of the question, maybe you could benefit from the 10 basics of communication and public speaking.
Alliteration is a particularly powerful presentation tool
Acting is merely the art of keeping a large group of people from coughing.
--Sir Ralph Richardson
By: Stephen D. Boyd
Delivering an effective presentation to 20 or to 200 people is difficult. Because listeners have better access to information since the internet became commonplace, audiences expect more content from speakers today. In addition, because of the entertainment slant of most media today, audiences want a presentation delivered with animation, humor, and pizzazz.
If you would rather spend your time preparing your content than reading a book on public speaking, this is an article especially for you! From my experiences in delivering over l500 speeches during the past 20 years, here is a quick guide to giving an effective and interesting presentation your very first time.