"Excellence is an art won by training and habitation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but rather we have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act but a habit."

- Aristotle


"You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage -- pleasantly, smilingly, nonapologetically -- to say 'no' to other things. And the way you do that is by having a bigger 'yes' burning inside."

-- Stephen Covey


Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him.

~ Maya Angelou 

There comes a time when you have to choose between turning the page and closing the book.

–Josh Jameson

"In relation to others, gratitude is good manners; in relation to ourselves, it is a habit of the heart and a spiritual discipline."

-- Daphne Rose Kingma

"Character gets you out of bed; commitment moves you to action.
Faith, hope and discipline enable you to follow through to completion."
--Zig Ziglar

The best of a book is not the thought which it contains, but the thought which it suggests; just as the charm of music dwells not in the tones but in the echoes of our hearts.

~ Oliver Wendell Holmes 

Maybe stories are just data with a soul.

~ Brené Brown

Are you using stories to make your data more attractive and effective?

...the basic difference between an ordinary man and a Warrior is that a Warrior takes everything as a challenge ~ whereas an ordinary man takes everything as a curse or a blessing 

--don juan