All the different types of relationships give us the opportunity for personal development.

The suggestion of Karma in a relationship is not a pleasurable thought, no matter how it is manifesting in one's life; but powerful relationships, whether good or bad, almost certainly have a Karmic underlay to them.

In a Karmic relationship, the lessons that we have to learn from each other can be as varied as life itself. One may be certain however, that the lesson will be deep, personal and will demand inner strength.

When we experience the Karma involved in a relationship, we tend to find ourselves feeling without control over the circumstances and events, and at a loss of how to act and react to those situations. It is our belief, that while all Soulmate connections are Karmic, but not all Karmic relationships involve Soulmates.

As a general rule, the Karmic model is only completely understood with clarity, AFTER the lesson is learned. Karmic relationships are valuable gifts that can facilitate us on our spiritual journey. This can only occur however, if we're ready to let go of the Ego.

So don't dread that all Karmic love relationships have to be demanding and complicated. As we choose to be more mindful, we can transform negative patterns by choosing more conscious and loving behaviors.

We can convert Karma into Dharma though the alchemy of our desires into our Intentions.

Humanity Healing is sharing a series of free classes and workshops on Karmic and other types of Soul Relationships.

For more information, visit:

"If you start to think the problem is ‘out there,’ stop yourself. That thought is the problem."

-- Stephen Covey

How compatible are you and the person you are with? How would you know? Just because you like the same types of foods and pets does not mean that you can have a blissful, long-term relationship.

"An estimated 83% of divorces would not take place if couples asked each other the right questions"

"1000 Questions For Couples"

All of these questions will help you to really know the thoughts, feelings and desires of the one you are with. After going through these questions, you will really know the things your sweetheart is passionate about. You will know how you can give them much joy and happiness. You will also discover what irritates them and makes them blue.

While these questions are an absolute must for couples to ask while dating, over 700 of the questions are crucial for married couples to discuss too.
Click on this link to find out more ….

Once upon a time, there were 12 Steps to Everlasting Love. These 12 steps taught people how to have meaningful relationships, full of love and passion, and finally live Happily Ever After, in the "Real World."

click on the picture

"Only as high as I reach can I grow, Only as far as I seek can I go, Only as deep as I look can I see, Only as much as I dream can I be."
-- Karen Raven

Resource for the Week

How compatible are you and the person you are with? How would you know? Just because you like the same types of foods and pets does not mean that you can have a blissful, long-term relationship.
"An estimated 83% of divorces would not take place if couples asked each other the right questions"
"1000 Questions For Couples"
All of these questions will help you to really know the thoughts, feelings and desires of the one you are with. After going through these questions, you will really know the things your sweetheart is passionate about. You will know how you can give them much joy and happiness. You will also discover what irritates them and makes them blue.
While these questions are an absolute must for couples to ask while dating, over 700 of the questions are crucial for married couples to discuss too.
Click on this link to find out more ….

: Everything You Need to Know to Close Deals, Build Relationships, and Create Win-Win Outcome

by Paul S. Goldner, Peter McKeon
Negotiation is a key skill for all salespeople. Great sales professionals need to be able to counter clients who are naturally trying to get rock-bottom prices, but at the same time maintain a good relationship, so the client will want to do business with them again. Negotiation is more than just closing a sale. It’s the art of continuing a partnership that is successful for both parties. Red-Hot Sales Negotiation provides practical tips and strategies to help salespeople:
* prepare in advance
* ask Power Negotiation Questions to instantly draw out useful information
* learn the difference between the customer's "positions" (what they're asking for) and the customer's "interests" (what they really want)
* find a "win-win" solution.
Red-Hot Sales Negotiation is a vital resource that enables readers to perfect their negotiation skills and take their sales into the stratosphere. Book Description
Negotiation is a key skill for all salespeople. Great sales professionals need to be able to counter clients who are naturally trying to get rock-bottom prices, but at the same time maintain a good relationship, so the client will want to do business with them again. Negotiation is more than just closing a sale. It’s the art of continuing a partnership that is successful for both parties. Red-Hot Sales Negotiation provides practical tips and strategies to help salespeople:
* prepare in advance
* ask Power Negotiation Questions to instantly draw out useful information
* learn the difference between the customer's "positions" (what they're asking for) and the customer's "interests" (what they really want)
* find a "win-win" solution.
Red-Hot Sales Negotiation is a vital resource that enables readers to perfect their negotiation skills and take their sales into the stratosphere.