What do three-time Olympians use when they simply HAVE to operate a peak mental attitude to compete and win against the world's greatest athletes?

They use this...

Used by self-made millionaires, CEOs, Olympic athletes, and champions from every field...

Subliminal Power is one of the smartest and easiest ways to adopt "peak mentality"--fast.

Just go to..   http://bit.ly/z1dgzc

What do three-time Olympians use when they simply HAVE to operate a peak mental attitude to compete and win against the world's greatest athletes?

They use this...

Used by self-made millionaires, CEOs, Olympic athletes, and champions from every field...

Subliminal Power is one of the smartest and easiest ways to adopt "peak mentality"--fast.

Just go to..   http://bit.ly/z1dgzc


If the past year wasn't your greatest, if you have already broken your New Year Resolutions, and if you are not as prosperous and fulfilled as you would like, you need to do something differently, and you need to do it now.

Why? Because all change, all progress begins with a single decision, a single action, a single YES!

You and I both know that no matter how good or bad your results were last year - you can always do better.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of people and companies don't take the time to plan for their future and they are simply plugging along with their heads down.

It's similar to the pattern of Bill Murray's character, Phil Connors, in the hilarious movie Groundhog Day.

But, instead of repeating the same day over and again, both companies and individuals seem to repeat the same outlook, approach, and strategies.

Is it any surprise that they repeat the same results?

February 2nd is an important date not just because it's Groundhog Day and we all want to know if Punxsutawney Phil (the Groundhog) sees his shadow.

More importantly, it marks the date when thousands of people from around the world make the decision to begin the 100 Day Challenge and change their life for the better and I mean much better.


The 100 Day Challenge is an extreme goal achievement and performance improvement program that creates radical results--quickly.

Think P90X for your life!

To get all the details, go to this website now and watch a really inspiring video as well:


P.S. I almost forgot, be sure to use this coupon code to receive a huge super saver discount: groundhog


Not only the best basketball player of all time, but also a huge inspiration for everyone looking to succeed. Michael Jordan is one of the most successful people on the planet and has transcended any barrier previously known to man. I've compiled these clips to share with you his great wisdom on life and the road to success.

Pivotal resilience

Getting knocked down and then expecting to get back up can be difficult for many people. As we look into our ancestral past, we will see examples of many humans that had to deal with dangers that were real. They either handled it or simply died. In today's world, life has changed. We no longer have to deal with survival that threatens our life. And yet, our subconscious mind still thinks in those terms.

When we lose a job or some other difficulty, life may seem like it is over. If we are asked to perform at higher levels, we see that as a threat to our well-being. Not in what we have to do, but in being told what we have to do. And that makes things more difficult. So does the threat from a creditor. Heck, they might as well be some predator in the wild as far as our minds are concerned.

It certainly seems that today we are facing so many difficulties that really challenge us. How we handle them will determine where we go. Each of us has the ability to come back or to fold. It's not about what we have, but about what we believe and think.

The ones that have come back from any situation were always people of action. They had a determination and created a plan to see what they could do. These type of people existed all throughout history. They came from every socioeconomic group. And then they just did it. And so can you.

There are ways that you can do that will enable you to deal with life's difficulties and make a strong comeback. Here are a few.

· Develop a Rational-Based Positive Mental Attitude. This is important in how you look at things. If you think about that you will have a positive outcome without doing anything about it, then this is simply irrational thinking. On the other hand, if you believe that you can have a positive outcome by planning and taking action steps to make it happen, then it's rational thinking.

· Plan ahead for any potentiality. The reason why first-responders do well is that they plan ahead and train for disasters. This helps build resilience when the going gets tough. Even though they can't anticipate everything that can happen, they do have the built-in resources to deal with it.

· Create goals. If you have gotten down. Then set a goal, plan and take action to stage a comeback. Know that you can learn from the past in order to help your future.

· Express your feelings. This is very important in order to help release them. There are many ways that you can do that. If you have a support system, use them. Using a journal/diary will help you to express how you feel. It's something that I've used for awhile now.

· Exercise regularly. Getting and staying fit will help you body handle with any type of trauma or any other stressor. Actually, stressor is a misnomer. There is the bad stress (distress) and the good stress (eustress). Exercise is a form of eustress, so are challenges. Both create growth. By engaging in exercise, you will get fit in both mind and body.

· Eat healthy. Good nutrition will help your mind and body in providing the proper nutrients throughout your body when it is especially needed in times that are very challenging.

· Become and stay flexible. Change is constant. Difficulties arise. Know that anything can happen at any moment. You can even challenge your brain in dealing with sudden change by engaging in learning new things. Reading books or taking courses in subjects you've never learned will help. Get active in social media and go outside your boundaries.

These are few ways that will help you build resilience in your own life. Difficulties will happen. Its how you deal with that will make the difference. By understanding that there are things you can control and things you can't control will go a long way towards resiliency. I wish you a successful path whenever any difficult situation arises.

Learning and growing in all aspects of living an optimal life is important. Finding the right experts is important for you to get to where you want to get to in life. Whether it's in health, confidence, a purposeful life or more... Build up your own ability in life from the kind of learning that will help you in different areas... They can be in work, personal, relationships, leadership, fitness, nutrition, health or any area that will get you to a life of happiness and purpose. Just go to optimallifeseminars.com for learning and more... Watch for upcoming events and seminars... We'll also offer many different ways that you can learn... You will learn strategies and tactics that will help you in so many ways...

Bob Choat works as a Peak Performance Coach, Trainer, Professional Speaker, Author and co-owner of Optimal Life Seminars along with Dr. Lori Shemek, Ph.D. He is focused on people in every industry reach a higher level of performance in their lives.  Photo by Simone Acquaroli on Unsplash


Have you seen the movie Limitless?

In it, the protagonist discovers a little pill that, when swallowed, unlocks 'superhuman' powers and personality traits that transform the way he thinks...
making him uber-smart and crazy successful.

It's Hollywood fiction at its best... but what if there WAS a pill you could take to instantly put yourself in a *great* mood... boost your concentration... and hard-wire your mind to focus on WINNING... effortlessly?

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Simply strap on a pair of headphones, hit play, and let the expertly engineered brainwave session induce an 'Alpha' mind state that instantly boosts your mood, reduces stress and invokes a feeling of euphoria... the kind of attitude you need to WIN in today's tough world.

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P.S -- Oh and if you're expecting one of those pseudo-scientific feel-good CDs, this is not it. When you click the link above, be sure to visit the 'Science' page to learn how it works. It's based on PROVEN neuroscience and is backed by a 100% promise -- either it works for you, or you get every penny back, period.

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Debt... It's a 4-letter word that can be just as obscene as those other 4-letter words that aren't fit to print!

With more than 500 million credit cards floating around the U.S., buying more than we should is just so darn easy. After all, it only takes a simple swipe of the credit card or a few mouse clicks to buy that pair of shoes, fancy sweater, designer jeans, or new cell phone we think we absolutely- positively-can't-live-without.

You may always tell yourself you'll pay everything off when the credit card bill arrives, but when it does, the temptation of just paying the minimum balance is so strong.
Before you know it, you're fully engulfed in D-E-B-T.

Even if your debts are minor and you think they'll be easy to manage, here are 4 reasons why you need to get yourself out of debt - and avoid it like the plague for the rest of your life:

1. You don't want to be stressed out all the time.

Even a little bit of debt can keep you up at night or give you a headache that won't go away. And the more debt you rack up, the more stress you're going to feel. If you want to avoid all of the serious physical and emotional problems that come with stress, keep yourself out of debt. After all, daily life can be stressful enough; you don't need to heap any more stress on yourself!

2. You might end up getting divorced.

Did you know that financial issues lead to more U.S.
divorces than anything else? It's hard to believe, but it's true! Millions of couples argue over bills and debate spending vs. saving - and, sadly, many of them wind up getting divorced over it. Every marriage takes work, but you're making that work even tougher if you're letting debt get in the way of the relationship between you and your spouse.

3. Your kids may never get to go to college.

All of the money you spend on interest payments every month would be doing much more for you if it were sitting in an interest-bearing college fund for your kids. Every day you spend in debt, you're making it tougher and tougher on your kids to go to college. And the last thing you probably want is to make your kids apply for a bunch of student loans.
Then, they'll graduate in a sea of debt of their own!

4. You may never get to retire.

Do you dream of spending your golden years knitting in a rocking chair or playing golf every day? If you're immersed in debt, you may wind up working until you're 80 or 85, because you don't have a "nest egg" to live off of!


Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D. Wattles and the publisher of "The Science of Abundant Life" ebook by Wallace D. Wattles...

"The Science of Abundant Life" by Wallace D. Wattles "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles together with Wallace D. Wattles' "The Science of Being Well", "The Science of Being Great", "How to Promote Yourself", "The New Science of Living and Healing", and "Hell-fire Harrison".
Click Here Now => http://bit.ly/xJ58Wi

**Attention Ezine/Newsletter Editors - Blog/Website Owners** Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your autoresponder, ezine or newsletter, or on your blog or website, as long as you leave all links in place, do not modify the content, and include our resource box as listed above.

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Have I got some exciting news for you today!

You can now get instant access to 100s of downloadable self help gifts at NO COST to yourself.

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So, if you have found yourself going round in circles time and time again just trying to improve things in your life, but find yourself getting nowhere fast, then I'm pleased to tell you that it is now easily within your reach to change things during 2012.

HOWEVER, just like anything in life there is a downside here - BUT don't panic because if you act fast you won't miss out.

The Self Improvement Gifts Giveaway 6 hosted by Stephanie Mulac, Carolyn Hansen and Dr. Joe Rubino will only be open for a VERY LIMITED TIME... only a few weeks in fact!

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Don't delay because the doors close for good in a few weeks.

Here's just a small sample of the 100s of gifts that are available for you to download instantly once the event goes live:

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If you are ready to start the year off right, which I'm sure you are, and tackle EVERYTHING that is holding you back from moving forward in life, or if you just want to change things because you are looking for a sense of inner peace, then you need to go here RIGHT NOW:


How should my office be organized so I can be the most effective? Two main ideas to consider when answering this question are: what is your vision for the space and what is the function of the space? What do you want the office to look like? What purpose are you using the office for? If it is an office, then theoretically the function should be business related.

Next, go through all the items in your office and determine if they are consistent with the vision and the function of the space. For example, should children toys be in the office? Should off-season clothing be stored here? Some offices serve multiple functions. In this case, try to divide your office into zones. Keep the bill paying portion in one section and the scrapbooking section in another section. Any item that is not consistent with your vision and function needs to be evicted to other areas of the house, the trash, or donated.

Once you have evicted all items that don't belong, take a look at what is left. Then keep this rule in mind, "location, location, location". Items you use often should be within reach (desk top or desk drawers). Items you use once a week or less should be further away (lower desk drawers or file cabinet). Items you reference once a month or less should be even further away (file cabinet or book shelves or closet storage).

When you are deciding on new homes for items, remember to keep like items together. Notepad and pens and pencils near the phone. Mailing envelopes, stamps, packing tape grouped together in a mailing center. All active files in one location. Reference book in another location.

At this point, when you grouped your items together, decide if you need any organizing supplies to keep everything corralled. I hesitate to advise clients to purchase any supplies until they have purged and sorted their items and looked at the various storage containers they may already have in their home. Repurpose your items before you purchase new. Also, before you purchase supplies, measure! There is nothing as frustrating as purchasing containers that do not fit in the space.

Finally, decide on a system to maintain your office. I advocate stopping in the doorway on your way out of the office, turning around, and looking back. If your office does not look the way you want it to, go back, put files away, and then leave.

The above ideas should help you maximize your office space. You probably have more space than you realize.

Lisa Crilley Mallis the owner of SystemSavvy Consulting and the creator of the College Success Initiative. She has assisted many students, solopreneurs, and busy moms, increase productivity and decrease clutter. Visit http://www.SystemSavvyConsulting.com for more helpful tips.

What do three-time Olympian's use when they simply HAVE to operate a peak mental attitude to compete and win against the world's greatest atheletes?

They use this...


Used by self-made millionaires, CEOs, Olympic atheletes, and champions from every field...
Subliminal Power is one of the smartest and easiest ways to adopt "peak mentality"--fast.

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