Have I got some exciting news for you today!

You can now get instant access to 100s of downloadable self help gifts at NO COST to yourself.

Yep, you heard me right...for FREE!

All you have to do is go here: http://bit.ly/uxHxZZ

So, if you have found yourself going round in circles time and time again just trying to improve things in your life, but find yourself getting nowhere fast, then I'm pleased to tell you that it is now easily within your reach to change things during 2012.

HOWEVER, just like anything in life there is a downside here - BUT don't panic because if you act fast you won't miss out.

The Self Improvement Gifts Giveaway 6 hosted by Stephanie Mulac, Carolyn Hansen and Dr. Joe Rubino will only be open for a VERY LIMITED TIME... only a few weeks in fact!

So if you are serious about making 2012 the BEST year ever, then you need to jump on board as soon as the event opens on the 5th of January.

Don't delay because the doors close for good a few weeks later.

Here's just a small sample of the 100s of gifts that are available for you to download instantly once the event goes live:

* Affirmations For A Wealthy Mindset Audio - Elaine Lockard
* The All-Natural, No-Fail Weight-Loss System - Willie Crawford
* 10 Free Personal Development Reports - Steven Aitchison
* Sound Transformation Starter Kit - Iain Legg
* A Beginners Guide To Running - Paul Klein
* 3 FREE Hypnosis MP3s - Dan Bainbridge
* How to Make Your Mind a Money Magnet! - Dr. Robert Anthony
* The Law of Attraction Key - Kristen Howe
* Create Your Own Self Improvements Products - Keith Purkiss
* Brain Maximization Package - Alvin Huang
* And Much Much More!

If you are ready to start the year off right, which I'm sure you are, and tackle EVERYTHING that is holding you back from moving forward in life, or if you just want to change things because you are looking for a sense of inner peace, then you need to go here RIGHT NOW:


You know, this is the 6th Self Improvement Gifts Giveaway event and each year it just gets BIGGER and BETTER!

This REALLY is the largest collection of POWERFUL self help and personal growth gifts you will find on the Internet EVER!

Before you go I just have one question for you...

Now that you know about this potentially life changing giveaway, are you going to make the most of the opportunity, or are you going to sit back and let 2012 be a repeat of 2011?

The choice is yours, but I know what I'm going to do and that is FIGHT BACK and live life the way I want to....Are you with me?

Hope to see you there 🙂


"We are not what we know. We are what we are willing to learn."

-- Council on Ideas


Do you have goals that you want to achieve in your life? If you answer yes, this is the perfect article for you because you are about to discover why most people fail to achieve their goals. Once you knew the reason, you can use it to help you to accomplish any goal that you set in your life. So continue to read on to discover this powerful reason and principle behind it.

The number one reason most people fail to achieve what they want in their lives is that they do not have a strong reason behind what they want. They know what they want to achieve, but they do not know why they want to achieve it. When you do not know why, you will never have the drive and motivation to do it.

Think about it, why do you work hard on something? It is because of the reason. And if your reason is strong and emotional, it will motivate you a lot. Let me give you an example. Say you are a smoker and you cannot get rid of the smoking habit no matter what you do. And until one day, you are diagnosed with lung cancer because of heavy smoking. Now, do you think that you will stop this dangerous smoking habit no matter what?

The answer is obvious, when you have a strong and emotional reason, you will do it no matter how difficult it is. When you are diagnosed with lung cancer, it gives you the reason that you want to stay alive and you do not want to die at this age. This is why the reason behind your goals is important. They serve as the fuel to your motivation.

In addition, if your reason is not strong enough, you will procrastinate and never take action about it. You may feel motivated and take a lot of action in the beginning, but success is not an overnight process. You need to take consistent action, do you think you can stay that way and keep burning your motivation all the time? This is the main reason people procrastinate and never do anything about their goals, because they do not have a strong and burning reason for what they want.

Now you know what is the number one reason people fail to accomplish what they want in their lives. So ask yourself and review all the reasons behind your goals right now. Make sure you know exactly why you want to accomplish them and nothing can ever stop you.

Want To Find Out More?

Visit my blog for more empowering articles now. Go to Specific Clear Goals now...

Or visit http://www.TheMillionaireSecrets.net/

With so many giveaway events going on at the moment it's difficult to know which
are the best to participate in for MAXIMUM results, as I'm sure you will agree.

But let me ask you this....

Do you know what the secret formula behind every successful giveaway is? I'm talking one that's capable of adding HUNDREDS of highly targeted subscribers to your list?

It's A Reputable Expert + A Unique "Twist"

So how about THREE reputable personal growth experts, with the knowledge and the experience needed to attract an avalanche of PROVEN buyers, in a multi-billion dollar niche!

Take a look for yourself:


And it doesn't stop there!

This event has been PROVEN to help savvy entrepreneurs like you and me build massive lists for the past 5 years.

In fact last year almost 25,000 members joined the event, so I have no hesitation in recommending this one whatsoever!

It's FREE to join so you have NOTHING to lose and a lot to gain.....Like a HUGE list.

Be sure to take a look at the available upgrades, because i just know that as soonas you have seen the benefits that come with upgrading and experienced the return on investment first hand...

You will NEVER enter another ANNUAL Self Improvement Giveaway as a free member ever again.


And if you have never taken part in JV giveaways before, then this is going to be a real eye-opener for you.


Here's To Your Success In 2012!


P.S. This unparalleled event ONLY happens once a year so I strongly encourage you to jump on board before it's too late..


In part one of this series, we discussed how “Saying No” is the world’s best, fastest and easiest productivity strategy, primarily because it simplifies.

You will succeed on the basis of what, where and how you say “no”. And “Saying NO”
allows you to get more control over your daily life and activities—IMMEDIATELY!

For the first 100 days of next year, you must resolve to give “NO” the strategic resolve it deserves!

The following are fifteen simple, effective and empowering strategies that you can use to get results—IMMEDIATELY!

1. What strategies, initiatives and activities
will you say “no” to?

There is great feeling, focus, empowerment, and impact when everyone agrees on paper the activities that will not be done.

Pull out a piece of paper and list all of the superfluous activities that can slow down, or prevent progress from happening altogether.

Everything is fair game and absolutely nothing is sacred in this exercise. Simply put, if it does not advance you forward, then say no!

2. What meetings will you decline or delegate?

List every meeting you have in place for the remainder of the year and determine which you will NOT be attending. Meetings consume large chunks of productive time, most are run improperly and inefficiently, and most can be declined or delegated to someone else.

3. What relationships will you not keep?

The way you manage your relationships has an enormous impact on your ability to perform at consistently high levels.

Identify the top three energy-draining relationships, that you are committed to saying “no” to for the next 100 days. Then focus on creating strategies to free yourself from each of them.

4. What measurements will you ignore?

Say goodbye to all lagging indicators and ONLY pay attention to measurements related to customer satisfaction and the levers that directly drive sales, margin, operating expense and ROI.

5. What customers will you not target?

Identify your IDEAL prospect, client or customer and quit chasing every opportunity as it’s a complete waste of time and resources. Once identified, you must then articulate who you will NOT target.

Finally, make decisions on segments of your customers that deserve “VIP” treatment.

6. What competitors will you not follow?

Way too much time is lost by following and focusing on too many competitors and so-called guru’s. Identify the top three and immediately remove yourself from all of the other email distribution lists, blogs and other related communications.

7. What websites will you not visit?

Web sites are like magnets and vampires, as they draw you in and suck away productive time. Pull up your list of favorites, delete most of them and keep only the ones of greatest value. You must institute a “No Surfing” policy and stick to it.

8. What money will you not spend?

Put yourself on a fiscal diet as every dollar spent should be thought of as an investment towards greater operating income -- even petty cash. With this in mind, what things, or even entire budget categories, will you not spend?

9. What trips will you not make?

It’s hard to deny the power of ‘showing up’ in person as great things happen when you show up and interact with customers and colleagues. Nonetheless, trips consume massive gobs of time and money. Therefore, consider how you can use technology to replace trips, and only travel when it can make a big impact towards your primary goals.

10. What foods will you not eat?

Reaching the next level of performance and productivity begins with how you manage energy. It’s disturbing to see the immense amount of human and corporate potential squandered due to the misuse of energy.

Unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise, negativity, sarcasm, unfocused goals and strategies are all contributing factors to energy loss. Focus in on your nutritional intake and exercise by eliminating any food, or drink that compromises your energy levels.

11. What excuses will you not engage in?

Excuses drain energy, time, production and profits. Have a brutally honest conversation with yourself and determine the excuses or behaviors that you must do away with. I’m aware that it’s easier said than done, but you will NOT be able to achieve your true potential by fighting for and repeating useless behavior.

12. What will you not say?

Develop the habit of saying NOTHING that does not move the ‘agenda’ forward or uplift others. Speak ONLY of the solution, and waste not a second on the problem or blame.

You will save a lot of time and mental energy which can be directed towards more useful activities.

13. What thoughts will you not entertain?

Remember that which does not move you towards your goal, takes you away from it. Therefore remove those thoughts that are limiting, defeating or downright negative and consciously choose to replace them with thoughts of abundance, optimism, and positivity. Don’t tolerate negative thoughts or conversations from yourself or others.

14. What television shows will you not view?

If there was ever a time hog that needed to be slaughtered, television tops the list. In even a moderate TV-watching household, it’s simply amazing how many hours are spent in front of the box. The solution—go cold turkey!

15. What will you no longer tolerate from yourself or others?

Saying “no” and meaning it is the easiest word for setting a limit, holding firm to boundaries, and being clear about what you will or will not do.

Identify the standards you wish to measure your life by and refuse to lower or negotiate at any time, nor for any reason.

No is a tool Use the veto power of “No” regularly and with conviction as it’s a powerful strategic weapon that you can use to maximize your results in the first 100 days of this year.


Let’s now focus on what you should say “yes” to. How does greater wealth, health and happiness sound to you?

Say the word—yes, and I’ll show you how to turn youself into an unstoppable powerhouse!

In the next few days, my friend Gary Ryan Blair is going to be releasing the most extreme goal achievement program called the 100 Day Challenge.


It’s going to be a wild ride. You’ll achieve more goals, and make far more progress over the first 100 days of the year than you ever thought possible.

I promise!

Say the word—yes, and you’ll learn about iron commitment and absolute accountability. I’ll prove to you that you can deliver results that are in a word—astounding.

There’s no more goofing around... no more stalling, delaying, or “starting on Monday”. The train is leaving in just a few days with or without you.

To get on the pre-registration list for the 100 Day Challenge and to receive a FRE*E Goal Setting Toolkit, please visit:


My very best for a happy holiday season!

P.S. Visit here today and pick up your FRE*E Goal Setting Toolkit,


Pay it forward by sharing this message with your friends, family and associates.

It's that MAGICAL time of year again.

THE ONE you and many others have been waiting for all year long!

NO...I'm not talking about Christmas.

I'm talking about the 6TH ANNUAL Self Improvement Gifts Giveaway event...

And I for one, am honored to be the bearer of such good news.


This year Stephanie Mulac, Dr. Joe Rubino and Carolyn Hansen are offering
a multitude of generous prizes, that are guaranteed to EXCEED all expectations!!!

Are you ready for this?

The following prizes will be awarded to the JV's who refer the most TOTAL referrals (JV's and Members)

#1 - Grand Prize:
250,000 Solo mailing

#2 - Second Prize:
25,000+ Solo Mailing

#3 - Third Prize:
10,000 Solo Mailing

And the TOP referrer of JV partners will walk away with a MASSIVE...

#1 - 150K Solo Mailing

PLUS there will be a top 30 drawing for the chance to win an affiliate mailing!

Last year almost 25,000 members joined the event, so I think it's safe to say that this is the BIGGEST list building event you will ever take part in.


Not only has the event been PROVEN time and time again to help savvy entrepreneurs build MASSIVE lists each and every year, for the past 5 years without fail...

Over $15,000 in commissions were paid out last year and there's no reason why you can't get your share as a valued JV partner this year!

Not an opportunity to be missed, I'm sure you will agree?


You have NOTHING to lose and so much to gain, like building a profitable list in a multi-billion dollar niche...

The PERFECT start to a new year!

As always, it's FREE to join but I would strongly encourage you to look at the optional upgrades...

There were over 950+ gifts in last year's event and those who recognized the benefits of upgrading had their gift seen more frequently by all 25,000 members...

A TOTAL no-brainer that WILL increase your visibility to an avalanche of PROVEN buyers, especially given the unprecedented number of gifts last year...

And something tells me that year is going to be even BIGGER!

Here's To Your Success In 2012!


P.S. Did I mention that this event ONLY happens once a year, so now is the time to jump on board before it's too late:


We are all staring down the barrel of the same reality— the clock is ticking and no matter how you look at it, we are approaching the final days of 2011 and the beginning of a New Year.

You must use the remaining days of this year to achieve two objectives:

1. Finish the current year strong. Consider the remaining few days of this year as a now or never opportunity to finish the year strong, to exceed expectations, and for some use it as a final chance at redemption.

2. Establish a fast start game plan for making 2012 the best year of your life.

Let’s cut right to the chase, by looking at the results of your actions year to date, that REALITY tells you if you have been successful or not in achieving the goals you set earlier this year.

As it relates to your goals for 2011, your demonstrated actions have allowed you to be in one of three positions.

You have either:

1. Exceeded your expectations of what you thought you could achieve.

2. Met expectations of what you set out to accomplish.

3. Fallen below your desired expectations of what you wanted to accomplish.

Unfortunately, in today’s economy, far too many people find themselves struggling and well below where they would like to be.

The GOOD NEWS is that regardless of the position you are currently in, you CAN fulfill both objectives of finish the year Strong and starting the New Year fast, however you must do a few things in the manner presented in the next few paragraphs.

As someone who is very goal oriented, I’m well aware that you probably began this year with great hope and determination.

I’m also well aware that many goals and plans fall far from being realized.


So what specifically can you do in order to capture the brass ring? Work harder? Longer?

You don’t stand a chance of succeeding with that strategy, yet that is exactly what the majority of people will do.

Why not do something entirely different, why not focus on saying NO!

Consisting of two letters and one syllable, the word “No”
can be considered to be one of the most powerful words in your vocabulary.

It’s the easiest word for setting a limit, holding firm to boundaries, and being clear about what you will or will not do. It is a word of pure power that is both inner and out directed.

You will be a lot more productive once you recognize that:

1. “No” is not a dirty word, negative word, nor is it a selfish
word. Learning to say “No” is liberating as it frees up your time to focus on your key priorities.

2. You are in complete control of how you spend your
time and your life. Saying “No” allows you more time and energy to pursue your goals and wildest ambitions.

3. Saying, “No,” increases the value of the things you say,
“Yes” to. Your success in life requires a short “Yes” list, and a long “No” list. The key is an awareness and prioritization of your “Yes” list, and firm boundaries around your “No”
list as QUICKLY as possible.

Saying “NO” is the most strategic decision you can make. You improve yourself, your family, and your organization’s effectiveness—IMMEDIATELY!

“No” is empowering because it simplifies. You will succeed on the basis of what, where and how you say “no”. And “NO”
allows you to get more control over your daily life and activities—IMMEDIATELY!

We need to say “NO”, but we’re not very good at it. In business we give it another name. “prioritization” or “strategic planning.
But then we get back to day-to-day activities and we quickly forget what we prioritized and planned. We end up letting the “no’s” creep back in.

For these remaining days of this year and to ensure a fast start to 2012, you must resolve to give “NO” the strategic resolve it deserves.

In tomorrows, second part of this post, I’ll share FIFTEEN simple, effective and empowering strategies (personal and professional) that you can use to get results—IMMEDIATELY!

In the meantime, here’s a great resource which you’ll definitely want to check out. Get your FRE*E Goal Setting Toolkit by going to:


Warm holiday wishes,


P.S. Don’t forget to pick up your FRE*E Goal Setting Toolkit.


If you watched the swimming events at the Olympics, you probably observed the incredible focus the medalists demonstrated. Sure, they're strong and fast. But when hundredths— maybe even thousandths—of a second are all that separate the winners from the losers, it's obvious that something besides strength and speed is at work.

A comment by Flip Darr, a former collegiate swimming coach who played a part in training eight Olympic medalists, sheds some light on what that critical ingredient might be. "I felt in my coaching career that if I would work on [the swimmers'] head[s], their bodies would come along," he said. "A lot of coaches work on their bodies and then at the last moment try to do their heads. The thing is, if they are working with their heads all the time, and working with their head over the body, mind over matter, they will have more confidence when they walk up to the block."

What a great illustration of the value of good thinking. Athletic ability is important, but preparing for the biggest race of one's life is as much mental as it is physical—if not more so. As Bill MacCartney, the former head football coach at the University of Colorado, once told me, "Mental is to physical what four is to one."
That's a powerful argument in the case for good thinking—on the football field, as well as in your office at work. The specific thoughts that increase your effectiveness as a leader might not be the same as those required for an Olympic medal, but the overall commitment to thinking is identical.

As we continue the discussion about thinking that we began in the last issue of Leadership Wired, here are five statements that further underscore the importance of solid contemplation. => http://bit.ly/vP7eZq

Lots of people think the holiday season is the time of year when budgets and limits can go right out the window. Some people may start out with a budget, but then they see that absolute-must-have-can't-live-without present and their carefully-contrived budget goes right out the window.

If you think you have to spend a ton of money to have a great Christmas, think again. And, just because you set a budget for yourself doesn't mean you're "cheap"; it means you're "smart".

But how do you spend wisely at Christmas time without looking "cheap"?

Follow these 5 tips:

1. Harness the power of gift cards.

They're small, they can be purchased right at the last minute, and they let you set the price you want to pay. Have a gadget-lover in the family? Get a Best Buy gift card. Even if $10 or $20 won't pay for that set of speakers he's had his eye on, it'll help defray the cost a bit.

Have a teenage son who's impossible to shop for? Get him an iTunes gift card. Even $10 will get him about 10 songs he'll love.

Have a cousin that never seems to pull his head out of a book? Get him a gift card to Barnes and Noble, Amazon, or his local bookstore.

Have a pre-teen daughter who loves to hang out with her friends at the movies? Give her a $10 gift card to your local movie theater. It'll pay for two matinee tickets. Or, get her a gift card to Blockbuster and throw in a microwaveable bag of popcorn or a box of her favorite candy to munch on.

The best part about gift cards is you can tailor them to anyone's interests. If it's Christmas Eve and you're stuck finding a present for someone, go buy them a gift card. If you want to avoid the mall altogether, most grocery stores have a ton of gift cards to choose from right at the registers!

2. Indulge someone's sweet tooth.

If you have a coffee lover in the family, Starbucks has products that won't cost you an arm and a leg. Even if you only have $10 to spend, you can get your coffee-loving loved one a pouch of freshly-ground coffee, a new mug, or a new type of biscotti they'll be sure to enjoy.

Or, if your recipient is more into ice cream, head to Cold Stone Creamery - where you can get a pint of their favorite flavor. If you look wisely, you might even be able to find a few coupons to enclose with the gift!

3. Focus on accessories.

You might not be able to afford the latest gadgets, but thanks to SkinIt.com you can accessorize gadgets! At SkinIt, you can pick from thousands of "skins" that go on laptops and mobile devices - sort of like a giant sticker. Each "skin" is about $15, and it can give even an old gadget a brand new feel!

4. Help with bigger purchases.

OK, so you might not have the money to pay for your best friend's calls back to her homeland, but you can give her a prepaid phone card that helps offset some of the charges.
Even if you only spend $10 or $20, your friend can talk to people all over the world - thanks, in part, to you!

5. When in doubt, head to Amazon.

Amazon has great deals on just about everything. Even if you're stuck on a present for the pickiest person you know, you can rest easy giving them a $10 or $20 gift card to Amazon. If you want to be really unique, you can even have a gift card sent to your friend in a Facebook post!


Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D.
Wattles and the creator of an amazing website that'll take you by the hand and guide you step-by-step down Wallace D.
Wattles' proven path to wealth, health, success, happiness, and love...

Finally! The proven step-by-step blueprint you need to build REAL wealth, health, success, happiness, and love FAST, using Wallace D. Wattles' scientific principles, along with real-world monthly updates and mentoring from someone who's done it... all for less than $1.00 a day!
Click Here Now => http://bit.ly/vkhWSe

Time management tips about how to set priorities by time management expert, Peter Turla. Time tips and techniques on how to be more effective, how to better manage time, improve your time management skills, set priorities, and overcome procrastination