Whatever you are, be a good one.

Abraham Lincoln

Most of the time, luger Chris Mazdzer can't wipe the Cheshire-cat grin off his face. He's simply a happy guy. Turns out that his positive attitude could be a performance-enhancing drug that, thankfully, is 100% legal.

"I'm pretty jolly," says Mazdzer, who has been a national and junior national champion. "I have that type of personality. I never really get down on anything. When I do, there's something seriously wrong."

According to Trent Petrie, a sports psychologist and the director of the Center for Sport Psychology at the University of North Texas, a positive attitude goes hand-in-hand with confidence.

read more ...


If you haven't already--as a public speaker, you should dedicate yourself to a lifetime study of adult learning principles. It will pay you colossal dividends.

And there's a lifetime of "adult learning stuff" to learn. Today we'll look at one such principle; Elaborative Rehearsal.

It's more than practice. It's a proactive approach of making the most out of past learning in order to maximize new learning.

For your audiences to make the most out of this proven learning and memory technique, you will have to teach them. Most adult learners just aren't aware of these methods. Here are five tips you can pass along to all of your audiences.

1. Proper Note Taking. For a learner's notes to enhance one's memory, it is important that a learner is able to record the speaker's ideas in their own words. And, as a presenter you need to tell them so.

2. Paraphrasing. This is like the above note taking, except that care is given to the actual words the note-taker uses. Ideally, the words the learner replaces the speaker's with has equal or added meaning to the learner.

3. Predicting. It will help a listener to project a speakers message into the future. This "projection" allows a person to simulate the material they are learning in the theater of their mind.

4. Questioning. A good Q and A will help your audience learn your principles better. Challenge your audience to come up with creative and meaningful questions, and then dig into them together.

5. Summarizing. There much talked about the concept but it is seldom used in most learning environments. Plan a specific, "Now what did we learn here today?"

There's a lot more to the idea of Elaborative Rehearsal than these five tips, and we'll discuss them in future articles.
The "take-away" today is the need for the public speaker to "train" their audiences how to use elaborative rehearsal to their greatest learning benefit.

One thing that will help your audiences to be able to "practice" your message is a strong visual representation of your message. The presentation world calls these graphics by many things, Process Models, Method Maps, Matrix's, and Hierarchy Models, etc.

Wayne Kronz

Wayne Kronz is the host of http://MethodMap.blogspot.com. Visit it today for the best free, online information about the design and use of visual aids in public speaking. You'll discover many actual models you can use in your next presentation plus a host of videos showing you how the top pros are using visual aids in their public speaking. And a lot more!  Photo by The Climate Reality Project on Unsplash

"Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation."
Brian Tracy

Can you imagine getting rid of absolutely ANY fear or phobia...
... In just 10 minutes?
Scientists have just given the official nod to a brand new NLP-based system that enables you to literally "erase" old fears and phobias - in a matter of minutes.
Fear of public speaking, fear of spiders, fear of death, fear of failure - whatever it is - it can be permanently deleted. Read about it here



I learnt something as I unpacked my bags recently. I'd just returned from a 3-day trip to regional towns around New Zealand. I pulled out some items I needed immediately and then caught myself thinking, ‘I'll finish unpacking later.'

‘No you won't. You'll do it now!' said the little voice on my shoulder.

With a brief flutter of resistance, my procrastinating self crept back into her hole. Within five minutes the job was done, the room was tidy, and I knew I could come back into the room later without that awful sinking feeling of ‘Darn it, I've still got to put all this stuff away!'

I noticed something else. It's easier to shift a moving object than a stationary one, it generates higher energy, and it's less time-consuming. It's when we have to go back to something that we end up in a muddle, it slows us down, procrastination becomes a familiar companion, and tidiness becomes a hard and challenging chore.

The hardest part is the decision to act. Next time, as you stand there being tempted to head down the grey tunnel of ‘slob-itis', try one of the following strategies:


  • See yourself coming back into this pristine space with nothing shouting ‘You've still got to put me away.'
  • Hear the congratulations of your dearly beloveds (or surprised work colleagues if it's a work situation).
  • Feel your delight and joy as you connect with the freedom of no clutter.
  • Think back to the last time you did put things away quickly. Remember your thoughts and feelings, the mental pictures and the sounds attached to that positive memory. Build them big in your memory and let the positive energy attached to that memory impel you forward into action NOW.
  • Reward yourself. It might be as small as five minutes to sit and look at the view, take a walk outside, sit down with a relaxing book or magazine, talk on the phone to your best friend, have that chocolate you've hidden from yourself - whatever turns you on.

Next time, when you:


  • Complete a task at work - put away tools and paperwork.
  • Return from a trip - unpack everything immediately.
  • Get out of bed - make it.
  • Dress or undress - hang things up and put the dirty washing in the basket (or ready to go out the door next time you leave your bedroom).
  • Eat something - clean up after yourself.
  • Arrive home with used sports gear - clean and store it ready for next time.
  • Finish a task in the garage, workshop or garden - clean down and put away the tools.
  • Come in from work or town with a bundle of items - groceries, post, accounts to pay, magazines to put away - whatever miscellany you typically bring home - put them straight away.

Last thoughts:


  • What's clutter? Just something in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  • Every piece of paper or equipment lying around is a symptom of a decision not made or an action not completed.
  • Space and clutter strugglers just stop too soon - the job's not done until it's all put away. Just shift the finish line.
  • Why make it hard when it could be easy - all for the sake of another two or three minutes?
  • Capitalise on your existing momentum. Do it now!

Remember, it's faster (and a lot easier) to shift a moving object than a stationary one!

Publisher: Robyn Pearce robyn@gettingagrip.com http://www.gettingagrip.com © GettingAGrip.com 2006

"Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary to a worth while achievement."

Henry Ford

In the movie Facing the Giants, a young high school student on a football team learns that his biggest obstacle is not the opposing team, but rather his own thoughts that are limiting his best performance. So what limiting thought are keeping you from doing your personal best if you truly want to master success?

A colleague and I were discussing this very question several months ago. Imagine what would happen if:

Each junior high person did her or his own personal best for the next 30 days?
Each high school student did her or his own personal best for the next 30 days?
Each teacher person did her or his own personal best for the next 30 days?
Each administrator did her or his own personal best for the next 30 days?
Each parent did her or his own personal best for the next 30 days?
Each small business owner did her or his own personal best for the next 30 days?
Each corporate executive did her or his own personal best for the next 30 days?
Each professional sales person did her or his own personal best for the next 30 days?
Each member of the workforce did her or his own personal best for the next 30 days?
Each government official did her or his own personal best for the next 30 days?
What would our country look like in just 30 days? Given that research supports that most people use anywhere from 10% to 25% of their potential, the results of giving your personal best would be exponential.

Did you know that Einstein said on several occasions he felt he only had used 10% of his potential? Imagine that, the inventor of E=MC squared, theorist of black holes and nuclear fusion believed he had only tapped into 10% of his potential.

Giving your personal best for 8 hours every day for the next 30 days is not easy as the young football player discovered. However, the incredible power when you see what your personal best means for you can never be truly captured by mere words. The knowing that you are doing your personal best translates directly into your own self worth and allowing you to begin to master success.

Again, I ask you: What would happen to you if you gave your personal best (and you and only you knows what that means) for the next 30 days? If you decide to take this challenge, make sure you share it with someone to hold you accountable.

M.A.P. for Success, a FREE email course may help you begin to chart a course to master success. Visit http://www.processspecialist.com/action-plan.htm.

Do you want to master success? Then you need a personal growth action plan.

Consider what would happen if I were to follow you with a camera crew 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the next 100 days while you went for your goals?

I bet 3 things would happen....

1) You would START doing the things you say you need to do.

2) You would STOP doing the things you know you shouldn't be doing.

3) You would MAKE monumental performance gains and change your life.

This is ALL possible through the discipline of accountability. Accountability serves and protects your character, credibility and commitments. It ensures that what you want to accomplish gets accomplished.

Throughout every area of your life it's important to understand that ALL unfinished goals, projects and relationships are the result of broken promises, unfulfilled commitments, and lack of accountability.

With that reality in mind, I wanted to share with you an exciting opportunity to achieve every goal you set, to enforce ultimate accountability into your life, and show you how you can make monumental performance gains.

Gary Ryan Blair, otherwise know as The Goals Guy has put together what I believe to be the most comprehensive approach to goal setting and performance enhancement.

It's called the 100 Day Start Fast Challenge and it begins on January 11th to help you start the year strong.

=> Click here: http://bit.ly/7OgY88

The 100 Day Start Fast Challenge is a structured 14-week performance improvement program where challengers compete against themselves to achieve a number of challenging goals and start the year strong.

Free Special Report and Video

Gary is offering a powerful special report and video for free which is titled: How to Create Your Own Big Bang!

=> Click here: http://bit.ly/7OgY88

This report in my opinion is worth its weight in gold as it shows you how to create huge performance gains quickly. I encourage you to get your copy right now.

So what are you waiting for? The clock is ticking and if you want to seriously improve your life and corresponding results, I encourage you to check out the 100 Day Start Fast Challenge today as it will be one of the smartest decisions you'll make all year.

=> Click here: http://bit.ly/7OgY88


Bronwyn Ritchie

Rajesh Setty certainly believes so.

I observed time and again that nice people win BIG TIME in the long run. So this was part of my mini-research

He goes on to explain how being nice can create exponential growth.

Everything in your life is the cause of what you think and believe. Take a good look at your life from a perspective that you are the creator. Even though you may not believe you can do anything about your life right now, do it anyway and make an inventory of your life as it is now.

? What do you like about it and what not?
? What would you like to change?
? What would your perfect life look like?

Setting goals and intentions in your life is the single most important task in the entire process of creating the life you always dreamed about.

Can you imagine that almost 95% of all people simply don't do this? And the rest of the 5% do it, but only 10% of this small number ever reach their goals. That's why so many people struggle and businesses fail.

Not enough people set clear intentions about what they want in life. Like other important things that could help us attain truly fulfilled lives, the simplest things in life are mostly overlooked.

How to Program Your Subconscious for Success

Setting goals and intentions is a conscious exercise. Achieving these goals is a spiritual and subconscious exercise. This is where the Dream Manifestation Wizard comes in. By using intentions combined with images and audio plus repetition, you program your subconscious in the most efficient way possible.

There are three ways to program your subconscious:

1. Intensity – Imagine putting your hand on a hot stove
2. Repetition – Remember learning poems?
3. Synergy – Conscious mind and subconscious mind work together

Click here to find out more about the Dream Manifestation Wizard

Craft Powerful Affirmations that Work Like Magic

After you have figured out what your perfect life would look like, formulate it into short and powerful goals and intentions.

The key to writing effective affirmations is that they must be positive and stated in the present moment. A good starting point is to use something you don't like or you would like to change and then rephrase it. For example, you may not like being in debt. You can rewrite this into “Money is flowing to me easily and I enjoy it in abundance.” Use only words with positive associations. Don't use the word “debt” as you don't want your subconscious to create debt!

Now you may start to understand the inefficiency of signs and statements like these:“Don't cross this line” or “Don't get nervous about this.” Your subconscious mind does not know the difference between Do and Don't. It is the job of the subconscious to manifest your thoughts, even if the thought is negative. The statements above will only increase what you don't want, so be careful how you think about it and how you phrase it.

Choose Intentions that Align You with Your Life Dreams

Intentions are another powerful way to use the Dream Manifestation Wizard effectively. Intentions are more powerful than goals as they work on a higher consciousness level. Intentions create a new pathway in your life.

A path that you can follow until your life dreams are fulfilled.

When you craft intentions use a time frame, otherwise you are not able to break it apart into smaller goals. Lets assume you want to own your own home at some point. Decide when that should be and be precise about the details.

For example: “By the end of 2009 I live in my own 3b/2b townhouse.” Make sure you add a picture that's a close match to the house you want. Next, create some supportive goals that act as milestones: “By the end of this month I have the perfect financial plan for buying my own home,” and “Within six months I have enough for a down payment,” and so on.

A Profound Way to Rewire Your Brain

Every time you see your goal or intention on the Wizard's screen you physically rewire your brain by creating new neural pathways. This is the most powerful way to change the definition of yourself. In the beginning, your conscious mind may experience some resistance to your new goal or intention.

This simply means you are getting out of your comfort zone and growing. Over time it will get easier for your mind to accept these new commands. After a couple of weeks your brain will be completely rewired and your new goal, intention or belief will be fully integrated.

In a nutshell: Use affirmations to change your attitudes; use intentions to set a path that you will follow until it is fulfilled; use goals to set milestones for this path.

Click here to find out more about the Dream Manifestation Wizard

To your successful intentions . . .

P.S.: Check out over 500 powerful template examples that are included on the Dream Manifestation Wizard for your use. Simply copy the ones you like and change them until they're a perfect fit for your goal or intention.

Click here to find out more about the Dream Manifestation Wizard