Our tendency when we feel overwhelmed is to want to address it all... and right now! But by choosing one or two areas to work on at a time, we can achieve more, and more easily. If you've bitten off more than you can chew, or you simply feel like life is coming at you from all directions and you can't keep up, here are three simple strategies for getting through the craziness - and regaining control.
The simple truth is, nobody can do everything. If you're trying to schedule more than can realistically fit into a day, and wondering why you're coming up short, it's time for a reality check. Being honest with yourself (and others) about what you can get to in any given time frame is the first step to actually achieving your goals.
Not only that, it will go a long way toward easing that overwhelmed, racing or "frozen" feeling. Though you may not think so at first, you're not disappointing anyone by saying no… in fact, what you're doing is proving your reliability. This way, when you say yes, people will know they can count on you, and you'll be able to do your best - because you won't be pulled in so many directions.
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