There’s a great myth that naturally talented people have it easy and make it to the top. In my experience that’s mostly nonsense and having no natural talent at things actually allowed me to do better than a lot of people who had it.

by Malcolm Gladwell

Now that he's gotten us talking about the viral life of ideas and the power of gut reactions, Malcolm Gladwell poses a more provocative question in Outliers: why do some people succeed, living remarkably productive and impactful lives, while so many more never reach their potential?

Do you have hundreds of e-mails clogging your inbox? Does it feel a bit out of control? Would you like to learn a simple process to regain control? If so, watch this video in which Stephen Barnes of Orla shares the 4D process for managing e-mails and regain control of your inbox forever.

There's a problem with The Secret.

Maybe you've experienced it.

Now when I use the word "problem," I don't mean that it's a bad thing.

Not by a long shot...

The Secret did it's job. It raised the awareness of millions of people about the control they have over the wealth, abundance and success that flows into their lives.

And it's already transformed the lives of thousands of people across the world who have put the ideas into practice.

But there are millions more lives to be changed... and some of those lives want even more information about how to get started.

Of course, I'm happy for those who have already seen big success.
But I'm not talking about those people today.

My focus today is on you. Your Life. Your Success.

And if you've been using the principles from The Secret in your life, but have questions... or you're wondering why it hasn't worked for you yet, then today's message has the potential to transform YOUR life.

Some of the biggest questions I get about The Secret are things like:

"Now What?"

"...What do I DO NOW?"

"...I'm doing it. Why isn't it working?"

Today, I have an answer for all of those questions.

And you'll find all of the information at the page below...

Now is the time to take action:

Have a GREAT Day!

The Secret(R) is a registered trademark of TS Production LLC.

“Like the chicken and the egg, enthusiasm and success seem to go together. We suspect, however, that enthusiasm comes first. If you hope to succeed at anything in this world, polish up your enthusiasm and hang on to it.”

-John Luther

After my last article on experiencing creativity, there was a question in the resulting forum discussion about how to enter this highly creative flow state, the state where you lose all sense of time, your ego vanishes, and you become one with the task in front of you. Is this peak creative state a rare chance event, or can it be achieved consistently?

more ...

Remember the last time you were in a meeting and someone said something that seemed completely off-track? What happened next? If your group is like most, someone probably said something like, “Dan, that’s off-track” or “Let’s get back on track.”, or simply ignored Dan’s comment. As a result, Dan may have checked out for the rest of the meeting or continued to press his “off-track” point. The meeting may have dragged on with members getting more frustrated with Dan or you may have lost Dan’s critical input and support without realizing it. ... There is a way to avoid these negative outcomes

The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.

-Vince Lombardi

Simplicity Survival

32 Ways to Do Less and Accomplish More

By Bill Jensen

I urge you to purchase this handbook and follow Jensen's suggestion that you skim-read it from cover-to-cover. While doing so, you will immediate recognize those portions which are of most immediate relevance to your own circumstances, both at work and in your private life. Focus on those sections initially. Precisely follow the step-by-step process which Jensen recommends. Because you will be embarking on an especially difficult journey, expect to encounter obstacles along the way, experiencing frustration and "combat fatigue" as you do so. Stay the course! For Dorothy and her valiant companions, there was yellow brick road for them to follow during their journey to the Emerald City. Whatever your own destination may be, Jensen offers this handbook which can become a yellow brick road for you.

Read more review, download free chapters, or Buy the book from Amazon for $12.31 a reduction of 32% off the normal price of $17.95

There's a problem with The Secret.

Maybe you've experienced it.

Now when I use the word "problem," I don't mean that it's a bad thing.

Not by a long shot...

The Secret did it's job. It raised the awareness of millions ofpeople about the control they have over the wealth, abundance andsuccess that flows into their lives.

And it's already transformed the lives of thousands of people across the world who have put the ideas into practice.

But there are millions more lives to be changed... and some ofthose lives want even more information about how to get started.

Of course, I'm happy for those who have already seen big success.But I'm not talking about those people today.

My focus today is on you. Your Life. Your Success.

And if you've been using the principles from The Secret in yourlife, but have questions... or you're wondering why it hasn'tworked for you yet, then today's message has the potential totransform YOUR life.

Some of the biggest questions I get about The Secret are things like:

..."Now What?"
..."What do I DO NOW?"

..."I'm doing it. Why isn't it working?"

Today, I have an answer for all of those questions.

And you'll find all of the information at the page below...

Now is the time to take action: