with Rogene Baxter, RN, MA, CMC
Rogene BaxterHaving a successful speaking/training/consulting business takes careful focus on consistent practices that can make or break your profitability. You’ve heard about spending time ON the business, not just IN the business — but what fun is that when you’d rather be speaking? Talented presenters have gone broke because they didn’t know how to squeeze the most profit from each engagement. If you don’t know how to do this you might be one of them.

Rogene has had a highly successful practice for nearly three decades. Clients flock to her for six-figure engagements. She’s figured out the small business practices that pay off big and keep her and a bevy of subcontractors thriving.

You will learn:

  • why to start with a business mind-set
  • how to develop formulas to more accurately determine fees in proposals so you are not underpricing your services
  • what key components to include in a contract to ensure your IP is protected
  • how to make sure you are paid on time and ramifications if you are not
  • how to you make sure you’re paid regularly for more than one-time engagements
  • ways to assure you are making what you think you are
  • what you should know about using subcontractors to extend your impact and business


Register or order the CD or MP3 recording

Date: Thursday, June 26
Time: 7:00 pm Eastern, 6 pm Central, 5 pm Mountain, 4 pm Pacific
Length: 60 minutes
Cost: $25

Special Limited-Time Offer:

If you want more information on ways to run your business more profitably, we’re offering a special discount — only $10 each (while quantities last) — on the audiotapes (note: not CDs or MP3s) of two earlier programs to complement Rogene’s program:

  • “Don’t Grow Your Career — Build a Business” with Rita Risser, JD, CSP
  • “Profitable Proposals For Contracts Beyond One-Time Events” with Warren Evans, CSP
  • “Make More Money By Doing Less: How to Leverage One Engagement into Profitable Results for Your Clients and Your Bottom Line” with Lorna Riley, CSP

With your order of Rogene’s teleseminar, CD or MP3, at checkout you will be offered these tapes and transcripts at a special discounted price of $10/each. This offer expires July 15.

"Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Resource for the Week

Create Your Success

Would you like to double your income this year? Now that is a silly question for most people. Would you like to do it without working harder?

No matter how successful you currently are, most people have blocks that keep them from moving ahead any further in life.

Success does not have to be a struggle like many would have you believe. You can learn how to set yourself apart from the group and change your current results no matter what your present conditions.

Action is one of the keys to success. Click the link below, Start your future today!
Create Your Success

Failure is the crucible that makes a leader into a hero, says Yale's Jeffrey Sonnenfeld.
 Jeffrey Sonnenfeld knows failure. A professor at the Yale School of Management and founder of the non-profit Chief Executive Leadership Institute, Sonnenfeld has risen to leadership-guru status by becoming the expert on how CEOs stumble and bounce back. He first explored failure 20 years ago in his book "The Hero's Farewell: What Happens When CEOs Retire." Sonnenfeld's latest, "Firing Back: How Great Leaders Rebound After Career Disasters," hits the topic head on. Fortune editor at large Patricia Sellers talked with Sonnenfeld about what he has learned studying failure.

Equip yourself with the tools that you need to live the life you want to live!

With this special 29-CD Collection of recorded Teleseminars, you will learn the most powerful secrets of creating wealth in all aspects of life.

Here are some of the titles included in this collection:

  • The Miracle of Self-Discipline
  • Communicate With Power
  • Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
  • The Art of Closing the Sale
  • Goals!
  • Power Networking
  • Selling Higher-Priced Products Against Lower-Priced Competition
  • The Secrets of Raising Super Kids
  • Customers for Life
  • Crunch Time!
  • Simplify Your Life
  • Magical Marketing
  • Fit and Trim for Life
  • Money, Money, Money
  • Rapid Learning Made Simple
  • Unlock Your Potential
  • Negotiate the Best Deal

In this must-have set of CDs, you will:

  • Learn and retain new knowledge with ease
  • Practice higher levels of self-discipline and self-control in every area of your life
  • Boost your speaking skills to become an outstanding communicator
  • Learn to wrap up the sales process with confidence and experience amazing results
  • Put price in it's place and sell more than you ever have
  • Learn how to raise happy, healthy, self-confident children - and give your kids the winning edge
  • Be the one people look to when things start to fall apart
  • Have the body you've always wanted and enough energy to keep up with your family
  • Out-Think, Out-Market and Out-Sell the Competition
  • Get through your "to do" list, connect with your friends and family-and still have time to spare
  • Make an extraordinary first impression every time
  • Learn to think and behave like a millionaire to finally achieve financial independence!
  • Plus much, much more!

These Teleseminar CDs have helped millions of people become successful -- whether in their business or personal life.

Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy's FREE Teleseminar CDs

Why the Most Original Minds in Business Win

by William C. Taylor (Author), Polly G. Labarre (Author)

From the Reviews


This is a business book thankfully written by people in the business of writing. The writers' lexicon and grammatical use well exceeds that ordinarily used by the "big names" in corporate America who too often attempt to engage in writing about business. This is comforting.

In Mavericks at Work, Fast Company cofounder William C. Taylor and Polly LaBarre, a longtime editor at the magazine, give you an inside look at the "most original minds in business" wherever they find them: from Procter & Gamble to Pixar, from gold mines to funky sandwich shops. some well known and others making for fresh and inspiring copy for the jaded business reader.  There's an underlying theme here - that old school business methods will lead to financial quagmires. In that context the likes of Ford (yesterday's hero company in books like Built to Last) look like today's losers.


William Taylor and Polly LaBarre argue that the real head-to-head competition in business today isn't process versus process, or even idea versus idea, but rather "values system versus values system." The business leaders who inspire them and who, they argue, are leading the way into the future, are the ones who have rethought the very idea of business, the market, and both internal and external collaboration. A big part of their book applies the model of open-source software and technology-development to the business, and describes how various corporations have harnessed technology and the world's intellectual resources to solve business problems.


But the technological angle is only part of what makes someone a "maverick at work." Another major focus of the book is on companies that have created an energetic and innovative corporate culture that truly inspires employees and delights customers.


This book is basically cut into four components: (1) business should be contrarian; (2) group thinking far surpasses the thoughts of individuals; (3) businesses succeed when they increase/improve customer relations; and (4) businesses are only as good as their employees.

The premise is that the successful businesses of the future must not follow the success stories (models) of the past. Instead, if the business has an asset of value -- e.g. technology, personal service industry -- and implements the above-recited four components, it may succeed. The authors imply that if same business uses the old model, it shall fail.
Want to stop doing business as usual? Then take some lessons from the 32 maverick companies Taylor and LaBarre profile.


It's often hard to tell, when reading a book like this one, whether the authors have really hit on an important insight grounded in solid evidence and research, or instead invented a marketable idea and cherry-picked instances and examples that "prove" their point. Although perhaps the passage of time is the only way to tell for sure, I argue "Mavericks at Work" really has seized on something important. That makes this a valuable read, not only for current and wannabe-future business leaders, but for anyone who ... well ... works for a living.




The roots of true achievement lie in the will to become the best that you can become.

Harold Taylor
Resource for the Week

Heal your relationship with MONEY
with this 90 day support program. Discover and resolve your behaviours, emotions and limiting beliefs around money.
Shift your money consciousness, your self worth and your net worth.

with Linda Keith, CPA, CSP
Linda KeithHave you said any of these (to yourself or to others):

  • With the economy in a mess, it is too hard to plan my speaking/ training/ consulting business.
  • Just when I start hitting my goals, a big client disappears and I am right back where I started.
  • Clients are booking closer and closer; it is impossible to budget.
  • This business is feast or famine. I’m either sitting on my thumbs, or so booked I can’t market. How can I even this out?
  • I was setting aside money to update my Web site and WHAM, the tax preparer gave me the bad news.
  • Yes, I work weekends but I can’t seem to get ahead if I don’t.
  • I want to hire staff but I can’t even pay myself enough!
  • Sure I’m well-paid, but if I don’t stop this crazy schedule I’ll lose my health and my family. Help!

Well, cut the crap. That’s right, Linda will share her insights and tips on how to increase your profits and get your life back. She’ll explain how you can plan and budget, even in uncertain times. How you can reconcile your fee, the money you want in your life and the time you have to work. . .and still have a personal life. If the three don’t work, how to tweak the model until it does. . .or recognize that your topic, your market or your skills are not up to the task. If it really won’t work, don’t you need to know that? Soon?

You will learn:

  • Why budget?
  • How to create a meaningful and realistic budget even when times are uncertain
  • Factor in the unknowns of cancelled gigs, dropped contracts and economic crunches
  • But we’re dipping into recession. . .what now?
  • What is “concentration risk” and how to reduce it
  • How to even out the cash flow to survive the dips

Register or order the CD or MP3 recording

Date: Tuesday, May 13
Time: 7:00 pm Eastern, 6 pm Central, 5 pm Mountain, 4 pm Pacific
Length: 60 minutes
Cost: $25

Special Limited-Time Offer:If you want more information on ways to think smarter about your business, we’re offering a special discount — only $10 each (while quantities last) — on the audiotapes (note: not CDs or MP3s) of two earlier programs to complement Linda’s program:

  • “Don’t Grow Your Career — Build a Business” with Rita Risser, JD, CSP
  • “Make More Money By Doing Less: How to Leverage One Engagement into Profitable Results for Your Clients and Your Bottom Line” with Lorna Riley, CSP

With your order of Linda’s teleseminar, CD or MP3, at checkout you will be offered these tapes and transcripts at a special discounted price of $10/each. This offer expires May 31.

You probably already know that the most successful people have incredible levels of self-confidence. They have accomplished great levels of success and happiness in their lives and seem to be unstoppable in everything that they do.The fact is, that when you develop unshakable self-confidence your whole world will change for the better.

Unfortunately, through years of life experience, our beacon which is located inside all of us, begins to loose strength. For some reason or another we forget how truly powerful we are.

We lack the Self-Confidence to put our ambitions and desires into action!

Do not live one more day with these limiting thoughts and beliefs. You have the power to take control of your life. You have complete artistic creativity. Whatever you can imagine, you can bring into your reality.

Brian Tracy's The Science of Self- Confidence Training Kit contains the proven secrets possessed by every successful person in the world.

"Build Rock Solid Self-Confidence and Achieve All of Your Goals"

You will receive:

The Science of Self-Confidence

The Science of Self-Confidence
(6 CD Program)
By using the ideas in The Science of Self-Confidence, everything becomes possible. Your belief in your ability to succeed in all areas of life becomes unshakable. Your life will never be the same, once you lear
n to practice The Science of Self-Confidence.

The Science of Positive Focus

The Science of Positive Focus
(2 Hour DVD Program)
Would you like to know how you can stay positive, ene
rgized, and powerful? In my 2 hour DVD I teach you how to defeat negativity. I teach you how positive focus can create the life that you want!

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life (60-minute CD)
Change the way you think about yourself and your potential. Open new doors to unlimited possibilities and put yourself on the road to a better, more fulfilling professional and personal life. This 60 minute CD will show you how to take charge of your life, become wealthy, and achieve every goal you set for yourself!

The Science of Self-Confidence Training Kit


An excerpt from Brian Tracy's Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life:

The Great Truth:

"You can learn anything you need to learn, to accomplish any goal you can set for yourself." This principle offers a way for you to take complete control over your future. When I was young and struggling, failing and frustrated, this principle came along to change my life.

Generally speaking, no one is smarter than you, and no one is better than you. Just because someone is doing better than you doesn't mean that he is better than you. It usually means that he has just learned how to succeed in his particular field before you have. And whatever someone else has done, you can probably do as well.

This is not an easy rule, but it is definitely simple. You, too, can learn anything you need to learn to accomplish any goal you can set for yourself.

Once I learned this idea, I was unafraid to change jobs, and even industries. I learned how to sell advertising, investments, automobiles, and office supplies. I worked in real estate sales and leasing, and then real estate development. Then I engaged in importation and distribution, then banking, printing, consulting, and eventually speaking, writing, recording, and corporate training.


Resolve today to make 2008 your highest achieving year - get Rock-Solid confidence

The format combines breathtaking nature photography, inspirational quotes, and real-life stories to reinforce 28 success principles.

Mac's stories and quotes are presented in an unforgettable way. This video can help you set clearly defined goals, manage your attitude, embrace change, live with gratitude, and make a difference whenever and wherever you can.