I have shelves piled high with diet books of every shape and description. They are full of theories and plans, food allowances and calorie counts, strategies and tips.

Some of them have a simple message. Others try to complicate things with lots of scientific explanation. There's some truth in all of them but they simply don't work for most of us.

You can read every diet book out there. You can start out full of enthusiasm on yet another new weight loss plan or program every few months. But until you realize that it's not the plan or program that is keeping you from success - but you - you're likely to be still trying every diet under the sun until
 you give up wanting to lose weight in your nineties.

Now, I don't mean there's anything wrong with you that makes you unable to make these diet plans and programs work. In fact, you are in a tiny minority of people if you do succeed - the select few who have that iron will and determination to stick to a diet until they reach their target weight and beyond.

What I mean is that you're not taking into account that you are a human being and that human beings are creatures of habit.

People like what is familiar and comfortable - it's in our very nature. So to make changes which turn everything that we are used to upside down takes a monumental effort most of don't have the time and energy for. And it's not surprising that we scuttle back to our old ways before too long.

The first two steps to succeed in making any change are awareness and acceptance of the current situation.

You have to understand yourself and what you are capable of and accept that before you can move forward. If you're willing to accept that you're human and that huge sudden changes are unsustainable, you can start to work with that rather than trying to fight your very nature and those characteristics shared by almost all of us!

So, what's it to be? Buying every new diet book out there and trying it out for two weeks or two months? Or making small changes to your habits one by one to move towards the healthy lifestyle that will result in the shape you want?

Copyright Janice Elizabeth Small

Got a minute?
That's all I need to share Jon Benson's first of many video-based 1-minute fatloss tips.
Go here for the first of many....
click-----> http://bit.ly/98L2M8
His new design is something to see too.
He will be posting his weekly live 1-minute video, tons of new features... even a "diet quiz" if you care to test your fatloss knowledge.
Plus his main presentation: "1 Tip To A Flat Belly!"
click-----> http://bit.ly/98L2M8

Got a minute?
That's all I need to share Jon Benson's first of many video-based 1-minute fatloss tips.
Go here for the first of many....
click-----> http://bit.ly/98L2M8
His new design is something to see too.
He will be posting his weekly live 1-minute video, tons of new features... even a "diet quiz" if you care to test your fatloss knowledge.
Plus his main presentation: "1 Tip To A Flat Belly!"
click-----> http://bit.ly/98L2M8

We all have the best intentions when it comes to losing weight.
This time, it's going to be different. After all our past attempts,
we have finally learned every lesson the hard way. This time, we
are going to stay on track, lose that extra weight, and keep it off
for good.

Be honest with yourself- you've gone through this before. You've
given yourself this pep talk every time you plan another weight
loss battle.

Maybe you've even kick- started your motivation by planning a diet
and joining a gym. You've learned to examine everything on the menu
and find the most health- conscious choice. You'll definitely order
it next time, but today, you'll make the occasional splurge.

You bought new workout clothes, and found a way to squeeze a gym
routine into your already packed schedule. You'll start that
routine as soon as the rest of your life settles down a little bit,
or when you're feeling better.

You have the best intentions, you really do, but losing this weight
is always harder than you remembered. But you still want to lose
the weight and get in shape, it's just that you just can't make it
your first priority in every single social or professional

As you keep trying to lose the weight, you've gotten better at it,
too. You've learned how to take off those first few pounds, and
keep them off for quite a while.

You've been going to the gym or working out at home regularly, and
you're feeling energized. You're even beginning to see results from
all of your work outs.

After keeping up this routine for a few weeks, or maybe even a
couple of months, your weight loss goals seem more attainable than
ever. You're doing so well, that you deserve a break.

You decide to take it easy, just for a few days, a week at the
most. You revert to some of your old eating habits, and you skip
the workouts. Before you know it, you're right back to where you

What does it take to really lose the weight forever? You have all
of the information you need, you have access to every diet and
workout plan imaginable, and you can find a weight loss expert on
every TV channel, website, and in every bookstore, so weight loss
success should be easy and attainable for everyone.

What all of these plans fail to recognize is that you need guidance
to get you through the long haul. It's easy to stay motivated in
the beginning, before the demands of the weight loss process start
to take their toll.

Introducing 5 Weeks to a Slimmer You, the amazing new weight loss
program by Steve G. Jones. As a leader in the field of hypnosis and
self improvement, Steve knows what it takes to make long- term,
meaningful changes in your lifestyle, and knows how rewarding those
changes can be. 5 Weeks to a Slimmer You is a comprehensive guide
to weight loss, and more importantly, weight maintenance, once you
have attained your goals.

Click ==> http://www.consultpivotal.com/Abeginslim

Weight loss is a complex issue; it's not just a matter of cutting
calories and working out. Losing weight takes confidence,
self-discipline, and long term motivation. It takes self- hypnosis.
Let Steve G. Jones lead down the road to weight loss, fitness, and
optimal health.

With Begin Slim on your side, you are unstoppable! There's no
weight loss goal you can't conquer.

Click ==> http://www.consultpivotal.com/Abeginslim

To Your Success,


P.S. If you are ready to attract all the things you truly desire
out of life, wait no more.


[ Editor's Note: Fitness author Jon Benson shared this letter with me and gave me permission to share it with you. ]

Got a question for you:

Should you "stay hungry"?

Let me explain what I mean.

Arnold Schwarzenegger made a movie a while time ago called "Stay Hungry." Only a handful of people saw it.

I was one of them.

I loved the idea of "staying hungry" -- of never sitting on your rear end too long... of never being totally comfortable... and of always progressing.

Think about it:

Most of your greatest progress comes at the expense of temporary comfort.

This does not mean you should torture yourself. But being 'too' comfortable? Well that's bad news when it comes to weightloss and success in general if you ask me.

Here's two examples:

First, it is now 1:02 AM Texas time. I am writing this letter to you despite being quite tired and ready to hit the sack.


Because when it comes to my job, I like to stay hungry.

I am not satisfied with a "do it tomorrow" attitude. I have something to say and I feel that I owe it to you to say it.

Plus I love my job. I know my information is more than just "books that sell well" -- I know it's information that changes peoples lives.

That makes me stay hungry.

And that's a good thing. My greatest successes have been when I've stayed hungry and lived at the edge of comfort.

But let me share my second example and see what you think.

This one deals with my upcoming book.

The book I'm talking about tonight is one that thousands have been waiting for... literally. I have a waiting list.

The title says it all:

The Radical Fatloss Blueprint: How You Can Safely Lose Up To 21 Pounds In 21 Days

Pretty bold statement, right? In fact... it's radical.

Hence the name. : )

And I have to warn you: You will stay a bit hungry. Literally.

Not 'starving'... but hungry. And that means you'll be burning a lot of bodyfat.

Now, before you think I've lost my marbles, let me explain:

This is NOT a "dietbook" -- this is a blueprint for 21 days ONLY.

It is the same exact system I personally have used for years (with the addition of one new supplement that I really like) to get into top shape.

I've used this System on quite a few eager people, and the average weightloss has been over 16 pounds. Some folks lost like 30 or more... others only 11.

Still... in 21 days, this is amazing.

Some of the weight is going to be junk out of your system that can cause illness. It can build up inside and this program helps you get rid of it painlessly.

Some of the weight is water.... but it's water that you do not need to be carrying around. Needless waterweight.

The rest is almost pure bodyfat... and that's RADICAL. To keep muscle and burn that much bodyfat is very hard to do.

Like I said... it's radical.

And it's only 21 days long.

Now, I will also tell you this -- you cannot buy this book.

Not yet.

The reason is simple: I've reserved the first few thousand copies for those of you who own by book "Every Other Day Diet."

They get it first... and since you will need a few supplements to make the plan work (I provide wholesale pricing for those as I do not make supplements) you can see why it's important to get in line if you want this book.

I'm only ordering a limited supply of the supplements that go along with the book.

And I'm just passing the savings on... I do not want to get into the "wholesale" business, but I also knew I could save you folks over 100 bucks if I did it this way.

So... here's the deal:

1. Pick up a copy of "Every Other Day Diet" now unless you already have it.

2. On or before March 15th you will receive a letter from me letting you know where to get your freee copy of "Radical Fatloss Blueprint".

3. You will also receive a link to order the supplements needed (only 21 days worth... no "reorders" needed) at wholesale price. You can have them shipped right to your door just about anywhere in the world.

No stimulants are used. Nothing dangerous. Just smart supplementation to help the body hold on to muscle, stimulate natural fat-burning hormones, and help you stay healthy and strong.

Again, this is the system I use to get in top shape.

So, step one: Get "The Every Other Day Diet" today...

Get that here:

http://www.everyotherdaydiet.com/aff/bronwynr <--- get this, get Radical Fatloss freee March 15 After that, read the book. Be sure you have it down because you will NEED this book to follow right after Radical Fatloss is over. The worst thing you can do is try a radical dietplan without having a SANE dietplan to fall back to. That's what Every Other Day Diet is: A sane, real-world, eat-like-this-forever dietplan that works. The Radical Fatloss Blueprint just kicks everything into high gear for 21 days. So, get Every Other Day Diet here: http://www.everyotherdaydiet.com/aff/bronwynr <--- get this, get Radical Fatloss freee March 15 THEN go to this page and let me know what you think about the new cover for Radical Fatloss Blueprint... and the supplements I have in store for you -- http://www.7minutemuscle.com/aff/bronwynr/radicalfatloss <--- more about Radical Fatloss Blueprint Finally, get ready to stay hungry: And by that I mean to push yourself a bit more in order to become a whole lot leaner.

Rivers know this: There is no hurry, we shall get there some day
-- Winnie the Pooh


Resource for the Week

Lose Weight With Anthony Robbins Today!
Imagine how much happier and more confident you’d be if you could train your body to function more efficiently and to look better in the process. With The Body You Deserve, you’ll get the expert guidance you need to take the struggle out of weight loss and finally create—and maintain—the lean, healthy physique you desire and deserve. The Body You Deserve." Click Here!

I love my long training runs, but most days carving out more than an hour to work out just isn't in the cards. And when my schedule is really crammed, shoehorning a sweat session seems next to impossible.

Luckily, the fantastic fitness team at SELF let me in on a little secret: You can get an hour's worth of fitness and calorie burning in 20 short minutes. Yes, I was skeptical at first, but this fat-blasting routine is as ultraeffective as it is speedy, and the secret lies in high-intensity spurts of energy. Here's how to do it:


"Whenever you make a mistake or get knocked down by life, don't look back at it too long. Mistakes are life's way of teaching you. Your capacity for occasional blunders is inseparable from your capacity to reach your goals. No one wins them all, and your failures, when they happen, are just part of your growth. Shake off your blunders. How will you know your limits without an occasional failure? Never quit. Your turn will come."
Og Mandino


Get to the “Root” of Lasting Weight Loss…

If you’ve tried to lose weight in the past, you know how frustrating
it can be.

Fortunately, you can put a stop to that forever!

With Dr. Blair Whitmarsh’s SlimMind Software, you easily lose
the weight you want… and it stays off.

Suddenly, what used to be a problem is now something that no longer concerns you.

Eating is fun,.. your clothes fit… you’re healthy… and, you can get
on with your life!... SlimMind Software

I just read an amazing report. It's on the psychology behind why it is so hard to win the battle of the bulge.

I didn't realize all of the things in modern society that make it so difficult for us to do a simple thing like control the portion sizes of what we eat. And you know that controlling the portion sizes of what you eat is one of the most important things you can do for your health (and your looks!).

The author, Dr. Roberta Temes, is on the faculty of the Psychiatry Department in the Medical School of the SUNY Health Science Center.

Strategies in this report are based on research, not just the intuition of the author as you will find in most books or reports discussing the psychology of this difficult issue. What I am saying is that this isn't the normal ''pop psychology'' stuff you see in all of the magazines - it's the real deal.

In this report, for example, Dr. Temes gives you a strategy that can reduce your portion sizes by up to 73% without you noticing the difference.

You will also learn how restaurants are overfeeding you and your children (and how to protect yourself), why variety is NOT ''the spice of life,'' and how to create meals that will leave YOU in control.

There are 20 strategies in all, and I'll bet at least 15 of them will be new to you!

I asked the publisher if they would provide this report at no cost to my readers for a certain amount of time, and to my surprise they agreed. I think they know that after reading this report, you'll want to try out the products they actually charge for!

That is all up to you, but given there is no cost, it's worth a look.

Scientific Weight Control Secrets: Tips from the Psychological Research

By Morgen E. Peck

Low-level mechanical signals inhibit fat-cell production in mice

It’s the diet that we dare not even dream of—eat like a medieval lord, then simply command the body not to produce fat—but new research by engineers and scientists in New York and Maine gives reason to dream.

According to a report to be published this week in the online edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, imperceptible vibrations transmitted through the whole body could help prevent weight gain in mice by inhibiting the production of fat cells in their bone marrow.

Staying slim may be as simple as standing still…oh, and exercising too.
