High-Quality Early Education: Cutting Crime and Saving Up to $300 Million a Year in Bay Area Education Costs
The law enforcement leaders of Fight Crime: Invest in Kids California are determined to see that dangerous criminals are put behind bars. But those on the front lines in the fight against crime know that America’s anti-crime arsenal contains no weapons more powerful than proven programs that keep kids from committing crimes in the first place. High-quality early education, including preschool programs, helps kids get the right start in life.
Law enforcement leaders have supported high-quality early education as one of the most cost-effective ways to cut crime and reduce state costs for correctional and other social services over the long term. The research is clear that at-risk children who attend high-quality early education are less likely to commit crimes as adults and more likely to complete high school and become competent adults who can support themselves and their families. Researchers have found that, in the long run, quality early education saves as much as $16 for every dollar invested....
Source: http://bit.ly/bC7aiY