Love is a Choice

Bringing our conscious awareness into each “now” moment affords us the opportunity to be fully present and to realize we are whole, complete and capable of creating a more joyful life. Our personal perspective is the key and when we choose a loving perspective we create a love-filled reality.
However, as we move forward in life, one of the greatest obstacles we often face is fear. It influences our choices and decisions and usually keeps us from our natural success. In fact, it seems these days that fear has a hold on our collective reality. Don't believe it. Fear itself is not real.
Fear is nothing more than a notion, idea, concept, thought and feeling. It is ultimately an acceptance of self doubt. We give birth and life to these thoughts by empowering them with our attention. The more we focus upon suggestions and ideas of fear, the more prominent they become in our awareness.
Historically, fear has been a powerful motivator and stimulated great change. Yet it has often come at very great cost. When fearful thoughts are misunderstood and their positive influence and opportunity to rise above a situation through love is ignored, death and destruction are the result.
There is another way to experience life and that is with love. When we begin to understand that ALL life is interconnected we start to realize the true power we wield each moment. Only love expands our reality through joyful and positive solutions. Fear cannot.
Once thought to be weak and inconsequential, we now realize that love is a dynamic and transforming energy that brings balance and harmony to all it touches. It takes great courage and personal strength to choose love and allow it to expand our consciousness. We already know the consequences of allowing fear, doubt and negativity to rule our reality. What would our lives and the world be like if we gave love a chance?
The exact moment we acknowledge love is the same moment we experience love. We have the power within our thoughts and feelings to decide what type of life we desire to live. We can succumb to the tired illusion of doubt and fear, or rise above and claim a life of joy and prosperity through love. The choice to love is the greatest power we have and it remains ours each moment.