Janeen Vosper - Shifting Visions | Speech Perfect
Shifting Visions | Speech Perfect
Shift the Vision of your life to enable great experiences to flow
with Fear Free Selling, Fear Free Speaking & Fear Free Living
After 15 years as the General Manager of a highly successful multi-million dollar business, plus having spent 25 years conducting training for high earning sales teams, Janeen is the go-to person for business owners and Sales Managers when it comes to instilling the techniques of Fear-Free performance. Once you can operate Fear-Free in the elements of life that have held you back from achieving the results you desire…such as selling or public speaking…the confidence you gain will be transferred to all components of your life.
Categories: Coaching, Keynote speaking, Training
Expertise: Sales, Public Speaking, Confidence
If I had a dollar ...
What enables a person act without fear in a situation? I believe there are three behaviours that must become intrinsic to shift a mindset from fearful to confident.