[Quick Public Speaking Tip] You – Me – The Public Speaking Power in Creating "Us"
Public Speaking is all about you, isn't it?
You the speaker.
You creating a speech.
You delivering a speech.
You taking the audience on a journey.
You affecting the outcome.
You presenting stories, humour, information, ideas, products.
Me, the speaker.
Me, facing my fears.
Me, being confident.
Me, remembering the best words to use.
Me, creating energy in the room.
Me, finally achieving success as a speaker.
This blog is aimed at You (and if you are reading this, then it is about "me").
I am writing and speaking to you, hoping to give you ideas and resources that will be of value to you as a speaker.
Strange, then, that the one sure foundation of success is the ability, once the presentation begins (or even in the marketing beforehand) to make it about us - all of us in the room, all of us on this journey to being better, living better, being and living more easily.
Not just the audience - the "you" to whom we speak - else we become preachers, philosophers, at least one step, if not a whole staircase removed, from that audience, that "you".
We are all on this journey together, supporting each other.
How can we best ensure that, in our blogs, in our social media, in our speaking?