Tag Archive for: books

And death came third

by Andy Lopata , Peter Roper

It has often been said that the two key skills for any business in the 21st Century are an ability to communicate a message - and a hungry market to communicate that message to. Now, for those outside of the corporate world, the best way to achieve these two objectives is through networking and speaking to groups.
Andy Lopata and Peter Roper have written a really handy book on how to achieve this. But the book is more than just a guide to the shy and anxious. In a very simple way Andy and Peter have explained how anyone can improve the way they are perceived in the market place through networking and public speaking.

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Wolf Hall: A Novel
wolf_hallby Hilary Mantel
Winner of the Mann Booker Prize 2009
In the ruthless arena of King Henry VIII’s court, only one man dares to gamble his life to win the king’s favor and ascend to the heights of political power ... more

parrotParrot and Olivier in America

by Peter Carey 

From the two-time Booker Prize–winning author: an irrepressibly funny new novel set in early-nineteenth-century America.

Peter Carey explores the adventure of American democracy with dazzling inventiveness, and with all the richness and surprise of characterization, story, and language that we have come to expect from this superlative writer. >>> more here

The Sorceress (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel) ~ Michael Scott

  • Hardcover: 512 pages
  • Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers
  • Published May 26, 2009
  • ISBN-13: 978-0385735292
  • Reading level: Young Adult

The third book in Michael Scott's "Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel" series, The Sorceress, kicks the action up to a whole new level. Adding to the series' menagerie of immortal humans ("humani") and mythological beasts, the book picks up where The Magician left off: the immortal Nicholas Flamel (of The Alchemyst) and the twins, Sophie and Josh, have just arrived at St. Pancras international train station in London. Almost immediately, they're confronted with a demonic bounty hunter that immortal magician John Dee has sent their way. At the same time, Dee's occasional cohort, Niccolo Machiavelli, decides to focus his energy on Perenelle Flamel, the Alchemyst's wife, who has been imprisoned at Alcatraz since the beginning of the series. In this book, Perenelle gets a chance to show off her sorcery and resourcefulness, fighting and forging alliances with ghosts, beasts, and the occasional Elder to try and find a way out of her predicament and back to Flamel. Scott is as playful as ever, introducing new immortals--famous figures from history who (surprise!) are still alive. He also adds to the roster of fantastical beasts, which already includes such intriguing foes as Bastet, the Egyptian cat goddess, and the Morrigan, or Crow Goddess. Raising the stakes with each installment, Scott deftly manages multiple story lines and keeps everything moving pretty quickly, making this third book a real page-turner. More than just another piece in the puzzle of the whole series, The Sorceress is an adventure in its own right, and will certainly leave series fans wanting more.

Guy Ritchie's film of Sherlock Holmes opens on Christmas Day.

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Want to rekindle your acquaintance with the master detective?  Find a list of books here.

tamerlaneAntiquity experts are eagerly anticipating Friday's auction of an original copy of Edgar Allan Poe's first book, Tamerlane and Other Poems — a much-sought after text whose sale could set a new record for American literature.

the work is estimated to fetch between $500,000 US to $700,000

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From the bestselling author and star of National Geographic Channel's Dog Whisperer, the only resource you’ll need for raising a happy, healthy dog.

The 1981 edition (now out of print) of this little classic on puppy rearing was a word-of-mouth best seller. This substantially revised and expanded edition benefits from an additional decade of observation of puppy behavior by its authors and includes effective, up-to-date methods for educating puppies to become good canine citizens. Along with Job Michael Evans's The Evans Guide for Housetraining Your Dog (Howell, 1987), this is required reading for new puppy owners.

"This book may be as important for puppies as preschool is for children" -- (Dog Fancy)

maoMao's Last Dancer by Li Cunxin

'It is a joy to read a book by someone who actually has a story to tell... This is one man's epic story, simply and generously told.' Herald.

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boatThe Boat

by Nam Le

A stunningly inventive, deeply moving fiction debut: stories that take us from the slums of Colombia to the streets of Tehran; from New York City to Iowa City; from a tiny fishing village in Australia to a foundering vessel in the South China Sea, in a masterful display of literary virtuosity and feeling.

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A Sony Reader: ‘Whatever the future may be, it will be digital.’ Photograph: Martin Argles

Do books have a future? We're used to being told that a digital age will make them redundant, yet they don't seem to be fading away. The number of new titles published each year will soon reach a million. In this motley collection of essays on the history and future of the book, Robert Darnton points out that they have many practical advantages. Portable and accessible, they require no power supply. They have proved their durability, while today's advanced tools for storing data will be tomorrow's dinosaurs. A new technology does not always replace an older one. The internet has not yet obliterated newspapers. The printed page is not about to disappear.

Read more of   The Case for Books by Robert Darnton