Tag Archive for: career



You’ve probably heard it in the past: emotions have no place at work. Or, perhaps Donald Trump’s catchy “It’s nothing personal, it’s just business” line on The Apprentice stuck with you. But forget everything you’ve been told. Emotions and your business do work together – in fact, they work well as a team to help you achieve success. Just think of creativity. If you want to boost your company’s creativity to brainstorm exciting ideas, you need passion! There are many other reasons why emotions are important in business.

As with anything, moderation is key. If you’re letting your emotions get the better of you or cloud your judgement, they could be risky business. However, they can help you achieve your goals and encourage others to succeed, too.

They Help To Get Your Vision Across

Ask yourself: do you want to be seen as someone who’s difficult to read? You might think it’s good to lead from a distance, but what your employees will respect much more is if you’re open and honest sometimes – even if you have something negative to say. A study published on the Harvard Business Review found that 92 percent of respondents agreed with the statement “Negative feedback, if delivered appropriately, is effective at improving performance.” When you share your real feelings, without attacking anybody, you make it much easier for your employees to know what you want. You might also motivate them to work harder at your vision.

They Make You Empathetic

If you’re in tune with your emotions, you’re probably going to be tuning into your employees’ emotions – and that’s a really positive thing. If you notice body language, tone of voice, and how people say things, instead of just listening to their words, you can learn a lot from them, which can give you great insights into your company and what it needs. Remember, when your employees are satisfied, your business will succeed!

Research from Curtin University found that workers who claimed to be satisfied with their jobs earned lower than less-satisfied people. Job satisfaction is about more than money so don’t assume that your employees will be satisfied by their paychecks – how you treat them matters! As for you, you can’t have a thriving business without happy employees, even if you’ve got a great business idea that you know will attract people. You need your employees to make it happen, so treat them well.

They Help You To Resolve Conflict

Being open to emotions in the workplace isn’t just about expressing yourself and coming across as real to your employees. It’s also about having greater Emotional Intelligence, which gives you the ability to resolve conflict. When you’re reaching out to employees and showing compassionate, this can help you to heal workplace conflict and have a much more effective – and happier – working environment. Toxic workers, like the people who complain a lot or steal the spotlight from their co-workers can cost your business millions of dollars, but on the flipside they can actually be really productive. Working with them and using emotional intelligence to diffuse conflict they have with others can create peace, while also boosting their productivity so everyone wins.

They Create A Team

When you display passion and energy, it can be contagious! But it also fosters a team ethic. Researchers from the University of Queensland found that managers can boost productivity and prevent burnout by making employees feel part of a team. “Leaders who create a strong sense of ‘us’ and a sense of belonging within their teams help staff to feel more positive about their work,” Dr Niklas Steffens, lead researcher of the study, said. “This feeling translates to increased levels of engagement.”

Instead of leaving your emotions at the door when you enter work in the mornings, let them come inside! They have many benefits, such as building strong work relationships, helping to ease conflict, and contributing to your career success.


Author:  Jackie   Photo by Cristian Newman on Unsplash


A 20-year study at Stanford University examined the career paths of thousands of executives to determine the qualities they had developed that enabled them to move ahead rapidly. Researchers concluded that there were two primary skills that were indispensable for men and women who were promoted to positions of great responsibility.

The first was the ability to function well in a crisis. It was the ability of the executive to keep his or her cool when the company or the department faced serious challenges or setbacks. It was the ability to calmly analyze the facts, gather information, reach conclusions, make decisions, and then mobilize other people to respond effectively and solve the problem.

The second skill these fast-trackers had developed was the ability to use their knowledge and talents to contribute to the success of a group of people in accomplishing a specific, common goal. In other words, they knew how to function well as a member of a team.

In this sense, you and your spouse are a team. When you volunteer in any charitable organization, all the people you work with are members of a team. If you have a social circle and you plan activities together, you are functioning as a team. And, of course, you and your coworkers make up a team.

Over the last few decades, the concept of teamwork in business has been evolving.

We came out of World War II with a strict "command and control" mentality. Most of the heads of American corporations, large and small, had been military officers, of various ranks, during the war. They brought their training into the workplace. Their approach to management was the pyramid style, with the president at the top, the senior executives below him, the junior executives below them, and so on - all the way down to the workers and support staff who made up the base of the pyramid. The orders traveled in one direction: downward. Information filtered up slowly. People were expected to do their job, collect their paycheck, and be satisfied.

However, with the advent of the computer age and, thus, the increasing complexity of even the smallest business operation, this management approach is changing. Just about every employee now has critical skills and knowledge that contribute to the overall success of a business.

For example, in our office, our receptionist has been promoted to the position of "front-office manager." Some years ago, when I started in business, the job of the receptionist was to answer the telephone and direct the callers to the appropriate people. Today, however, her job is far more complicated.

Since she is the first contact most customers have with our business, her personality and temperament are extremely important. The prospective client who telephones begins forming an impression of us the instant the telephone is answered. Then, because we do so many things, she must tactfully ascertain exactly how the caller may be best served and who to direct the call to. She also handles requests for further information and follow-up phone calls.

Her ability to handle these calls effectively, to direct calls to the right people, to take accurate messages, and to act as the core person in a network of communications, makes her job so important that it is essential for her to sit in on all staff meetings and be aware of everything that is going on.

Your job, too, probably requires you to know a lot about what is going on in the rest of the company. And the fastest and most accurate way of keeping current is to develop and maintain a network of contacts, an informal team of people within your workplace who keep you informed and who you keep informed in turn.

The old methods of command and control now exist only at old-line companies, many of which are fighting for their very survival. Today, men and women want to thoroughly understand what they are doing and why they are doing it. People are no longer satisfied to be cogs in a big machine. They want to have an integral role in achieving goals that they participated in setting in the first place.

If you want to achieve anything of consequence in business, you need the help and cooperation of lots of people. Your main objective should be to structure everything you do in such a way that, because you are constantly cooperating and working well with others, they are continually open to helping you achieve your goals as well.

Remember, in all your interactions with your team, to be supportive and helpful. The best team players I have ever seen are those whose comments to the other members of the team are in the form of suggestions on how things can be done better. The best team members are always offering to help other people after the meeting to get on top of some aspect of their work. This focus on collaboration and cooperation is seen by everybody and marks you as a person to be both liked and respected.

Many men and women have kicked their careers into the stratosphere by taking on a small responsibility and doing such a good job with it that they came to the attention of important people both inside and outside their organizations.

Author:  Brian Tracy


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Pivotal Mother

A woman, was renewing her driver's license at the Motor Registration office,
The counter clerk asked her to state her occupation

She hesitated, uncertain how to classify herself.
"What I mean is," explained the counter clerk,
"do you have a job or are you just a ...?"
"Of course I have a job," snapped the woman.
"I'm a Mum."
"We don't list 'Mum' as an occupation,
'housewife' covers it,"
Said the clerk emphatically.

I forgot all about her story until one day I found myself in the same situation, this time at our own Medicare office.
The Clerk was obviously a career woman, poised, efficient, and possessed of a high sounding title like, "Official Interrogator" or "Town Registrar." "What is your occupation?" she probed.
What made me say it? I do not know.
The words simply popped out.
"I'm a Research Associate in the field of
Child Development and Human Relations."
The clerk paused, ball-point pen frozen in midair and looked up as though she had not heard right.
I repeated the title slowly emphasizing the most significant words.
Then I stared with wonder as my pronouncement was written,
In bold, black ink on the official questionnaire.
"Might I ask," said the clerk with new interest,
"just what you do in your field?"
Coolly, without any trace of fluster in my voice,
I heard myself reply,
"I have a continuing program of research,
(what mother doesn't)
In the laboratory and in the field,
(normally I would have said indoors and out).
I'm working for my Masters, (first the Lord and then the whole family)
and already have four credits (all daughters).
Of course, the job is one of the most demanding in the humanities,
(any mother care to disagree?)
and I often work 14 hours a day, (24 is more like it).
But the job is more challenging than most run-of-the-mill careers and the rewards are
more of a satisfaction rather than just money."
There was an increasing note of respect in the clerk's voice as she
Completed the form, stood up, and personally ushered me to the door.
As I drove into our driveway, buoyed up by my glamorous new career,
I was greeted by my lab assistants -- ages 13, 7, and 3.
Upstairs I could hear our new experimental model,
(a 6 month old baby) in the child development program,
Testing out a new vocal pattern.
I felt I had scored a beat on bureaucracy!
And I had gone on the official records as someone more distinguished and indispensable to mankind than "just another Mum." Motherhood!

What a glorious career!
Especially when there's a title on the door.
Does this make grandmothers
"Senior Research associates in the field of
Child Development and Human Relations"
And great grandmothers
"Executive Senior Research Associates?"
I think so!!!
I also think it makes Aunts
"Associate Research Assistants."

Millions of women across the country are building careers in today's workplace, but that does not mean that there are not still numerous challenges that many face as they look for success and opportunity. Sexism is still an issue in many work environments and female employees often need to do more than their male counterparts in order to achieve success. The glass ceiling is still an issue for many who are looking to rise up in the ranks, but there are some key strategies available from those who have already traveled this path that can lay the groundwork for success.

As Live Career notes, women are finding success in the corporate world, but issues of pay inequality and a lack of advancement opportunities continue to remain obstacles for many young women in the workplace. Despite these continuing challenges, experts do have a number of recommendations detailing how female employees can break through the barriers.

Embracing opportunities for education and connecting with others is key

Those who embrace the opportunity for as much training and education as they can get may well stand out and increase their odds for gaining significant career opportunities to advance at work. Many companies provide additional training or reimbursement for continuing one's education and the wise working woman will look for chances to focus on transferable skills that can help procure advancement possibilities not only at one's current company, but elsewhere in the future as well.

Developing strong interpersonal skills is critical for young women in today's workplace, as connecting with others and managing to stand out in positive ways are key for advancement. Networking is essential, and many experts point out that connecting with experienced female leaders who can act as mentors should be a top priority for young women beginning in their careers.

Exuding confidence makes a big impact

It is not uncommon for women to hold back in promoting themselves and their achievements in the workplace, sometimes being reserved in order to avoid labels like being perceived as being aggressive or bossy. However, experts do recommend some key strategies that can help young women stand out with confidence.

As Market Wired shares, communications expert Kimberly Gerber suggests some simple changes that can help to build up a positive image. For example, women may embrace posture shifts that exude confidence by facing audiences head-on and bending forward slightly from the waist. Looking others in the eye while communicating is critical and it can be helpful to set aside any anxiousness by focusing on the message that is being projected rather than the people who are listening.

Unfortunately, women frequently find themselves needing to strike a balance when it comes to assertiveness more often that what men typically face. Sexism is still all too common in varying aspects in the workplace and as the New Yorker details, this often comes to the forefront during negotiations. Women who are assertive in negotiating job offers, for example, seem to be dismissed or penalized more often than men, and this type of experience is frequently visible in other workplace aspects as well.

Be ready with solutions and be your own best advocate

While sexism is a very real problem in many work environments, and finding a balance when it comes to being assertive can be difficult, young women who want to advance and break the glass ceiling would do well to be aware of these issues and be strategic in how they are addressed. Women who are ultimately successful in their careers work at becoming comfortable with pointing out their assets and successes and do not shy away from advocating for themselves. It is wise to be prepared with solutions to problems and connect with others as much as possible.

Advancing in the workplace is not a guaranteed path for women, as breaking through the glass ceiling can still be difficult to make happen. However, young women entering the workforce these days can find opportunities and success with a strong focus and determination. Experts recommend looking for mentors, connecting with others, and building skill sets in order to stand out. Many women find themselves having to do things differently than what male counterparts may do, but success is achievable with some strategic moves and focus.

Author:  Gloria Martinez  I think it’s important to celebrate women-dominated industries. I created WomenLed.org to educate people about the many women-led achievements that have shaped our world.

Figure out what you're good at

Each one of us has a unique combination of strengths, skills, and talents. But because it's hard to view ourselves objectively, we often have many more marketable qualities than we give ourselves credit for. Studies show that we most enjoy doing things we're good at, so when we take the time to figure out our skill set, we're well on our way to finding a job that excites and stimulates us.

Here are five steps to uncover your hidden strengths:

Step 1: Review Your Education and Experience

Your resume will give you an excellent snapshot of your education and previous experience. Since it probably doesn't include every job you've ever had -- for the purposes of this exercise only -- add them. Under each position, write down what you did each day, even if they were simple duties. Do the same for any volunteer work and/or hobbies. You can often find transferable skills in the most menial of tasks.

Step 2: Note the Skills Required for Each

Skills typically fall into four categories:

1. Communication and people skills - expressing yourself well, teaching others, relaying ideas, actively listening, and persuading.

2. Research & planning skills - identifying issues, brainstorming potential solutions, and setting goals.

3. Leadership & management skills - delegating and supervising others, motivating people, making decisions under pressure.

4. Knowledge-based skills - speaking another language or having substantial technical knowledge.

Write down the top three skills you needed for each job, hobby, and volunteer activity. Did your previous work as an office manager require strong organizational and planning skills? When you worked in sales, did your powers of persuasion help you rise to the top? Did your time volunteering at a pet adoption centre demand a lot of energy and compassion? Don't worry if you find yourself writing down the same skills for different roles -- you'll most likely see some overlap.

Related: Your Gifts and Moments of Grace

Step 3: Add Things You're Good At

Think about the activities you show a natural aptitude for. Are you the person everyone just assumes will plan the next get-together? Do other people complain about balancing their checkbooks, while you handle yours with ease? Really think about what comes easily and naturally to you. People often take their innate gifts and talents for granted and assume everyone else possesses them too, when in reality that's not always the case.

Do certain people compliment you over and over? Do they admire your hard-working attitude, your dependability or punctuality, or even how well you dress? Did past managers consistently praise you for having innovative ideas or achieving goals?

Remind yourself about any major difficulties or hardships you've overcome in the past. Potential employers love to see transferable strengths, such as determination and perseverance, in candidates.

Step 4: Ask Other People
Your co-workers, friends, and family, and even your boss can recognize strengths and capabilities you don't see on your own. Ask them for the first three qualities that come to mind when they think of you.

Step 5: Look for Similarities
Now that you have a full list of strengths to work from, group your skills together under common headings. For example, coordinating meetings at work, putting together your family reunion, and planning a neighbourhood party all fall under the umbrella of strong event-planning and organizational skills.

After you complete these steps, you'll have a much better sense of your skill set, which you can then use to effectively market yourself to potential employers. A great way to showcase your talents is to highlight an issue or problem you faced in the past, show how you used your skills and strengths to solve it, and then explain the end result (i.e. an increase in numbers or any quantifiable, successful outcome).

Once you understand the full scope of your knowledge, talents, and expertise, finding a job that meshes your skill set with your interests becomes much easier. You'll not only be more fulfilled, you'll also be more productive and command a higher salary. So, take time to figure out all you have to offer.

Author: Brooke Betts


I have a confession to make. I am an adult woman and I love superheroes. I think there is a lot to be said about people who put their personal safety aside for the sake of another or others. The nobility of standing up for truth and justice has suffered severe degradation over the years. Every now and then, Hollywood reminds us of the characters we once loved, and for a short time we become kids again. We remember running around with friends pretending to be our favorite characters. Then we snap out the memory to the thought that superheroes are mere childhood fantasies. These characters represent an unrealistic dream of living a dual life - one of a regular person with a normal job and the other a daring superhero who saves the world. The real world popped the fantasy of us flying around in capes and tights long ago.

Having said all of that, I still love superheroes. I remember wanting a pair of Wonder Woman "Underoos," and my mom not being able to buy me any. That's OK, because I just found some online, and yes - I will be making that purchase tomorrow. I'm not kidding!

The reason for this article is to share what I believe we all want to hear. It's a thought that I've had since I first started watching Wonder Woman. I was born to be super! I can think about my life up to now and can tell you different super powers that I displayed throughout. A great example is when I was in college and took a course called Entrepreneurship for Engineers. Who knew that I was made to be an entrepreneur? It's one of my super powers! The bottom line is this: I believe that each of us has at least one inner super power. There is something we were MADE to do that makes us super in our own ways.

Here are some tips to help you discover your inner super power.

Think about the thing(s) you are naturally great at doing. (People actually go to college for four-year degrees to learn what you've been doing naturally for your entire life.)

Think about the kid you buried under all of the adult-sized responsibilities: what was your first answer when an adult would ask you, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" (Most children have natural knowledge about what they want to do in the future, but parents and adults typically talk them out of it.)

Think about the hobby that you can do for hours on end, without taking a break. (Most hobbies can be converted into successful businesses. Many people have done it, and I believe that if one person can do it, so can you!)

Take some time and think about these things and stop depriving the world of the super hero inside of you!


By Madeline Berry
Do you know someone who is an everyday hero? You can read about some amazing everyday heroes at I'm Possible's Everyday Hero Blog.
Learn more about Madeline, the Super hero on her website IamPMadBerry.com.

Career Renegade

Jonathan Fields

There’s a revolution brewing across the nation--a movement that’s changing lives and revealing little known paths to passion and prosperity. 

It’s about building a great living around what you love to do most. Once you’ve been touched by it, you’ll never be the same. This book is your way in, your admission ticket to the world of the career renegade.

Jonathan Fields, mega-firm lawyer turned successful lifestyle entrepreneur, blogger and writer shows you how to turn your passion–whether it’s cooking or copy-writing, teaching or playing video games–into a better payday and a richly satisfying life.

* Discover the 7 career renegade paths to prosperity
* Tap technology to turn a seemingly moneyless passion into a goldmine
* Rapidly test and tune your idea for free, from the comfort of your couch
* Establish yourself as an authority in a new field with little or no investment
* Cultivate the mission-driven, action-oriented career renegade mindset
* Rally others to your cause, and convince them you’re not nuts

Join the movement now…and take back your livelihood and life!

Fields provides pragmatic strategies for creating a realistic business plan, exploiting technology and employing affordable guerilla marketing.

The first part involves discovering one’s secret passion, via a few exercises. What makes the journey with this author worthwhile are his sections on determining the exact work path (yes, via research on the Internet) and on developing a business. The references and ideas will inspire; he also interviews quite a few renewed careerists.


The book is available from Book Depository or Amazon

Yes, these are affiliate links and I will earn a few cents if you buy through them.  Thanks in advance!!

If you feel isolated at work, that your ideas aren't being listened to, or that you might get laid off at any minute, then you need Workplace Survival Skills.

workplace_survivalDo you have all the talent in the world, but are being shut down at work?

How are you going to get a promotion if you aren't able to get anything done? How are you supposed to be an effective leader when you have no power?

You can blame your ineffectiveness on the organization you work for. You can blame your co-workers. Or, you can do something about it.

Learn to Think Strategically