On the Job offers newcomers to the world of employment a primer for dealing with their current workplaces as well as larger career issues. The book deals with practical measures and will be of use to most people just starting their working careers.
Viscusi heads one of New York City's 10 largest executive search firms and dispenses work and career-related advice as host of "On the Job," a nationally syndicated radio call-in program. He now summarizes the insights he has gleaned and the advice he has proffered after interviewing thousands of job candidates and talking with his radio listeners.
He certainly knows the way of the workplace, and his advice is always insightful and to the point. He suggests that our "work-life puzzle" can be broken down into seven primary pieces. First, he emphasizes that "your career is whatever job you hold today." Second, work can be unfair, so "get over it!" Third, keep work and personal lives separate. In turn, he then looks at workplace relationships, communication, and advancement and career planning.
There is entertainment value in the anecdotes and experiences imparted by the author Always focusing on practical matters, Viscusi repeatedly emphasizes that if one masters the job, a career will follow. This kind of "realistic" advice for the workplace has not been assembled in one location before.
The book will not only help you to understand the employer's side of the job search, but will also allow you to implement a plan for landing the job that you want. It was written in a great format; plain and simple; to the point and informative.
“There are great strategies here for how to think about your work life (and he convinces it is a work life, separate from your other life), so that you're sane both on and off the job, and so that you're positioned to make the most of job/career every day. A must-have for anyone starting a new job, whether entering work for the first time or re-entering after change of career or time off.“