Tag Archive for: confidence


Can you imagine getting rid of absolutely ANY fear or phobia...

... In just 10 minutes?

Scientists have just given the official nod to a brand new NLP-based system that enables you to literally "erase" old fears and phobias - in a matter of minutes.

Fear of public speaking, fear of spiders, fear of death, fear of failure - whatever it is - it can be permanently deleted.

Read about it here

Delete any phobia


"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." - Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd president of the United States.

If you're an American, you've heard this quote before. Probably most people in English-speaking countries have heard it as well. Have you ever really thought about it, though? I mean really took the time to analyze the message, dig some deeper meaning, find the truth in it? Probably not. This quote is absolutely 100% fact. There is nothing to fear.

Fear is a paralyzer to action. Fear is the ultimate demotivator. Fear really is the only thing to be afraid of, because fear is the only thing that keeps us from doing the things we want to do.

You want to go hiking in the mountains, but you're afraid of heights. You want to walk through the woods, but you're afraid of snakes, or spiders. You want to travel the world, but you're afraid to fly. You want to live out your dreams, but you're afraid of going broke (even though you already are). You want to hit on that girl or guy, but you're afraid of rejection. Don't be.

The feeling of achieving the pinnacle of that mountaintop far outweighs the fear you feel when you look down over the world. Nature is more scared of you than you are of it. Planes are statistically safer than cars. Money isn't real. Most people aren't scary. But you're letting your fears outweigh your confidence. Hopefully, once you've finished reading this article, that won't happen any more.

Have you ever watched an illusionist (magician who uses tricks of the eye to perform "magic") perform? Most of us are very inspired, and shocked, by the acts they perform, because what we believe we see them doing is perceived by us to be dangerous and scary. So then why don't the magicians ever appear to be scared? Because they've no reason to be. The things they do could be done by any human being on earth, "magician" or not. Their acts look scary, but in fact have very little danger involved at all. And most things tend to follow this pattern.

The way you perceive the world has more impact on how you live your life than any actual circumstances or situations you find yourself in. If you're getting mugged, with a gun stuck in your face and a hand out waiting for your wallet, what do you do? If you're fearful, you fumble around for your wallet, produce it, and as soon as the mugger turns around, you run your ass off in the other direction.

If the guy really wanted to shoot you, though, wouldn't he have just pulled the trigger and robbed your corpse? Doesn't that seem a little easier? Do you think he WANTS you to put up a fight? No. He wants your money; he just doesn't know how to ask properly. So he threatens you for it. And if you're intimidated, he gets what he wants and learns nothing. But if you ask him, "hey, how come you didn't just shoot me and rob my dead body? What do you need the money for?" you'll probably get an answer. People are nicer than you give them credit for. Even most muggers.

The problem with them is they just never learned what it means to connect with people. They know that killing is wrong, which is why they didn't just shoot you right off the bat, but they don't know how to approach or interact with people without being threatening.

So what do you do with these misguided souls? You talk to them. Find out why they need your money. Are they hungry? Would they like to go get a bite to eat instead of robbing you? Are they homeless? Would they like some help finding a warm bed, instead? Would they like to go to the bar and get a drink? Most people who are criminals aren't crazy (though of course there are some who are); they're just scared. They're scared of starving, scared of freezing to death, scared of alcohol withdrawal. The money in your pocket isn't going to help them, and they know that, but I really think that in most cases, they're not looking for your money. They're looking for someone who will give them a chance, let them prove themselves, help them connect with people and guide them to being a person worth befriending. People have an innate need to be liked and loved. It's been proven time and time again that almost no one WANTS to be hated. "Love and Belonging" is the third of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, right after eating and breathing, and then security. It is a NECESSARY aspect of life for a human being to achieve their true potential, and if you look at that chart, self-confidence comes AFTER love and belonging.

So show these people some love. Take them out to the bar; find out their story. Befriend them. Introduce them to your friends and family; take them under your wing. If you put some faith in them and show your own confidence when you're around them, it will rub off. But if you fear them, they'll fear you, and the rest of humanity as well. Nature is funny that way.

Are you scared of dogs? If so, then you've probably noticed that dogs act funny around you. They're either shy, with their tail between their legs, hiding behind their masters, or they're mean and vicious toward you; it depends on how the owner treats them. How did I know that? Well, I've owned a lot of dogs, and believe it or not, they're a lot more like people than you'd think. Have you ever heard that animals can smell fear? Well, it's partially true, as fear in people can release certain hormones, and most dogs' noses are good enough to smell it. But the real reason it seems that animals "smell" fear is that it's a natural reaction for an animal, or a person, to reciprocate whatever feeling another being is putting off.

If you show fear, people will panic with you. If you show anger, people get angry. If you're depressed, you depress whomever you're hanging out with. If you show kindness and compassion, people show it back. If you show confidence, you can inspire people to be confident.

Obviously, there are those times when people are inconsolable, can't be reasoned with; their emotions have a deathgrip on their mind and they can't be set free. But these times usually last no more than a few hours, maybe a few days at most. Most of the time, your feelings and your personality, depending on its traits, will rub off on the people you socialize with, as theirs will rub off on you. But one trait that never rubs off is lack of confidence.

A lack of confidence is like being a ghost. You can occasionally show people that you exist by flicking a light, or making a barely-audible noise, but for the most part you go unseen and unnoticed. And your problem is NOT that other people think you're unattractive, or think you're boring, or think you're worthless; it's that YOU think those things. Other people are just naturally reciprocating YOUR feelings. Which makes you feel more insecure, which makes them find you more unattractive, which makes you feel more insecure, which makes you more unattractive, and so on and so forth.

I had a rather large girl (not my type, but pretty enough, all the same) hit on me at the bar last night. She asked me to come sit and talk with her, and I agreed; I'll talk to anyone about anything. But once I got over there, she lost all confidence. She stared at her cell phone for 15, 20 minutes at a time, not saying a word. When I would bring up something to talk about, she'd listen, and respond appropriately, but she never brought up any conversation topics of her own. So I talked about my interests; the Fed, how I want to start a revolution, about my ex-fiancee, about judgement, and greed, and zombies. Then I asked what she was passionate about.

She said horses. I asked if she owned one, and she said no, because she didn't have enough land for it. I asked if she had ever worked on a horse farm, and again she said no. And when I asked why, she told me "because who would want ME to work on their horses?" Wow. We live in an area where there are TONS of farms, most with horses, but NOBODY would want to hire this girl? No way. This girl's problem was not that she wouldn't bust her butt to take care of someone's horses, but that she was too afraid to go ask someone if she could. She's so afraid of rejection that she doesn't even want to TRY to follow what she's passionate about. People do this far too often, and it makes me very sad.

Do you love your job? Does it make you happy to walk into the doors of your office every day? A few people are answering yes; but for most of you, the answer is a big, resounding HELL NO. Why? Shouldn't you love what you do for a living? How can you be really good at something you don't like doing? You can force yourself to complete your daily tasks, of course, but then you waste so much energy doing what you DON'T want to do that when you get home you're too tired to focus any energy toward your real interests. Hence, part of the reason the divorce rate is so high now. This is also part of the reason more and more kids are little assholes these days; with a big mouth full of cuss-words, and a serious sense of self-importance.

People are too drained from forcing themselves to slave away for money at a job they don't like to actually do any parenting, or love-making. So why keep doing it? For God's sake, go do something you like so when you get home you can tell your wife and kids all about your day without sounding like a damn half-asleep robot. Do what you're PASSIONATE about. Fear, like money and the federal government, only has as much power over you as you allow it to. If you don't live your life with confidence, then you'll never truly live your life. If you allow the fears of being broke, or being injured, or being rejected to control you, then they will. And if you don't, they won't.

When you get scared of doing something, always ask yourself "what's the worst that could happen?" You can come up with all kinds of wild-ass theories and hypotheticals, but 99% of the time, none of these things will happen. And 99% of the time, you're overanalyzing, letting your fear be your security blanket, so you don't have to deal with any potential consequences. But you won't fall off the mountaintop; you won't get a deadly spider bite; your plane won't crash; you won't starve or freeze from being broke; and you won't get utterly shut-down by that cute girl/guy at the bar. Because people are better than that. YOU are better than that, smarter than that.

If you really analyze your actions, you will see that fear is always what keeps you from acting. I can't do this because I'm afraid of _______. But there's nothing to fear. "The worst that could happen" almost never comes to pass. And if you're passionate about something, you'll encounter hardships and strife, but when all is said and done, you'll still be doing something you love, and you'll be driven to figure out how to do it again without the hardships. That's the beauty of the human mind.

We can always fix any problems we have, but not if we're too scared to find or face the problems in the first place. Be fearless. Do what you want to do instead of what you're told you should be doing. You can always find 10,000 reasons that something can't work, but it only takes one solution. Be fearless.

Author: Jeremy Blackbird http://forthegreatergoodblog.com


Leo had a secret. He was shy around girls. Like everyone sat around the circle at the NLP meet-up group, he had a limiting behaviorial trait that he wanted to change-- and FAST.

He'd tried everything. Self-hypnosis, positive thinking, dating guides. Nothing gave him the jolt he needed to enforce permanent self-confidence and actually talk to women.

But Matt wasn't like any normal NLP teacher, and this wasn't going to be like any interaction he'd ever had before.

He knew something that you won't find in any NLP book, manual, or self-help product ANYWHERE.

After applying this secret with Leo, the crowd watched in astonishment how he suddenly became the most confident person in the entire room....

It was a complete personality upgrade.

He was fun-loving, out-spoken, uber-sure of himself. He even chatted up the girl right next to him in front of everyone!

And the best part is, you can use this same secret to re-engineer ANY new behavioral trait... even without Matt in the room.

Governments used it to teach their agents how to learn faster, and pick-up foreign languages fluently from scratch in under a week (yes, one WEEK).

Others use it to conquer fears, ramp up their IQ, cure life-long phobias and enjoy peak mental performance.

And you can be now be one of the very few people to learn Matt's secret RIGHT HERE.... and effortlessly 'upgrade' your mental abilities in minutes at:


Your insider,
Bronwyn Ritchie


We all make choices each day with regard to color. Most obvious is choosing the color of the clothes that we will wear for the day. Do you feel pink today or do you feel blue? The colors we choose have meaning behind them. Some of us are more color sensitive and aware of our choices than others. "Mood dressers" are people who are in-tune with their emotions and dress accordingly. When you dress today, see what your color choice says about your mood!

Wear Green - Relaxing and Tranquil Green is considered to be the most powerful healing color. Wear green when you want to feel more in-tune with Mother Nature. Green helps reduce anxiety and stress and helps you feel calm. Green represents Spring and new beginnings. Choose this color to wear whenever you are embarking on something new.

Wear Blue - Calm and Serenity Blue is especially calming and helps lower blood pressure and relaxes muscles. It is also associated with decrease of appetite. Blue is the color of peace and tranquility and is excellent in promotion of healing and spiritual meditation.

Wearing Gray or Black - Invisibility and Blending In Black and gray are fashion staples and pretty much go with everything. We all have the basic black pants or black dress that can be worn to a number of different occasions. Black is generally worn when you prefer to blend in and not make any statement. Wearing black will allow you to keep a low profile in social settings, not to mention look slimmer. Don't wear black if you want to stand out in a crowd. On the flip side, black can also represent class and wealth when accented by a power color.

Wear Orange - Energize and Lift Orange is a very high-energy color. Wearing orange is fun and can make you feel quite playful. Wear it when you want to lift your mood and physical energy. Orange is also connected with sexual energy. Because of its intensity some people cannot wear this color comfortably. Try accenting your outfit with a splash of orange instead.

Wear Pink - Feminine and Flirtatious Most people associate pink with babies, little girls, and feminine energies. Wearing pink conveys compassion, an open heart and is also a symbol of innocence and beauty. Whether male or female, a person wearing pink appears approachable and capable of loving others. It has a soothing effect and reflects romantic love.

Wear Purple - Unique - Non-Conformist Purple is worn to stand out in a crowd and is associated with royalty. Purple is the wrong color to wear if you want to blend in and go unnoticed. Wearing purple shows others that you feel special and unique and want to be noticed. If you want the world to know that you are one of a kind and do not desire conformity, then wear purple.

Wearing Red - Powerful and Confident Red is a very powerful color that stimulates and energizes. Wear red when you want to exude confidence and attract attention. Red also symbolizes love and passion and is said to increase the appetite. On the flip side, red is a color of dominance and can also draw opposition in others.

Wearing White - Fresh - New Beginnings White represents new beginnings, innocence, cleanliness and neutrality. Wearing white provides an opportunity to start the day with a clean slate and offers a fresh and bright outlook. Be sure to get rid of any dingy or stained white clothes and replacing them with brighter whites.


Sydney Chhabra, Ph.D. is a seasoned Psychologist and Personal Life Coach with 20+ years of experience. Sydney has a very warm and personable style of communication and takes a very practical approach in life coaching. She is genuinely supportive and maintains a focused and solution-oriented approach. To learn more, visit: http://www.midlifecoachingforwomen.com.


Real power isn't the ability to imagine and implement an endless series of new solutions to old problems, but to awaken the higher understanding that allows us to transcend the need we have to live with any painful problems at all. Which would you rather have: a big fire hose with a hydrant and a fire to put out every day, or a life without fires in them?

But what we have to examine here is the way we think! Most of us wouldn't know what to do if there wasn't something pressing us. Isn't it weird that we'll come up with a path, a solution, something that we're going to do, that once we do it we'll become whatever we've imagined? No more pressure, no more fear -- but then, the very thing that we set out to obtain, to make us fearless, to take the pressure out of our lives, becomes the source of a new fear and a new pressure! And then when that doesn't work, we do it again, and again, and again.

We have no idea of the power that we're created with. We are granted at birth the possibility of a freedom that has absolutely no contingencies whatsoever that can fall apart because the conditions in our lives do.

The kind of power I'm talking about is so simple. For instance, ordinarily we're trying to obtain things so that we can control or manipulate conditions, but we're not talking about that. Instead, how about the authority over our own negative reactions? That's a completely different kind of power, isn't it? To possess ourselves as opposed to trying to possess things or relationships through which we have a measure of security. The power to possess ourselves can't be granted by anyone or anything outside of us. It doesn't exist. No teacher, no book, nothing can grant us what it is that our heart of hearts actually longs for.

But something has gotten twisted up inside of us. We set out for life the minute we're born through family and tradition. We see our parents -- and every last person we meet -- striving for the power to achieve or protect. It never occurs to us that all we've seen and done in our lives has not produced what it is we're looking for. If we ever get far enough to even suspect the truth of that, then it turns the whole question on a dime.

What we then want to do is understand the nature of this illusion we have of being powerless in the first place! Because who seeks power? Who seeks power other than someone who feels powerless? That is the only reason that a person looks for power, whatever it may be. It is because something inside of us is afraid. So where did the whole notion come in this life that there is something that we're to live with that produces fear in us, and for the fear then sends us out for ways to find power to fulfill the end of our own fears?

The true powers put us in relationship with what grants us power instead of us looking for powers to control relationships as we presently do. There is a reversal that has to take place in our understanding. This reversal begins with the simple act of understanding what we've been talking about, which is: "I'm afraid of something... I'm going to go have dinner with someone in a few minutes," or "I have a meeting tomorrow," or "My health isn't what it should be..." What happens in the moment where the mind considers its own condition? It can't help but consider at the same time everything that it has collaborated with to make as perfect -- its expectations, "how things should be." The more it tries to keep what it wants, the more it refuses what it's been given. In other words, there are possibilities that are all the time being handed out to us that we simply push away because there is something in us that prefers the pain of trying to control problems -- while in reality they don't exist the way our mind imagines them.

Work to remember yourselves. Work to remember that at any given moment you don't have to be captured by anything that presently causes this compromise of your soul. Remember, there are always higher possibilities.

Excerpted from Seven Powers, "Freedom From the Fear of Feeling Powerless" by Guy Finley


We all like to blame something when life isn't going the way we want it to; our friends, the weather, our boss, our family, the economy... there are a million things we like to blame. But what tends to hold us back in life is ourselves. We are our own worst enemy. When we conquer ourselves everything that we want in life all of a sudden becomes much more attainable.


Everyone looks back at one point or another at their life and wishes that they had done something differently, "I wish I had asked that girl out," "I should have started my own business," "If only I went to college," "I wish I spent more time with my kids." We believe that if we did these things, our life could have turned out differently and for the better.

I'm not going to tell you that your life would have turned out exactly the same way whether you did these things or not. But what I am going to tell you is that the longer you think about the past, the longer it will take for you to forget and move on.

The past has happened so there is no use thinking about it. We can't change it however much we would like to. What we can do is however is decide to move on. As soon as let go of our regrets we can focus on the future and shape it in the way we want.


Fear tops the list when it comes to what is holding us back in life. Everything we have not done and will never do is because of fear. Fear is only natural, everyone encounters it but unfortunately most people let fear stop them in their tracks.

Successful people though don't fall into this category. They are not different from anyone else and they are certainly not immune from fear. They encounter fear on a daily basis. What separates them from the majority of people though is that they don't let fear stop them from doing what they want to do. They understand that fear is natural and is something that is to be acknowledged, experienced and pushed through. If you never push through the fear then you will never know what could have been:

"You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky |

The only way to conquer fear is to Feel the fear & Do it anyway.

Fear won't just disappear overnight; it might not ever completely disappear. But by facing our fears we can no longer play the "What If" game.

Look at fear as a good thing. It makes life interesting. A life without fear would be very boring indeed.

Self Pity

At one time or another in our life we have all allowed self pity to creep in. We start to feel sorry for ourselves when it looks as if nothing ever goes our way. Sometimes whatever happened wasn't our fault and was completely out of our control. It doesn't matter if it was our fault or not; we must stop playing the blame game.

We have two choices:

Allow ourselves to wallow in self pity or to reflect on what went wrong, why, and then learn from it.


We all know that feeling of wanting to do nothing else but lie on the couch and watch TV all day. It is only natural to want to relax but a relaxing life is not a worthwhile life. Everything that is worth attaining will take hard work. You could ask every single successful person who has ever lived and they would say the key to their success was hard work.

Laziness is not difficult to solve if handled in the right way. Unfortunately, most people think the solution is to tell a lazy person to "stop being lazy". That simply does not work (that's like telling an obese person to stop eating).

The solution is to take small steps to improve your productivity. Most of the time we feel so overwhelmed by the work we have to do that we don't even bother to take the first step. This is why it is crucial to break things up into small easy to do tasks.

Most people aren't prepared to work hard and as a result will never change their circumstances. Don't allow yourself to be this person!

If you enjoyed this article then visit The Zen Approach for more interesting articles.


Picture this. You arrive at a party. When you walk in the room, EVERYONE stops and stares for a second, before crowding around you to talk.

Everyone wants a piece of you; you're the center of attention. When you speak, people LISTEN.

They cling to your every word. You crack jokes effortlessly, and people find you funny... irresistible... and strangely magnetic.

Members of the opposite sex can't help being around you. Everyone wants to be your friend... to seek your advice... to indulge in your stories. You're strong, attractive, confident, radiating power and respect.

You're the top of the food chain-- the *alpha* personality that everyone loves and adores (and is secretly jealous of).

If that describes you, great -- you're well aware of how this rare ability affords you an incredible lifestyle, fun and thrilling social encounters, and opens doors to career opportunities closed off to the general public.

But if that's NOT you, listen up... because you're seriously missing out. And what's more, you *can* be that person, almost immediately.

In fact, if you're the type who shies away in the corner... avoids social confrontation... can't stand being the center of attention (but would love to)... and is SCARED TO DEATH at the thought of standing up and speaking in front of a crowd of people... I can turn you into the most confident person in the room.

See, the reason you're shy and introverted isn't because you're any less social, humorous, intelligent or charismatic than others. Many confident people aren't smart or charismatic at all... they just don't fear what other people think of them.

As a child, you were conditioned to keep your mouth shut (Ever been told by your parents "Don't talk to strangers?".). You were ordered to obey authority figures like parents, teachers, adults. As a grown-up, this "learned" behaviour is like a knife to your confidence... and is no longer relevant to your life.

It's time to shake it off.

The good news is, you can completely *reverse* the conditioning that's no longer valuable in your adult life... in just minutes. It's quick, effortless, requires zero practice, and works even if you don't think it will.

That's because, I have access to a powerful hypnosis CD that targets your negative ego, and re-programs your mind to immediately enjoy greater confidence.

It's called "Extrovert Me" and it has already helped HUNDREDS of people kill confidence issues dead (and it's only just been released to the public).

You can grab it instantly at:



Yes that's an affiliate link.  If you buy the product
I will make several cents - with thanks.  It all helps!

"Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude."
-- Denis Waitley

Imagine you are standing at the edge of a cliff. Deep inside you have a rising desire to jump. You know in your heart that if you could get to the other side of the canyon, there would be amazing gifts and rewards waiting for you. Gifts that would make your heart sing. You just know it.

However, you are scared to take the leap. For one thing, you have never jumped so far before. For another thing, you don't actually know for a fact that you will make it to the other side.

So, do you take that leap to discover what you want in your heart?

We ALL have our metaphorical cliff-leaps that arise every now and again. These are the opportunities in your life that hold so much potential, so much promise, yet scare you because of the risks you would be taking. For example:

  • leaving a job with benefits in order to start your own business or an educational program
  • creating an internet dating profile and opening yourself up to new love even though putting yourself out there might lead to a broken heart
  • speaking the truth within you to friends and colleagues even though you have been hiding behind "being nice" for most of your life
  • moving away from family and friends to a new town, state, or country in order to follow a dream
  • asking for help on a project even though you are scared you will be perceived as weak by asking for support

How come the fear of the risks so often overpowers our pursuing our deepest desires?

Because we believe we need to have total confidence and skill in order to take those risks. How many times have you given up on pursuing an opportunity (in other words: not taken a risk) because you believed that first you needed to cultivate confidence in order to do it?

Here is a little known secret that is absolutely revolutionary:

You need to take the risk in order to cultivate the confidence.

You need to FIRST jump the cliff before feeling confident that you can do it.

It's the ACT of taking the risk, of jumping, that actually builds the confidence and propels you to achieve your goal. You simply can not have it the other way around. If you already had the confidence, and you already knew exactly how things would turn out, then it wouldn't be a risk.

Let me explain further: When I first started my business, I knew I needed to network in order to build my practice. But I never really networked before, and I didn't know the first thing about it. What I did know, however, was that I was terrified to do it. I was scared of going to networking meetings and telling people about my coaching practice because I didn't want them to reject me, or judge me. I was scared of making myself vulnerable by telling people about my work and that I was looking for business. It was a RISK for me to put myself out there without knowing how the networking would turn out.

Well, I can tell you now, five years later, that I am a great networker and I love doing it. I walk into a room and I am excited about the new people I am about to meet. I can also tell you that a good part of my income comes from my networking abilities and the ways that I take absolute joy in connecting with new people, hearing their stories, and attracting them to my practice.

The secret is: I didn't WAIT until I was confident in my networking abilities before attending networking events. If I had done that, I would have waited forever! I developed and cultivated my networking skills by taking the risk and SHOWING UP. Showing up at the networking events, showing up for myself, showing up for the people that I could help through my coaching.

Was there the possibility of failure? Absolutely. Did I know what the heck I was doing when I started, or how things would turn out? Absolutely not. But I did know that if I didn't take the leap, I would get nowhere. So, I took the leap. And took the leap again. And again. And again. Until I was very comfortable networking. I kept on leaping and risking and risking and leaping until networking became something that I was really good at.

So, I want to ask you a really important question:

What is the thing in your life right now that you just know deep down in your heart that you are ready to do?

It might be networking, or speaking your truth, or learning to ski, or launching a new project, or learning to trust your loved ones.

What is the thing that you want so much? Have you neglected going after it because you are scared of what you might risk?

If you haven't yet done it because you are waiting for the confidence to do it or the experience or the know-how, then it is my coach's request that you take the leap, risk knowing that it may not turn out the way you planned...and find your confidence on the other side.

Joanna Lindenbaum, M.A., has 12 years of teaching and coaching experience. Her coaching invites women to think bigger, to embrace their power, to create more compelling and exciting goals for themselves, to become leaders, to connect to their intuition, to open their hearts, and to make it a practice of remembering how special and important they are. Her coaching philosophy centers on a deep respect for the inner wisdom that each woman holds inside of herself. By activating this inner wisdom, Joanna helps her clients achieve extraordinary success in business, career, and life. Sign up for Joanna's complimentary "How to Overcome the 5 Most Common Obstacles to Success" athttp://soulfulcoach.com/ecourse.php.