Tag Archive for: environment

When it comes to describing a dysfunctional environment, it might help us to also look at what a functional environment might look like.

Functional Environment

A functional environment then; would be an area that is conducive to growth. Somewhere that not only supports and encourages an individual to be themselves, but also allows them to.

Here, one can express who they are and feel safe doing so. Positive feelings and thoughts are also more likely to occur in this environment.

Dysfunctional Environment

The dysfunctional environment, on the other hand, would be somewhere that doesn't allow for the above to happen. Where the individual doesn't feel supported or acknowledged in any way, let alone in a way that honours who they are. This might be an environment that forces one to constantly compromise their values and themselves.

The word door mat comes to mind here; with boundaries being nonexistent in this environment. Feeling and thinking negatively is also something that might seem to just happen; coming on like a parasite, without reason or warning. Despair is also another common consequence of being in this type of environment.

Conscious And Unconscious Environments

With both of these examples, we can see that one is an environment that could be classed as conscious and the other is an environment that is the complete opposite.

By this, I mean that the dysfunctional environment is an environment where behaviour and the effects of that behaviour go unnoticed. The people in the environment have little, to no awareness of their actions or to the damage, which is being carried out physically, emotionally or mentally.

Standing Up

Perhaps if one were to comment or mention how they felt to the person or persons in the environment, they might be dismissed or ignored. This, of course, all depends on how dysfunctional the environment is.

The Frog Metaphor

This is a story that is helpful in explaining the insidious nature of the dysfunctional environment.

It is about a frog that is put in a pan and is cooked so gradually that it doesn't know or notice the difference in temperature. And after this slow rise, the frog dies. It was oblivious to what was happening and its imminent death. It became comfortable and numb to what it was experiencing.

So How Does This Relate To Dysfunctional Environments?

Within this environment, one will notice at first that it is draining to them. However unless one takes the steps to break away or steps out of the environment so that it can be seen from another perspective, they might start to feel comfortable within this environment. With their original state of mind and aliveness; fast becoming a distant memory.

Now, this could be because of a gradual drip feed approach or the slow cooking approach mentioned above. It might also be because it is an environment that feels comfortable and safe to them; as absurd as this sounds. It is reminding them of their history and what hasn't been looked at.

Is This How It Is?

One might have never been in a functional environment. This makes it difficult in seeing contrast and in being able to compare it to other environments in their life. One might believe that this is how life is and that there is no such thing as a 'functional environment' or that it's not possible for them.


We all have our own history, some parts that are likely to bring us feelings of happiness and other parts that might cause feelings of anger or resentment. This is history that won't just disappear; it has to be faced in some way. That could be by directly facing something or by the assistance of a therapist for example.


Pulled To Our Past

We will naturally be drawn into environments that our mind unconsciously associates as being what is safe for us. These environments won't always be places that empower or honour who we are. They will be environments that mirror the behaviours, feelings and thoughts of our childhood.


This is because of the nature of the mind and how it gets attached and creates attachments. What was experienced as a child becomes what is familiar and safe to the ego mind; regardless of if it is functional or not. If these associations are functional and beneficial, then what will subsequently happen is one will usually end up in environments that are at least moderately healthy and functional.

Unhealthy Associations

However, if these are associations that are not so healthy or functional; one is likely to find that they are ending up in the same environments. Environments that are disempowering and don't reflect what they consciously want or what their heart calls for. Where their energy is being taken and no energy is being returned.

The Childhood Environment

Above I have mentioned about our later environments mirroring the behaviours feelings and thoughts of our childhood environment if they have not been processed.

Common themes of those years will continue to appear and play out in our present-day environments. These might be themes that are unique to us; challenges that just seem to appear over and over again.

A Recent Study

I recently read about a group of rat pups that were genetically predisposed to be more fearful than other strains of rats. If these rats were left with their biological mothers, they were likely to be fearful and stressed. However, after placing these rat pups with other rat mothers that were not fearful; they grew up without fear.

The Power Of The Environment

Now, these might be rats that were talking about here, but what this shows is the power of the environment in shaping how we see ourselves and in who we become.

There is always talk of nature vs. nurture and on the effect genetics have on life, however, through the study of epigenetic's genes have been found to require a trigger to be activated and that trigger is the environment. It is the environment that is making the difference.

Choosing Our Environments

Choosing our environments and therefore the people we have in our life and spend our time with is incredibly important to our own wellbeing and in achieving our dreams.

The natural tendency of our mind will be to return to what feels comfortable and to what is familiar.

Who We Are

What happened in or childhood or what has happened in our past doesn't have to define our life or who we are. That is something we can do in each moment of our life.


My name is Oliver J R Cooper and I have been on a journey of self awareness for over nine years and for many years prior to that I had a natural curiosity.

For over two years, I have been writing articles. These cover psychology and communication. This has also lead to poetry.

One of my intentions is to be a catalyst to others, as other people have been and continue to be to me. As well as writing articles and creating poetry, I also offer personal coaching. To find out more go to - http://www.oliverjrcooper.co.uk/

We are living in exceptional times.

Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth's climate.

The stakes are high for us and our children. Everyone should take part in the effort, and HOME has been conceived to take a message of mobilization out to every human being.

For this purpose, HOME needs to be free.

A patron, the PPR Group, made this possible. EuropaCorp, the distributor, also pledged not to make any profit because Home is a non-profit film.

HOME has been made for you : share it!

And act for the planet.

Yann Arthus-Bertrand

HOME official website http://www.home-2009.com

PPR is proud to support HOME http://www.ppr.com

HOME is a carbon offset movie http://www.actioncarbone.org

More information about the Planet http://www.goodplanet.info


Nobody really likes to think about rubbish (pee-ew!). But whether you know it or not, waste is part of everyone’s lives. Each year, a single person can create up to a tonne of waste. That’s the equivalent weight of a small hippo!

Where does waste come from? Where does it end up? And what can we do to help our planet? Renowned picture book creator Philip Bunting answers all these questions and more in this entertaining and enlightening look at how to wallop waste and reduce rubbish.

Your Planet Needs You! is packed with simple and entertaining ways that kids and their families can reduce, re-use, recycle, renew and REALLY GET INVOLVED in cleaning up our planet.

Learn how to start a compost bin, or how to use an old egg carton to sprout your very own seedlings. Get tips on cool things you can do with empty tin cans or an old pair of socks, and discover how long different things take to decompose – from an apple core to a gumboot to a plastic bag.

With a positive outlook and a generous dollop of humour, Your Planet Needs You! shows that taking care of our environment can be both fun and rewarding.

You can be the change! Your planet needs you!

Book Depository





Home: A film by Yann Arthus-Bertrand





National Geographic



electronic Environmental Resources Library

eERL's mission is to be the best possible online collection of environmental and sustainability resources for community college educators and for their students

This film discusses the environmental impact we have on the earth's planet - the Earth's treasures being destroyed and the wonders we can still preserve.


300+ topics about the Environment

Environmental News Network
Daily coverage of environmental news, plus a searchable archive, radio, video and podcast programs, a forum and photo gallery. Though it's not obvious from the front page, there are RSS feeds; click on ENN Weekly and you'll see the details. Other ENN channels track

Learn about some of the biggest threats to our environment and what you can do to make a difference




Energy and the Environment: Energy Friendly Living

Learn about the ways you can help the environment with our interactive house.  img=energy_environment

Interactive house


The Water Cycle and Global Warming [pdf]The Baylor University College of Medicine continues to work at a furious pace on their delightful BioEd Online site, and educators everywhere love them for their work and dedication. Recently, they placed this “ready-to-go” lesson on the water cycle and global warming online, and it’s a true delight. As with the other lessons in this series, the materials here include a brief description of the lesson’s objective, along with information on the intended audience, the materials required to complete the lesson, and so on. Teachers will note that they will need to download a slide set, several activity sheets, and a “State of the Climate Report” offered from the National Climatic Data Center


Adapting To The Land
Students will consider how the environment affects how people live, identify examples of human adaptation, and appreciate human-environment interaction.

Ecology  Marine  Conservation

A Global Map of Human Impacts to Marine Ecosystems


Many people may wonder what happens in the vast stretches of the world's oceans. For some, it is simply a matter of "out of sight, out of mind". Fortunately, that is not the attitude at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis at the University of California, Santa Barbara. For one of their latest projects, they decided to estimate and visualize the global impact humans are having on the ocean's ecosystems. Visitors to the site can view the map, learn about the methodology used to create the map, and also read about their datasets. Their findings were also recently reported in Science magazine, and users can view supplementary findings which appeared in that piece. As it stands, this map provides "critical information for evaluating where certain activities can continue with little effect on the oceans, where other activities might need to be stopped or moved to less sensitive areas, and where to focus efforts on protecting the last pristine areas." From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2008. http://scout.wisc.edu/



Ecological Footprints: Calculators

Victoria's Environment Protection Authority has produced a fascinating interactive resource that students and staff can use to measure 'how much nature we have, how much we use, and who uses it. It shows us how much biologically productive land and water a population (an individual, an organisation, a city, a country, or all of humanity) requires supporting current levels of consumption and waste production, using prevailing technology.

Conservation  sustainable economy

Landcare Research – Manaaki Whenua
The organisation responsible for this site is a leading New Zealand environmental research agency. Of particular interest to teachers are the education pages that focus on animal conservation,

animal pests, native plants, satellite imagery and maps, fungi and pest plants.


Water  Climate


The Water Cycle and Global Warming [pdf]The Baylor University College of Medicine continues to work at a furious pace on their delightful BioEd Online site, and educators everywhere love them for their work and dedication. Recently, they placed this “ready-to-go” lesson on the water cycle and global warming online, and it’s a true delight. As with the other lessons in this series, the materials here include a brief description of the lesson’s objective, along with information on the intended audience, the materials required to complete the lesson, and so on. Teachers will note that they will need to download a slide set, several activity sheets, and a “State of the Climate Report” offered from the National Climatic Data Center

From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2007. http://scout.wisc.edu/


Guzzler saves energy 




Sustainable economy + Energy

General Sustainable Technology Archive - Unified Community

Other energy sites, topics, science & teacher resources

What's Up With the Weather?
This site examines "the science and politics of one of the most controversial issues of the 21st century: the truth about global warming." Topics include fossil fuel consumption, the role ice cores play in the global environment, and predictions for "what would happen to the world's coastlines if the West Antarctic Ice Sheet melted." Includes a teacher's guide and a FAQ. A production of Nova and Frontline, programs produced by the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS).
Endangered species Deforestation  Conservation  Sustainable economy
Environmental Paper Network
Web site for a "group of environmental organizations joined together to support socially and environmentally sustainable transformations within the pulp and paper industry." Features fact sheets, statistics, reports, and other material on responsible fiber sourcing and endangered forests, recycled paper, and clean production technologies (such as chlorine-free bleaching and pulping) to reduce pollution. Includes a glossary and links to related organizations.
Power Up
As students choose their types of power they want to use, they will learn how much power the plant provides, how much it costs, and the effect it could have on the environment

The Chernobyl disaster: What happened, and the long-term impacts






The Murray–Darling Basin is the perfect real-world context for studying a broad range of issues around water and the environment that impact all Australians. These concise, curriculum-linked lesson materials have been designed to support and enhance teaching by explaining the complex science of the Murray–Darling Basin, linking to high-quality resources, and engaging students with fun activity ideas. https://www.mdba.gov.au/education/lesson-packages


National Dryland Salinity Program
Information on dryland salinity.


WAter Landcare


Nutrient Enrichment in the Swan River System
Fact sheet on eutrophication.

Conservation - marine



An environmental monitoring program that helps communities better understand salinity problems.



Learn about the importance of biodiversity.










A convenient carrier or a marine killer? Heather Catchpole takes a look at why plastic bags should no longer be tossed out with the garbage Plastic bags are handed out free each week in Australia by the millions. They are cheap to make, lightweight, waterproof and convenient. But the flip side of this convenience is that plastic bags are practically indestructible. And the number that ends up in the environment each year is growing.


Basic environment

Spaceship Earth
Students develop an understanding of our planet as a system by designing a space mission in which the life-support system is patterned after that of earth.

General  Climate
30 Ways To Lower Your Carbon Footprint
There are a great many ways that we can make a difference ourselves in our daily lives and routines.




A global organisation, Greenpeace focuses on worldwide threats to our planet's biodiversity and environment.https://www.greenpeace.org/international/



Calculate your Eco-footprint
Contains eco-footprint calculators for households, offices, and schools. The web-based calculator is a short quiz which estimates how much productive land and water you need to support what you use and what you discard.




The Great Kapok Tree: A Social Studies Lesson
(Multi 1,2,3) Students will demonstrate an understanding of the interdependence of animals, people and plants in the rainforest by participating in an ecosystem simulation.














Planet Pals
Crafts, games, colouring, activities ...for learning about taking care of the planet!

Online games, puzzles, and environmental fun for kids.



Earth Day Worksheets
Logic, math, word finds, word puzzles, and more


Earth Day Bags Project
The Earth Day Groceries Project is an easy, cost-free environmental awareness project that teams up youth and grocers to spread the message of Earth Day. Visit to find out how to participate!


Earth Day Online Word Search
Online game - environment-themed words: you can complete the word search, scramble the words and start again!
Grade Level(s): K-2;




Paper Mache Earth
URL: http://www.planetpals.com/papermache.html





Earth Day Crafts
(Ages 2+) Fun crafts for endangered animals, clouds, mother earth

Making Paper #1
Students will learn about the process of making paper and another method of recycling through making their own paper.
Grade Level(s): K-2, 3-5;

Making Paper #2
Students will learn about the process of making paper and another method of recycling through making their own paper. - CanTeach
Grade Level(s): K-2, 3-5;
Global Warming: What Is It All About?https://www.epa.gov/environmental-economics/global-warming-what-it-all-about

Winter Tips: Make Your Home Warm and Green



Ecology of the Dump Three activities concerning solid waste management. One lasts one week, another several months, and there is a follow-up activity suitable for both.



Waste Management There are four activities in this teaching unit in which students investigate household trash, biodegradability, packaging, and recycling.



Information in sections



File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
From small worm compost bins in the classroom, to composting lunch scraps we can make a difference one apple core at a time!

[The] Imagination Factory

You'll find creative ways to recycle by engaging your students in art projects/activities that make use of a ready source of inexpensive art supplies - namely your trash. Be sure to look in their "Previous Art Activities" for an archive of their suggestions - organized into 10 categories: Drawing, Sculpture, Painting, Holidays, Printmaking, Fiber Arts, Collage, Marbling, General Information, and Crafts.

Thumbnail image
Using a garden as a teaching tool can be both exciting and rewarding if proper steps are taken to plan and organize lesson plans. The author of this site is ...
The lessons that are taught at the garden site are limited only by one's creativity. ... your lesson plans to see when and what types of garden lessons are needed.

Smile Program Biology Index

Teachers participating in the SMILE (Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement) summer session programs each create a single concept lesson plan. This database has a few lessons on recycling in their section on Environmental Studies and Ecology. Caution: Since there is a wide number of authors who have contributed to the database, the detail and quality of the lesson plans will vary.

Consumer's Handbook for Reducing Solid Waste  Practical steps that families can take to reduce the amount and toxicity of garbage.

Haz-Ed: Classroom Activities for Understanding Hazardous Waste

The Quest for Less: Activities and Resources for Teaching K-8
The Quest for Less provides hands-on lessons and activities, enrichment ideas, journal writing assignments, and other educational tools related to preventing and reusing waste. This document includes factsheets, activities, and teaching notes for 6-8
Hide texthttps://www.epa.gov/students/quest-less-activities-and-resources-teaching-k-8

Recycle City Students learn about the three R's by touring various sections of "Recycle City" and seeing how the various organizations and citizens reduce, reuse, and recyle. There's also a "Dumptown game" where students can play the role of a city manager who has been hired to start programs that encourage Dumptown's citizens and businesses to recycle and reduce waste all the while remaining within a budget of course. An Activities section contains suggestions for using the site within the classroom.




Water Recycling  Pollution

Learn how waste water in North Carolina is purified by recycling it a natural way.

The Planet Protectors: Activities for Kids
As a Planet Protector, your mission is to improve the world around you by making less trash. Planet Protectors also help other people learn to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Global Warming: What Is It All About?
This is a presentation titled Global Warming: What Is It All About? that was given for the National Center for Environmental Economics

Complete Lesson 5: Climate Change and You
Students learn what causes climate change and how we can participate in reducing its harmful effects. Discuss the Solar System, heat and light energy, atmosphere, greenhouse effect and gases, ozone, and energy conservation.

Lesson Plans, Teacher Guides and Online Environmental Resources for Educators
Educational resources for teachers on environmental topics, including lesson plans.

Environmental Videos for Students and Educators
Environmental videos for students on various subjects.

What is climate change? What is global warming? Are they the same thing? – ENERGY STAR
Climate change refers to any significant changes in climate (such as temperature, precipitation, or wind) lasting for an extended period...


'I have an obsession with wind farms.'


'Yes. I'm a huge fan.'


There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew.


Q: Did you hear the one about the aluminium recycling plant?

A: It smelt!


In honor of Earth day, I'm sending all of my work-related emails to my "recycle" folder.


Q: What did one tree say to the other?

A: Are you a Sap!


Obviously you can't confess all your sins in one go but must separate bottle, paper and plastic confessions.


Q: What is the difference between a person and a tree?

A: One is illegal to hit with an ax!


We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors we borrow it from our children.


Q: What can the climate do that weather can't do with a tree?

A: Climb it.


An environmentalist dies and reports to the pearly gates. St. Peter checks his dossier and says, 'Ah, you're an environmentalist - you're in the wrong place.' Thinking that heaven could never make an error, the environmentalist reports to the gates of hell and is let in.

Pretty soon, the environmentalist gets dissatisfied with the environment in hell, and starts implementing eco-friendly improvements. After a while, global warming, air and water pollution are under control. The landscape is covered with grass and plants, the food is organic and the people are happy. The environmentalist has become a pretty popular guy.

One day God calls Satan up on the telephone and says with a sneer, 'So, how's it going down there in hell?'
Satan replies, 'Hey, things are going great. We've clean air and water, the temperature is better and the food tastes better, and there's no telling what this environmentalist is going to fix next.'

God replies, 'What? You've got an environmentalist? That's a mistake; he should never have gotten down there, send him up here.'

Satan says, 'No way. I like having an environmentalist on the staff, and I'm keeping him.'

God says, 'Send him back up here or I'll sue.'

Satan laughs uproariously and answers, 'Yeah, right. And just where are you going to get a lawyer?'


Why are Eco warriors bad at playing cards?

They like to avoid the flush.


Q: What's the name of the new Tom Cruise eco-thriller?

A: Mission Compostable!


The Reverend Martyn Hind, parish priest, is to offer 'eco-sinners' the chance to confess in what is thought to be the first 'green' confessional booth.


Q: Why does a Time Magazine survey state only 85% of Americans think global warming is happening?

A: The other 15 percent work for the oil industry!


17 trees are saved by every ton of existing paper that is recycled. That means if we pulped every Harry Potter book we wouldn't be able to see the sky for foliage.


A woman called her husband during the day and asked him to pick up some organic vegetables for that night’s dinner on his way home.

The husband arrived at the store and began to search all over for organic vegetables before finally asking the produce guy where they were. The produce guy didn’t know what he was talking about, so the husband said: “These vegetables are for my wife. Have they been sprayed with poisonous chemicals?”

To which the produce guy replied, “No, sir, you will have to do that yourself.”


Q: How do you know your a bad recycler?

A: You give the recycle bins to your kids to use as toboggans.


Greenhouse effect is an anagram of:

'Huge trees offence'



    • Why did the farmer plant a seed in his pond?
    • He was trying to grow a water-melon.
    • Why are people always tired on Earth Day?
    • Because they just finished a March.

  • Why couldn’t the flower ride it’s bike?
  • It lost its petals.
  • How can you tell the ocean is friendly?
  • It waves.
  • What goes up when the rain comes down?
  • An umbrella.
  • Why are people always tired in April?
  • Because they just finished a March.
  • Why is grass so dangerous?
  • Because it’s full of blades.
  • Why did the Easter bunny hide?
  • He was a little chicken.
  • Why did the sun go to school?
  • To get brighter.
  • How do trees get on the internet?
  •  They log in
  • Why do hens lay eggs?
  • If they dropped them, they’d break.
  • How do you cut a wave in half?
  • Use a sea saw.
  • Why did the dog bury himself in the back yard on Earth Day?
  • Cause you can't grow a tree without bark.
    • What creature is smarter than a talking parrot?
    • A spelling bee
    • What did the tree wear to the pool party?
    • Swimming trunks.
    • Do bees fly in the rain?
    • Not without their yellow jackets.
    • Why did the leaf go to the doctor?
    • It was feeling green.
    • What kind of shorts to clouds wear?
    • Thunderwear!
    • What has 18 legs and catches flies?
    • A baseball team.

  • Why do tornadoes zigzag?
  •  They’re dizzy.

  • What did the ground say to the earthquake?
  • You crack me up!
  • Why did the woman go outdoors with her purse open?
  • Because she expected some change in the weather.
  • What’s the difference between weather and climate?
  • You can’t weather a tree, but you can climate.
  • How does a bee brush its hair?
  •  With its honeycomb.
  • What kind of plant grows on your hand?
  •  Palm tree.
  • Why can’t you tease egg whites?
  • They can’t take a yolk.

  • What happens when it rains cats and dogs?
  • You have to been careful not to step in a poodle.
  • What do you give a sick bird?
  • TWEETment
  • What is a tree’s least favorite month?
  • Sep-timber!
  • Why did the worm cross the ruler?
  • To become an inchworm.
  • What’s the biggest moth in the world?
  • A mammoth!
  • What type of bird should you never take to the bank?
  • A Robin.
  • Why are recycle bins optimistic?
  • Because they’re full of cans.
  • What do you call a grizzly bear caught in the rain?
  • A drizzly bear.

  • What did the little tree say to the big tree?
  • Leaf me alone
  • How do trees get on the internet?
  • They log in


We live in a time where there is intense focus and even an obsession when it comes to our environment. In many ways, I believe that this is a good thing. The questions that arise for me are; what causes us to act in ways that are so destructive to the environment? And at the same time, why is it that we only seem to care about our environment, now that it is in such a precarious position. This is a position, which has been described by many, as the point of no return.

Now, I don't believe that global warming is black and white and that one way or one approach will solve all of the problems. So with my understanding of the psychological and emotional aspects, I will focus on that side of the equation.

My perspective is that through our own avoidance of looking at our own pain and processing that which we find unpleasant and causes us conflict; we have become dissociated from ourselves. By this, I mean we have become numb to how we truly feel, and as a result of this, we not only treat ourselves badly, it also extends to our own environment.

When we act out of dissociation, one our abilities that makes us human, our ability to empathise is very much out of action. This then leads us to act unconsciously and react to life and in doing so we lose our capacity to act consciously, to question, whether what we are doing is helping our harming ourselves and others.

So when it comes to the question of why do we treat our environment so badly, I would add, do we truly treat ourselves much better? And that is our environment just a mirror of what is going on inside of ourselves? I don't believe that our own environment can be looked at in isolation, if we want to gain the right perspective and see the full picture. I believe that we have to look at all aspects to gain the right point of view.

This perspective clearly won't become front page news or a stance that will be favoured by many. I would say this is due to living in a society that is largely identified with the mind and as a result rarely has the ability to observe it. With dissociation being a defence mechanism of the mind, it is a way for the undeveloped ego to escape looking at itself and to avoid responsibility. I would say that the majority of what is supported by the mainstream is that which validates and strengthens the ego mind.

This is why I believe it is important not to get caught up in the media fear frenzy, as although there are clearly problems, as human beings we are also projecting our own meaning onto the world and that meaning is not the world. And as much as we try to understand what is happening through science and research, we can never see the whole picture and know everything. So being in a place of fear and hopelessness as a result of what the media says could be complete waste of our energy, as it could not only be false, but we could be using that energy to make a difference.

If we see the environment as an extension of ourselves and we bring our awareness to that point, we can begin to ask the question of, what are we holding onto that doesn't serve us? And as a result of this, is also harming our environment.

If we take the perspective that our environment is a living organism, that has feelings and needs just like ourselves and is not an inanimate object, would we start to treat it differently? As we start to love and appreciate ourselves more, will we also treat our environment in the same way? And if we see ourselves as separate from our environment, does his also make it easier for us to harm it?

The film Avatar by James Cameron, posed plenty of questions when it comes to our environment. While there has been numerous interpretations of what the film was about, Cameron himself has said his meaning was about mans sense of entitlement when it comes to the environment. How we believe that we are above and have complete control over our environment. Seeing our environment as sacred and something we can work with and not against, is overlooked and usually dismissed. Perhaps this way of looking at nature seems a bit bizarre to many people and might even draw comparisons to pantheism.

There is also the view point that nature reacts to how we feel and absorbs our emotions. This sounds normal to me; however I have no empirical experience to know it at a deeper level. If indeed this is so, would it explain a lot of what's going on, with the amount of negativity it would have to process from us all?

The outlook I have, is through our disassociation from ourselves, we start to become dissociated from our environment, as this happens we begin to project separation onto life. As this is all occurring we try to control and dominate our environment, as a way to compensate for our perceived loss of power. One of the consequences of this is we destroy the very thing that supports and nourishes us. Although our ego is there to give us our sense of individuality, when we have forgotten that we are also connected at the same time, it can naturally lead one to feel powerless.

The second question I posed was why does there only seem to be widespread concern for our environment now that it is in dire straits. As I look at this occurrence, I can see that there are many examples in life where this happens. Whether it relates to our health, our diet or how physically fit we are, very often we are only motivated to do something about these areas when they are really bad and rarely in the early stages of when the signs first start to appear.

I currently believe there are two reasons for this. The first is that one of the ways the mind operates is through pleasure and pain. The other reason is gained, by looking at how defence mechanism's work.

I would say that these two aspects work together to motivate what we do and don't do. However when we are the observers of our mind, we can become conscious of them and decide whether we want to live that way or change how we are. This is something that is not possible if we remain unaware of their influence over us.

So there could be a degree of pain in our life and yet very often it is not enough to motivate us to change. However the more we avoid the pain, the stronger it gets. As it accumulates we will continue to receive warning signs and the consequences will continue to compound. With the egos need to feel safe, being the very thing that often leads to our own downfall. It has just occurred to me that defence mechanisms are the application of pleasure and pain, as they allow us to avoid pain momentarily or that's what their intention is. This is done by using any of the defence mechanism that will allow for the instant release and escape of that pain. Although there are many different ones, they all serve the same purpose.

So I believe, as we continue to appreciate and love ourselves, not only will we as individuals treat our immediate environment better, we will also see a global change as a result. I believe there is always a way, and our own mind wont necessarily be able to comprehend another way. And this is normal, as the only thing the mind knows is the past and a combination of the past, however as we continue to expand what we know and trust in our hearts, the answer's and solutions will be revealed.

My name is Oliver J R Cooper and I have been on a journey of self awareness for over nine years and for many years prior to that I had a natural curiosity.

For over two years, I have been writing articles. These cover psychology and communication. This has also lead to poetry.

One of my intentions is to be a catalyst to others, as other people have been and continue to be to me. As well as writing articles and creating poetry, I also offer personal coaching. To find out more go to - http://www.oliverjrcooper.co.uk/

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