When Kids Lose Interest in Reading, Where Do You Turn?

We all go through stages of our lives that we lose interest in some thing that we once enjoyed. There can be many reasons for the lose of interest. After all, we all go through changes in our lives that may cause this sudden disinterest. For many of us the lose in interest is only temporary. We regain our interest within a rather short period of time.

What makes our children any different than us? Don't they have the right to lose interest in some thing that they once enjoyed? Of course they do! It is the amount of time that they lose interest that can be concerning. We must determine why they have lost interest. This not only pertains to a lose of interest in reading, but many of the other things in life that they once enjoyed to do.

Did they lose interest in reading in the summer time? This is perfectly natural reaction after a long 9 months of school. A short break of one or two weeks at the most is absolutely understandable. If it becomes any longer, then we must regain there interest. The best way to regain their interest is to get them reading again. Make it fun for them by letting them chose their own reading material. A family trip to your local book store not only gives them a multitude of choices, but it is also good for family bonding.

It could also be a case of they are having trouble in school and decided it was just too hard. Even the most attentive parents many not be aware of the difficulties they are having in school until weeks later. If it is available to you, keep in constant contact with their teacher(s). Many teachers will provide you with their email address at the beginning of the school year. Keeping in contact will give you a head start if there is an academic issue. Then you will be able to tackle the problem before it gets out of hand.

Many kids just want to get noticed. They may have the lose of interest just to capture some attention. Children need constant attention and some times negative attention is just as good as positive attention. Praising and complimenting your child can go along way. Even if we think it is not a big deal, it is to them.

Author Scott Constable: I realize that there are thousands upon thousands of children's books to choose from out there. We try our best to offer books that will most aide in a child's development. I am a father of four children.
