

Wonders Of The African World - Black Kingdoms of the Nile
Create a three dimensional model to investigate one theory about how Egypt's ancient pyramids were constructed, using protractors to measure angles.

Subject: Math, Social Studies
Grade Level: 3-5, High, Middle
Topic: Archaeology & Anthropology, Geometry, World History & Cultures, World History: Ancient Civilizations & Empires (4000 B.C.-1000 A.D.)
Resource Type: Lesson Plan

Egyptian Pyramid
The Egyptian Pyramid activity is part of the Grid Club (UK) website. The activity is bright, colourful and fun as well as informative. Go to the URL and then click on the mummy icon in the Track Back section to reach the Egyptian Pyramid. The Pyramid has three games to choose from: The Egyptian Gods Game, The Mummy Making Quiz (click on the mummy wandering across the screen) and Terrific Hieroglyphics. You can also click on some of the pictures and read information about Ancient Egypt that may provide clues to completing the games. Aimed at 7 to 11 year old students.
Key element: Understanding the past and creating preferred futures