Human speech is like a cracked kettle on which we tap crude rhythms for bears to dance to, while we long to make music that will melt the stars. ~
Gustave Flaubert
... but oh I am enjoying the challenge of trying!! are you?
Human speech is like a cracked kettle on which we tap crude rhythms for bears to dance to, while we long to make music that will melt the stars. ~
Gustave Flaubert
... but oh I am enjoying the challenge of trying!! are you?
THE latest issue of the Pivotal Public Speaking ezine went out today
It includes:
Article: Don’t let your public speaking nerves embarrass you.
Links to Speech writing article: Make Numbers Work for You
Fear of public speaking article - Help for Public Speaking anxiety
Book: Boring to Bravo: Proven Presentation Techniques to Engage, Involve & Inspire Your Audience to Action
Guest article: 5 Ways to Make Your PowerPoint Presentation Stand Out
As well as our usual quotations and fun item.
You can download your copy at
with Nancy Duarte
Why did Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” win an Academy Award? It was, in large part, how the information was illustrated that made it impactful. Nancy Duarte’s firm created those visuals. She’ll share how to adapt what worked for an Oscar-winning documentary to your presentations.
You have worked hard to prepare for your next presentation. You’re well-rehearsed and your concepts are brilliant. But maybe you should step back and take one last long look at your slides, because an audience can either listen to what you’re saying or read your slides — not both. Do you know if your visuals are overwhelming with too much information or do they help cement your concepts? Do you know the signal-to-noise ratio of your slides? Slides are supposed to clarify or amplify the message. Instead, they’re often a crutch for the presenter to remember what to say. Learn how to break that behavior and create slides that bring meaning instead of distraction.
In this webinar you will learn:
• How to create visuals that support your brilliance, not detract
• Why you have to understand the difference between a document and a slide
• How thinking like a designer will make your presentation memorable
• How to determine your signal-to-noise ratio and reduce the noise
• How to get your ideas to stand out!
Special note: To view this webinar, you’ll need to be in front of an Internet-connected computer.
More information =>
Note: Everyone who registers for the teleseminar will get the MP3 recording of the session for free. Those who register or order the recording will get a link to a recording of the webinar.
Boring to Bravo: Proven Presentation Techniques to Engage, Involve & Inspire Your Audience to Action
This book shows experienced presenters how to transform boring monologues into scintillating dialogues by employing simple yet powerful presentation techniques. It features 90-plus practical techniques for engaging and interacting with an audience. Drawing from her extensive experience as a nationally recognised speaker, the author gives readers tips that apply to any presenter. Readers will be amazed at their ability to attract, involve, and inspire by incorporating just a few of the author's suggestions. It offers a proven methodology for upgrading any presentation. By taking a collaborative approach to the communication process, the author shows the reader how to care, connect, and converse with the members of any audience. Incoming NSA president with strong promotional platform: as the incoming president of the National Speakers Association, the author will promote the book on a nation-wide tour. An experienced team facilitator and military veteran, the author has a large platform of clients, including the Coast Guard, NASA, and the IRS.
You can get the book here =>
You probably already love the TED talks and been inspired by them. I have been made to think outside the square, entertained, concerned and so much more.
And any presenter that can do that must be a source of learnings for other presenters.
Interesting then, to discover the "Ten Commandments" for TED presenters.
Yes please ... "End your talk on time" and "Rehearse your speech" ...
But the first and best ... "Dream Big"
You can read them here ...
The impact of your presentation is not an accidental by-product of that presentation. It is something you create deliberately. And this is a vital recognition – one of the basic secrets of success in public speaking.
Before you can work on creating that impact, you need to know what you want it to be. Define the Impact
What exactly is the impact going to be? In other words, you need to define:
How will your audience respond to your speech or presentation?
What will they take away with them and remember?
What will they remember of you?
Why will they think “Wow what a fabulous presentation!”?
Why is it that speakers spend days, months, and years crafting and polishing their platform presentations but balk at spending 30 minutes polishing their web, blog, and newsletter content? Yet time consistently spent on the latter can be crucial in getting to do more of the former.
Do not attend/listen to this seminar if you have all the web traffic, blog readers and ezine subscribers that you can handle buying more of your services and traffic than you have available. However, if you would like to increase your traffic and monetization, invest an hour and find out what you’re missing.
In other words, if your web presence more closely resembles a Field of Pipe Dreams (if you build it, they most likely won’t come and if they do show up, they won’t buy any popcorn) than a Field of Dreams (bleachers are packed and the concession stand is humming), you’ll benefit from this fast-paced, overly informative hour.
We’ll cover key topics:
So many articles, books, programs and CDs on presentation skills cover all aspects on the creation and delivery of your script. They may be discussing nervousness and how to conquer your fears, giving advice on dynamic public speaking, or talking about the value of your audience. Yet never have I seen anything regarding this, truly the most important secret if you want to capture your listeners' attention and keep them captivated throughout. It is something we just don't think about.
Yes, I want you to be emotional in speaking, making eye contact with your audience. You should be breathing throughout and pausing for effect. Believing in yourself is part of the quotient as well as knowing your material thoroughly. But all of this advice still doesn't cover the #1 secret that can make or break a career in public speaking.
Recently I had the opportunity to hear as well as speak to James Malinchak, considered to be the top Big Money Speaker trainer in the world. As his audience watched him on stage, the number one thought that came to my mind was his likeability. He enjoys sharing with his audience; he is funny; and, he laughs throughout his delivery. He is likeable.
How likeable are you when giving a speech or presentation? This may seem like an odd question, but it really isn't. Those who are truly great at public speaking have that quality about them. The audience enjoys listening to them and watching them. What is fascinating about this particular characteristic is that you do not have to be famous to be liked when presenting.
The ability to be liked, however, is not possible if you do not like yourself, enjoy presenting, and truly want to share your knowledge with your audience. Being able to laugh as you express your thoughts is more valuable than you may think.
When I gave my mother's eulogy some years ago, I didn't dwell on the negative but pushed for the positive and my audience enjoyed listening to me describe my mom. I smiled; I laughed; I shared; and, I cried.
If you are not happy with yourself, knowledgeable about your material, and confident in your ability to express yourself, why would you expect your audience to want to listen to you? Wanting to share your knowledge is only one factor in achieving success on the stage. You must enjoy it. It is then that your audience will be captivated and enjoy listening to you.
The Voice Lady Nancy Daniels offers private, corporate and group workshops in voice and presentation skills as well as Voicing It!, the only video training program on voice improvement. To see how voice training can improve your life, both professionally and personally, visit Voice Dynamic or watch a brief video as The Voice Lady describesDynamic Public Speaking.