Tag Archive for: quotations


Today's "thought" is a beautiful quote about books and reading from Vera Nazarian.

Pivotal Book CLub - whenever you read a good book


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“The first sign of greatness is when a man does not attempt to look and act great. Before you can call yourself a man at all, Kipling assures us, you must "not look too good nor talk too wise.” 
― Dale Carnegie, 
The Art of Public Speaking



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If you struggle to keep your presentations simple, my Message Clarity process may help.

It's guided brainstorming, with you, in person or via Skype, to pinpoint and define your message and to focus the content so that you create engagement, so that you achieve the outcomes you want from your presentation, and so that you and your message are ... unforgettable. Go here to let me know the details of your presentation and what you want to achieve, and I will let you know how we will go about achieving it. Click here to Get that clarity now!

Each difficult moment has the potential to open my eyes and open my heart

Each difficult moment has the potential to open my eyes and open my heart

We learn from our mistakes.

It's been a hard lesson to learn, but I'm learning.

Mistakes are not failures.

Difficulties are not the end.

A speech that challenges in some way is not a reason to give up speaking.

Every time there is a difficulty, it is not the end but a sign post.

It is an indicator that something needs to be altered to avoid that difficulty next time, and therefore become a better speaker.

Are you nervous, perhaps to the point of not speaking at all? Then look at those nerves and see how they may be changed.

Did you not get the results you hoped for?

Did you have a difficulty with the equipment?

Did you have difficulty with the audience response?

There are a myriad of issues we face when we speak, but each one is a sign post to improvement, a trigger to open our eyes to how we can be better and to open our hearts so that we understand and forgive ourselves and better serve our audiences.

[Note to self - and you if you happen to be in the vicinity] Next time you find me beating myself up over some error/mistake/failure, please will you just remind me of the wonderful improvements that lie ahead for me. Thank you!

[Quotation about public speaking] The success of your presentation depends on more than your knowledge


“No audience ever complained about a presentation or speech being too short”
― Stephen Keague, The Little Red Handbook of Public Speaking and Presenting


[Inspiration] Those who win …

[Quotation about public speaking] Public speaking will have its place

"As long as there are human rights to be defended; as long as there are great interests to be guarded; as long as the welfare of nations is a matter for discussion so long will public speaking have it place." ~ William Jennings Bryan

Public Speaking has its place

In my current obsession with storytelling, I have discovered a Hopi Proverb which says the "Those who tell the stories rule the world."

Leaders everywhere are those who give their followers something to believe in, a narrative that explains the present and paints a future.

And leaders are not just those in government or religion.

They lead in business, they lead in our institutions, they lead in our families.

We all have the capacity to be a leader at some time.

I am only thankful that the skills of public speaking are there to give us the power to lead and to create a world with values that we can uphold.

"People do not decide to become extraordinary. They decide to accomplish extraordinary things."
- Sir Edmund Hilary

People do not decide to become extraordinary

It's quite a powerful distinction, Sir Edmund has made here. I haven't read a lot about him, but I suspect he was a very humble man. Nevertheless it's a truth that takes some accepting, when so often we believe that we have to be up to a standard before we can accomplish something. It's certainly something I am learning - that I can Do, then Be, then Have rather than expecting it to work the other way that I need to Be first.