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Today's tip: the first of "10 Easy steps to blitz the paper problem"

Are you having difficulty finding documents when you need them? Are the stacks of paper getting out of hand? Do you find yourself apologising for your untidy desk?

Then it’s time to cut through the paper – blitz the problem. Too busy, you say, to even think about it? Let me reassure you that the time we save by not attending to it right now is being wasted in looking for that document, shifting stacks of paper to make room for more and in explaining or maybe justifying, why things got out of hand.

So let’s start with the first of ten easy steps

1. Visualise the rewards
• Time saved
• Feeling of wellbeing when we look at the tidy desk, shelves and cupboards
• No more lost documents
• The reassurance that accounts will be paid on time
• Always being in the right place for appointments and meetings

and you have your motivation!! Hold onto those images, they will support you as you go through the processes of decluttering.