UK Save Our Libraries Day, 5th February

Over 400 public libraries in the UK are under threat of closure. 5th February is Save Our Libraries Day,
a day of action to bring greater global attention to the threats facing UK public library services.
CILIP has put together some suggested tweets to get the message out on the 5th February.
Please show your support on Twitter, especially on 5th February:
Support UK libraries and librarians. #savelibraries #cilip
I love my library because [fill in] #savelibraries #cilip
I love my librarian because [fill in] #savelibraries #cilip
UK public libraries facing massive cuts. Save our libraries #savelibraries #cilip
If you wish to email the UK government, send comments to :
Find out more about Save Our Libraries Day, including links to interactive maps of cuts and closures, Facebook pages and a We Love Libraries video at