Do you wish you had the confidence to speak your mind?
Do you feel you have the respect of your family and co-workers?
Would you like to improve your relationships?
Think about how you interact with your family, friends and the people at work.
Are you assertive?
Express feelings without hostility
Resist peer pressure
Respect yourself
responsibility for your own needs
Stand up for your rights
Are you aggressive?
§ Demand rather than ask
§ Angry when someone disagrees with you
§ Need to win
§ Express own feelings at the expense of others’
§ Feel threatened
§ Feel frustration at not being able to express your needs
Are you Submissive?
Unable to express feelings or needs honestly
Lacking self-respect
Fear of making mistakes, displeasing others or being selfish
Remain silent when something is a problem
Feel guilty saying no
Difficulty asking for assistance
How did you rate?
If you are not happy with your rating, or feel the need to be different, take comfort in the fact that it is your behaviour that we are evaluating here, not you. And behaviour is something we can change. It is something we can observe, evaluate and adapt, step by step. The most effective communication will allow us to meet our needs without denying the feelings and needs of others.
In Part Two of this series on Assertiveness, we look at some of the reasons why people have an imbalance towards aggression or passivity, and the benefits of redressing that balance.
© 2005 Bronwyn Ritchie All rights reserved. If you would like to use this article, you have permission to use it only in full, and with the following Resource box attached.
Bronwyn Ritchie is a librarian, an award-winning public speaker and ITC-certified trainer - Bringing you resources and training in public speaking, management of self and of your community organisation, resources for teachers, and new and news from the internet. Visit |