Make effective listening a habit.
Start with these nine tips.
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Mapping your Speaking Presentation You
have a speaking presentation to make. You
have been given a topic or have chosen one and there are a multitude of ideas
buzzing around in your head. Or maybe there is a frightening LACK of ideas! Or
maybe you can think of no way to organise those thoughts into something
memorable. A mind map will help you. Presenting
a report involves all of the techniques involved in other forms of
communication. They all involve getting a message across – and that may
involve just your content, but it may also involve a message about yourself. Nine steps to Better Listening
We desperately need our listening skills - or we stand to
waste time, misunderstand directions at work and at home, and sabotage our
social lives.
Make effective listening a habit. Start with these nine tips.
Your mouth is dry, heart palpitating, and knees knocking. You go into panic,
facing a dreaded public speaking assignment.
Assertiveness - how do you rate?
Do you wish you had the confidence to speak your mind? Do you feel you have the respect of your family and co-workers? Would you like to improve your relationships? Think about how you interact with your family, friends and the people at work.
Plan to create the WOW factor with your presentation "Wow, what a fabulous presentation!” they said as they stood up after your speech. “Wow,” they said as they mingled after the event. You, yes, you … WILL produce an impact. What will it be? Can you make it a “wow”? Of course you can. And the first step is to understand that it is not a mystery. It is something that you create. “Wow” is not an accidental by-product of a presentation. You create it deliberately.
Creating the WOW factor in your Speech or Presentation – Consider your Audience Why are you giving this speech? What do you hope to achieve with your presentation? What sort of impact do you want to create? What will that “WOW” be? In creating that “WOW”, that impact, one of the most important steps will be to research and consider the audience, because unless they understand what you are saying and respond to it, there can be no impact, no WOW.
To Overcome Fear of Public Speaking, You need to Understand the Underlying Causes. Once you can identify the causes that are underlying your public speaking nerves and fear, you can choose the strategies you need to build your confidence, use the fear and present successfully. Most people suffer from some fear of public speaking. The survey that identified it as America’s number one fear was accurate then and remains so today. But the causes of that fear can differ from person to person. One of the most important steps towards overcoming the fear of public speaking is to identify the things in your life that have created the fear and then choose the strategies that relate to those causes and that will conquer the fear and allow you to harness it to enhance your presentations and speeches, not destroy them. So let’s list some of the factors that underlie the fear of public speaking and see which ones apply to you.